Saturday, November 9, 2013

Reflecting on Adventist Heritage & present condition, part 2

Last week I shared with you a reprint from 1877 Review and Herald, Signs of Spiritual Decline penned by Ellen G. White, and invited you to examine yourselves.  They were listed as negatives, and some felt judgmentalism.  During this week of prayer we were challenged about what the Revival would look like if we were to really follow Jesus.  So, let me paraphrase these into positives, and encourage you with
SIGNS of Spiritual Revival
1.      You enjoy religious conversation and seek  the company of heavenly-minded Christians.
2.      You never absent yourself from religious services without necessity.  You prefer to be at church event than elsewhere.
3.      You are more concerned about honoring Christ in performing duty, than your comfort or opinions of others.
4.      For the sake of honoring Christ and His teachings you are not afraid of being counted over-strict.
5.      You do not take sin lightly and do not trifle with temptation.
6.      When you discover faults of others, you grieve and pray for them, and not just talk disapprovingly.
7.      You are patient and forgiving toward the faults of others.
8.      You confess and forsake sin; acknowledge and accept duty.
9.      Your cheerfulness has the holy joy of the children of God.
10.  You do not shrink from self-examination.
11.  You do not bring the sorrows and cares of the world into the Sabbath, but rather you bring  the savor and sanctity of the Sabbath into your daily life during the week.
12.  Your duty as a Christian is your top priority and does not yield to worldly interest or opinions of your neighbors.
13.  You invite for Christ and solicit to do good all people you associate with, and avoid those who injure spiritual life.

Reflect on these values in your personal life.  What signs are you showing? Consider the integrity to which we are called as the new creation in Christ!  May this week of prayer set you higher on your spiritual journey.  May the Holy Spirit continue developing the character of Christ in you.

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