Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pray for Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador & Equatorial Guinea

This coming week as we enter the New 2012 Year we pray again for a different country each day, starting with the Denmark, a kingdom in Northern Europe. Known as Vikings, they accepted Luther’s Reformation, which became a State Church. Today a revival is needed from nominalism. Pray for spiritual openness and for all the new churches planted.
Djibouti is near the horn of Africa - hot, dry desert enclave between Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia, with hottest average temperatures of any country on earth. There is no Adventist presence there. Western military bases afford peace and safety in the country, but also hinder mission work, as Christianity is perceived as pro-Western faith. Pray that freedom from Islamist dominance will remain and faith in Christ would take roots.
Dominica is a Caribbean hurricane-prone mountainous island between the French islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. Former French influence established Catholicism, in recent years has evangelical faith growing. Adventists number nearly 10%.
Dominican Republic is located on the eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola, shared with Haiti. Home for Arawak Taino people, it became forcefully Catholic. The influence of the Catholic Church was such that, in the past, becoming a Protestant meant disapproval and ostracism. Yet most nominal Christians practice a dangerous blend of Christianity and Afro-spiritism, influenced by Cuban santeria and Haitian voodoo. Adventist Church has won 2% of population and continues growing.
Wednesday our prayers will be for Ecuador, a country in South America. Recent turmoil of political and economic changes continues social injustice while deep-seated corruption favours an entrenched elite. Pray for Adventist Church to offer need-oriented evangelism and nurture to people.
El Salvador has one of the highest percentage of Adventists in Central America. In Spanish country’s name means “The Saviour” it still has large native population holding to ethnic traditions. The impact of the civil war, over 350,000 children abandoned, left deep scars and needs healing and forgiveness among people. Displaced youth refugees find “home” in gangs. Here in London census lists over 70 Adventists from Salvador, and only a third do attend. Pray for reconciliation among Salvadorean people.
Friday we will lift another African country in prayer – Equatorial Guinea, former Spanish colony in West Africa with majority of Catholics, slowly opening for Protestant missions. Ravished economy occupies people with survival and spiritual quest is abandoned. Prayer for recovery.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Pray for Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Cook Islands

This coming week we pray for a different country each day, starting with the Czech republic in the central Europe. Once a stronghold for Moravians, homeland John Huss, this land was battered by Communist regime and atheistic teachings for decades. The freedom here got translated into a “free-for-all” mind set. The moral vacuum that has emerged got filled with hedonistic materialism. It is known as crime-central in Europe. Sexual immorality, substance abuse, depression and suicide are more prevalent than in neighbouring countries. Atheism rose even more after Communism fell: from 40% in 1991 to 60% in 2001. Pray for genuine revival especially among the young generation. Adventist church is small in the country, yet is very creative in its outreach.
Sunday we will pray for Costa Rica. Home for the Central American Adventist University it is one of the fastest growing Adventist churches in the Latin world. Membership tripled in the last 15 years. Special need for prayers is for discipling converts, for nurturing members of churches.
Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in West Africa is predominantly Muslim in the North and multi-faith in the south. Adventist church is small and has hard time ministering to the needs of people in times of political and economic instability. Pray for liberation of people from superstitions and traditional fetishism.
Croatia had recently suffered civil war, in a wake of Yugoslavia’s split. Animosity and hatred among orthodox Serbs, Muslim Bosnians and Catholic Croats is strong. Adventist church is one of the smallest in Western Europe. Pray that all Croatians would grow beyond formality of religion into living relationship with Christ.
Wednesday we will pray for Cuba. Still under Communist regime it suffers endemic poverty resulting in thriving black market of crime, drugs and prostitution, including sex tourism. Only Haiti is poorer than Cuba in the Caribbean basin. Black and mulatto Cubans suffer greater deprivation with fewer opportunities than whites. Adventist Church, though persecuted, grows large and strong. Pray for spiritual leadership.
Cyprus is a divided island between Greece and Turkey. The civil conflict lasts many decades and the Orthodox Christianity had blurred boundary between politics and faith, making it an ethnic belonging issue. While a centre for mission organizations serving in the Middle East, not much work is done among indigenous Cypriots. One Adventist church exists with about 70 members.
Next Friday we will pray for Cook Islands – place for the only Adventist island (Pitcairn) the region also presents challenges of nominal adherence. Pray for sincerity of believers and revival of passionate spirituality.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pray for Colombia, Comoros, Republic of Congo, Democratic Congo

After praying two weeks for China we are moving on to pray for more countries. Today and tomorrow we lift Columbia in prayer. The fourth largest country on South American continent it also has been the most violent place. 75% of world production of cocaine comes from its cartels. Military and political conflicts on both sides, leftist socialist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries both abandoned ideological agendas and have effectively become gangs profiting from cocaine and kidnapping. Medellin, an urban centre, nations crime capital is hard to the gospel mission. Pray for church to be strengthened in the cities. Native Amerindian people often turned into refugees because of violence. More than 50% of them have not heard the Gospel. Similar situation is with people of African descend – holding to their native religion in the environment of fear. Adventist church is about 300 thousand strong. Pray for our fellow believers to make a difference for Christ.
On Monday we invite you to pray for Comoros Islands, where almost entire population is Muslim. NO Adventist presence is known there. 780 mosques are present, but no official churches. Pray for the quiet witness of Christian missionaries.
For the rest of the week we will pray for Congo. First for the Republic. For three decades after it’s independence in 1960 people were subjected to Marxist-Leninist ideology and atheism. Church is very small, restoration and growth of the Christian witness is needed.
Then for three days, Wednesday-Friday we invite you to pray for the most violent place on African continent, a place where no woman is safe – formerly known as Zaire, Democratic Republic of Congo. This country, second largest in Africa, has been the site of the African World War since 1998, with 9 other nations involved and over 20 armed groups. More than 7 million were killed over past decade. Prevalence of rape and sexual violence is the worst in the world. Kivu region, the site of coltan mining (mineral for cell phones) is a non-stop conflict between groups eager to get rich quick. Even though Congo’s share on international market is about 13%, and other countries in the world produce most of it (Australia 50%, Brazil 26%, Canada 6%), because of instability it is a cheap unregulated source and warlords use it for their advantages.
Adventist church is large. In the country of 70 million there is half a million of Adventist believers. Pray for reconciliation, peace, end of war, binding of demonic powers, and growth of the Gospel among people. Pygmy people, despised and humiliated by Congolese tribes rarely get even a chance to become refugees, yet there are the most evangelized group in the country. Pray for their spiritual strength in adversity.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Continuing to pray for China

We are continuing praying for China since beginning of this month. December newsletter gives you details of each day prayer requests. Here I would outline a few for this week.
Traditional Chinese religions are atheistic in principle – Confucianism is all about rules of law and regulations that lead person to righteousness, bottom line its legalism; Buddhism and Daoism is also about human efforts. The new religion, Falun Gong, attracted over 70 million followers in over a decade to another form of self-improvement. The people of China need to know that real God, the Creator is personal and is involved in our lives, that salvation is free to take by faith. Pray for the Gospel to be made available to all Chinese.
Official Christian protestant church in China is registered as “Three Self Patriotic Movement.” Three self is not a Chinese for Trinity. It’s a missionary motto of self-governance, self-support and self-propagation. It survived the Communist regime as it emphasised indigenous efforts, and not outside influence. Registered churches had collaborated with the government in the past and are perceived as corrupted. No denominations are recognized in China, and all protestant branches are incorporated under the same “umbrella.” There is a need to reconcile independent house churches and organized churches for united Christian witness.
The new generation of youth is seduced by western values through internet and other by-products of globalization, yet without moral roots they are turning to existentionalism and survival by all means. Pray for opportunities to instil morality and ethics or righteousness through the exposure at Universities, home and abroad.
Remote provinces of China remain closed to Christian witness. Tibetan mystic Bon-Buddhism is still persecuted by the local government, and in such environment Christian witness is nearly impossible. Regions near Mongolia and Manchuria had been influenced by Islam for centuries and its desert environment keeps communities closer together, more committed to their traditions, making Christian penetration very difficult.
In Xinjiang Region ethnic conflicts between Uygur separatists and Han Chinese make Christian witness unacceptable by indigenous people groups. More than 60% of people living in the area are Turkic, related to the tribes of Central Asia. Pray for unique new ways of introducing the Gospel there.
In a special way pray for Chinese Diaspora, communities around the world, that as they discover Christ in Europe, Australia, USA, Canada they would make efforts to witness to their relatives in the mainland China.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Praying for China

For the next two weeks we invite you to pray for China! December newsletter gives you details of each day prayer requests. Here I would outline a few for this week.
Majority of people living in China are of Han ethnicity, with over 600 dialects they keep the same written language. Their heritage is Confucian and is based on legalistic cause and effect interactions. Even though considered a religion Confucianism, as well as Buddhism, Jainism, Daoism are branches of atheism. God Person is not considered. It is all about cosmic power, universal balance, karma, superhuman, achievements by effort. Over the decades of Marxist ideology the atheism became even more rooted. Pray that people would encounter God in their lives, that they would understand their need for the personal Savior who cares and knows each one of us.
Over 60 million Chinese belong to the Communist party, nearly 3 million are in the military service, following rules and human made policies, often inhumane and inconsiderate of goodness, faith, truth, kindness. The whole system is based on “survival of the fittest” mindset. Party members are covering self-seeking opportunism with facade of ideology. Pray for a breakthrough of gospel light in that dark world of political prisons, and enslavement of people’s minds. Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict people of sin in their lives.
Overpopulated as China is perceived, it experiences horrible policies of controlling births – one child per family policy is affecting adversely society structures. Abortions and gender control resulted in some areas having 40% more men than women, ending in rape, abductions, sex slavery, prostitution, incest, rapid AIDS spread. There are over 100 million of single marriageable man. Pray for stabilization of population.
Economic liberty made a few very wealthy, improved living standards for many, but it also enslaved and impoverished many more. The gap between rich and poor increased. Poorer inland provinces are losing population moving to already saturated coastal provinces seeking opportunities to better themselves.
Deforestation, massive flooding, Three Gorges Dam, polluted rivers with human and industrial waste – the country cannot cope with the destruction of its land and resources.
As Christian agencies do their best to bring the Gospel into mainland China there are numerous obstacles. Recently a story surfaced where false literature was printed with major changes in the text, and sold under guise of real books, with same ISBN number, deceiving people in process. Import of Christian literature is still prohibited. Pray for radio broadcasters, for internet and satellite ministries reaching China.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

praying for: Central Africa, Chad, Chile, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, & China

This week we continue praying for the world, and in a special way begin to two week long prayer cycle for China – the largest population in the world. Starting Tuesday as we pray for Hong Kong, then Macau & Taiwan – these are Chinese territories which share similar history. Our video-cast prayer today is taken from China in preparation for the 18 days of prayer.
But first - today’s prayer is for Central African Republic. Much needed is peace and stability especially in the north east region. Constant uprisings and banditry halt government’s already insufficient efforts to restore the infrastructure. Anarchy continues to reign in the north of the country, and hundreds of thousands have fled their homes in the past few years. Pray that banditry and chaos might not prevail and that a strong and just central government can establish peace throughout the country. Adventist church is present less than in Canada (by percentage), however there is strong potential for growth and outreach.
On Sunday we turn our prayers to it’s north neighbour – Chad, the source of banditry and rebel groups. A country with 53% population Muslim, has one of the lowest Adventist presence in Africa –1 per 3,000. Chad is one of very few Muslim-majority countries where Christian workers are still welcome and find openness and access, where the government is truly secular in its operations. Pray that the doors of opportunity to witness would remain open.
Monday we cross the ocean in Prayer for Chile. I had a privilege to spend a couple of weeks there in 2008 on Maranatha mission trip. Its population is slightly larger than Ontario, and Adventist Church is over 120,000! They embrace the ministry of all believers with lay members actively involved in evangelism and church planting. However, the country still has not fully recovered from consequences of the military dictatorship ousted in 1988. Remote villages need much infrastructure development. Majority are Catholic and open to superstitious beliefs. Pray for church to take leadership in developing the new generation.
Hong Kong, a city state with over 7 million population is the gateway into China. Christian publications and missionaries go through Hong Kong into mainland China. Adventist church is only 4600 strong. Continue praying for Christian witness to remain a positive influence for the rest of China.
Macau, west of Hong Kong, also city-state, but much smaller, only half a million people, experiences different dynamics. It is less Christian. Adventist church has about 200 people. It was the first Christian territory in Asia to become non-Christian. Occupied by Portuguese, by 1600s 95% of Macau’s population were Catholic. Today less than 3% claim Christianity. Pray for restoration of the Gospel.
On Thursday we pray for Taiwan, a mountainous island 160 km east of mainland China, the most densely populated territory on earth. 81% of people live in cities. It has a controversial and ambiguous political status – de facto independent, yet de jure a renegade province of China. Claiming independence would almost certainly bring a hostile, even military response from China. Adventist presence is the same proportionately as in the rest of China. More would be written over the next two weeks on church needs in China.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

praying for: Cambodia, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands

This week we will pray two days for our country – Canada. On Tuesday & Wednesday we will lift the needs of rapidly declining protestant Christianity and secularization of society, pray for people who experience indifference to faith matters. In a special way we ought to pray for evangelization of First Nations and mission to new immigrants, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and many other people groups moving to Canada and living in close ethnic setting that opportunities would open up to witness about Christ. Pray that through conversion of people from all around the world converging into Canada they would in turn communicate the Gospel to their home countries.
Today our prayers are for Kingdom of Cambodia. Nearly 2 million were killed in 1975-79 genocide. Many left the country as refugees. Three decades later people are still waiting for the trial over those who perpetrated atrocities. The corruption of government prevents justice. Only this month, November 21st the International Tribunal will begin the trial over living top leaders of Pol Pot’s government. Many cope with the trauma through detachment and suppression of trauma, some by inflicting pain on others. Pray that counselling and the Holy Spirit might bring true restoration. Pray that Cambodians who were introduced to Christ in their new countries would minister to their homeland the Gospel.
Tomorrow we will pray for Burundi, another war thorn country, where Hutu/Tutsi conflict in the 1990s caused mass exodus of refugees into neighbouring countries, and many migrants elsewhere. One of 10 least developed countries in the world Burundi is looking for prospective peaceful future. The surplus of firearms from decades of conflict and widespread poverty causes violent crime, especially armed robbery. Churches run disarmament and gun amnesty programmes. Pray for moral integrity of Christian leaders. Large Adventist presence, nearly 2% of population is making a difference for peace.
On Monday we lift in prayers Cameroon, a “hinge” country between Central and Western Africa, with wide diversity of cultures and languages. Pray for peacemakers, for unity, for examples of righteousness through Christian church.
Thursday we will pray for Cape Verde islands, former Portuguese colony, these 15 islands 600 kms west of Africa. Most Caboverdians are Catholic in name, but in practice are more influenced by superstitions and African fetishism. Adventist church is making a difference with membership reaching already 1.5% of population. Pray for relief of poverty, and spiritual resources.
Friday we will pray for Cayman Islands, typical of many Caribbean territories, Adventist church is large and growing. 1 out of 14 are adherents to Adventism. There is 1 chruch per every 500 people on three islands. The nation’s flag bears part of Psalm 24, “He hath founded it upon the seas”. Evangelical Christianity should make an impact amid the materialism and hedonism, as the Islands’ reputation as an offshore banking and tax haven, with 600 banks there make it vulnerable to money laundering operations, and attract criminal elements.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

praying for: Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso

We continue 8 days prayer for Brazil since last Tuesday - the largest Latin country, 5th by size and population in the world, it has the largest Adventist church of 1.3 million believers. Notorious for largest and most disadvantaged slums, favelas, the country needs social justice. The native Amerinian population today is less than 0.3%, 48% are white, 44% are brown, 7% black and about 0.7% Asian. Its Black/Moreno population is the poorest in ratio. Racial difference is a big problem. We already prayed for enlightenment through the Gospel into villages under African spiritism of Macumba and Umbanda. This week we will pray for Asian immigrants, especially Chinese and Japanese Buddhists of Sao Paolo. A special emphasis in prayer is requested for indigenous people and ecology of Amazon basin. There are still tribes that live in a primitive way, and the destructive industrial invasion is not benefiting the local people. Pray for church missionaries in that field. And pray for the urban population as our church redirects evangelism to reach people in big cities.
On Wednesday we lift in prayer Brunei, a relatively small country on the island of Borneo where population is about that of our London. There is no Adventist presence in this country, even though there are many Adventists in Malaysia and Indonesia which share the territory of this island. Extreme Islamization presents a problem for the freedom of Christian faith. It is one of 51 countries where Christianity is illegal.
On Thursday we will pray for Bulgaria. A family in our congregation -Polihronovs - are natives of that country. This week they had received their Canadian citizenship. As you congratulate them also remember their country of origin in your prayers. Large emigration from that country into Western Europe and Americas reduced the number of Adventists remaining in that country. The church is yet to emerge for impacting community, for transforming the faith and people in that part of the world. As the country is recovering from totalitarian communistic era, corruption, nepotism in politics, pray for the church to conduct its work free from political contamination, pray for revival and spiritual passion among believers.
On Friday we will move our prayers to Burkina Faso (formerly known as Upper Volta), it was renamed in 1984 with a native meaning “the land of upright people,” seeking to restore the integrity of fatherland. It is a relatively small West African country, landlocked north of Ghana. Pray for peace between two major tribes –Mossi whose empire lasted over 800 years, and Mande. The country is half Muslim half Christian, yet animism is practiced in tandem.
All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

praying for: Botswana, British Indian Ocean and Virgin islands, Brazil

We continue praying for countries of the world. Today we lift before God African country Botswana, where Adventist Message had reached 1 out of 66 people. A relatively high presence, yet the country is sinking in immorality, drunkenness and despair. Tswana tribes and Zulu people had been evangelized, but many other tribes still adhere to animistic worldviews. We praise God for the stability that enables the government to build up the nation’s infrastructure and give thanks also for religious freedom and openness. Revival is needed among Christian churches.

Sunday we lift in prayer islands in Indian Ocean under British control. The main island, Diego Garcia, was discovered by the Portuguese in 16th century and carries an interesting historic heritage. Since 1960s natives were moved to Mauritius to free the space for military based operated by USA & UK. Currently there no Adventist presence among service workers and personnel of the base. Since 2000 people are returning and reclaiming islands.

Monday we focus on British Virgin Islands in Caribbean, known as the most beautiful “paradise” attracting wealthy tourists. The church is present, where 1 out 15 is an Adventist. Pray that lifestyles of believers will be a transforming example.

On Tuesday we will begin 8 days prayer for Brazil. The largest Latin country with almost 200 million population it has the largest Adventist church of 1.3 million believers. Rapidly rising as the new economic and political superpower, part of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China,) it also presents large challenges.

Notorious for largest and most disadvantaged slums, favelas, the country needs social justice. Even though a melting pot of ethnic groups, its Black/Moreno population is the poorest in ratio. Racial difference are big problem. Kardecism, Macumba and Umbanda, African rooted spiritism is practiced by even those who claim to be Christians. Predominantly Catholic this country has seen rapid rise of Evangelical churches and it is changing the country for better. Yet, spiritualism and charismatic deceptions are also present. Over 50% of population are under 18 years of age. Pray that sufficient care would be invested to children and youth.

A special emphasis in prayer is requested for indigenous people and ecology of Amazon basin. There are still tribes that live in a primitive way, and the destructive industrial invasion is not benefiting the local people. Pray for church missionaries in that field.

All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

praying for: Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia

This coming week we will pray every day for a different country, again with overwhelming differences in exposure to the Gospel and Adventist message.

Today – Belgium – a country with small Adventist presence. Mostly urban population. Brussels is the capital of European Union and NATO. The country is in the top 20 developed countries in the world. Yet even here there are ethnic clashes. Walloon-Flemish rivalry and resentments affect the use of language, the economy, politics, religious life and worldviews of both communities. Significant influx of Muslim immigration presents new challenges where 25% of this “Christian Heritage” country is unreached by the Gospel.

Sunday we lift in prayer Belize. A small population, size of London city proper, has over 35,000 Adventists. That’s one in every 9, higher than Jamaica! Yet here too are challenges: the Spanish-speaking immigrants with their superstitions, the Mayans with their underlying paganism and the Garifuna with their black magic all need a culturally relevant and sensitive presentation of the true gospel.

Monday – Benin, a small African country, in the 20 least developed economies. Adventist presence is relatively small. Largest percentage of people following traditional tribal animism. Muslim tribes are also unreached.

Tuesday – the richest Caribbean country – Bermuda. Immigration from poorer Caribbean countries creates disparity. Pray for practical righteousness of believers, where about 6% of population are Adventists.

Wednesday – Bhutan. Known as the land of the Dragon (Druk Yul) it is one of world’s least evangelized nations where a Buddhist monarchy further reinforces the hold of tantric magic, complete with the strong occultic influence of pre-Buddhist Bon animism. Christian believers suffer persecution or social ostracism.

Thursday – Bolivia, where almost 1% of people are Adventists. Their claim to access the ocean through Chile, and the tension between white elite and natives in regions rich with gas create volatile politics. Pray for peace within and around Bolivia.

Friday – Bosnia. A Muslim European country where civil war in the 90s made deep wounds is in the process of recovery. Adventist presence is very small, in percentage similar to Belgium. It is also concentrated among the Serbian minority. Pray for ethnic reconciliation and relational bridges to be open for the Gospel.

All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

praying for: Bangladesh, Bahrain, Barbados & Belarus

We are continuing to pray today for Bangladesh. (for calendar check the Newsletter*). For a whole week, since past Wednesday we are lifting in prayers this densely populated country where 88% of people groups are unreached by the Gospel. Less than 1% of population are Christian. Majority of people are adherents to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism or animistic tribal worldviews. The economy is underdeveloped, perpetuating poverty cycle through generations. Located in the floodplains of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, with high rainfall it experiences frequent flooding, making the country very vulnerable to climate changes. Adventist presence is less than 1 per 5,000 of population. Our work is emphasizing education and health ministry to people. Pray for the safety of leadership and missionary volunteers in that country.

On Wednesday we will pray for Bahrain, a small island country with 90% urban population of the east coast of Saudi Arabia, where there is virtually no Adventist presence. 22 temporary workers are known to worship in a small church. The country was in the spotlight this year because of pro-democracy unrest, as majority Shii Muslims objected to Sunni monarchy. Right now the outcry Linkgoes for the doctors and nurses jailed for treating wounded protesters.

Thursday our prayers go for the island nation of Barbados. Half-size the city of London by population it has about 15,000 adventists. 6% of Barbadians adhere to the Seventh-day Adventist teaching. Since settlement in 1627, Barbados has been Christian. Yet today real commitment to the lordship of Jesus is the exception rather than the rule. Materialism, decreasing church attendance, increased violence and crime are all symptoms of spiritual decline. Pray for the Spirit’s renewal and for the Church in Barbados to reawaken.

On Friday we invite you to pray for Belarus, a former Soviet Republic. It remains a virtual throwback to the Communist era in its politics and operations. The church and ordinary citizens live in fear of persecution, no freedom of speech. The prospects of a grassroots democratic revolution seem very slim. Pray for hope, justice and a brighter future for the people of Belarus. There are about 5,000 Adventists in the country of about 10 million people. Pray for empowerment of believers there.

All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

praying for: Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas & Bangladesh

Last Monday Barry Black gave powerful devotional on the Reviving Power of the Word of God. You could watch the sermon online

Biblical illiteracy is worrying as young people do not know Bible stories. His sermon was pointy, sharp, cutting. A few comments he made that stood out in my memory “Primary reason for moral lapse is the neglect of devotional life.” & “Let me see the Bible of a person and I can tell you their spiritual maturity level.” What does your study Bible says about your Bible reading habits? I hope you are reading the Bible daily. For without the Word of God reviving each individual there will be no revival of the church. My appeal to you to READ the ENTIRE BIBLE is an urgent cry for the necessity of spiritual revival among us.

We are also praying, building an awareness for the world in need. Since beginning of October we prayed for 11 countries (for calendar check the Newsletter*).

Today, on Sabbath we pray for Australia, where Adventist population is same as in Argentina (for which we prayed last week) and the USA, the birthplace of Adventism. Australia had produced many leaders for our world-wide church and is leading today in use of technology for Adventist communication. Yet, the secular influence is also growing. The young generation is disconnecting from the heritage of faith. Australia is also similar to Canada by its immigration trends. Growing immigration brings unreached groups of people from Asia. Both Buddhist and Muslim population is growing rapidly. Pray for Christian to share the Gospel with new arrivals.

Sunday we will pray for Austria (these are different countries!!! Even though some folks confuse these names!). Austria is a European country under Catholic influence. The state church still charges “the church tax (1% taxable income)” from people’s salaries. This and prominent sex scandals among the clergy both contribute to breaks from the church. Immigrants from the Middle-East constitute 15% of population currently unreached by the gospel.

Azerbaijan is a former Soviet Republic with rich ancient history and heritage. Currently the country is mostly Muslim and people groups are unreached by the Gospel. Adventist presence is very small, less than 1 in 12,000. The church had suffered persecution even recently. Pray for liberty for the Gospel sake.

One of the countries to pray for this week is Christian and well saturated by Adventist presence. Bahamas has 5% of population attending churches on Sabbath. However in the economy stimulated mostly by tourism, materialism deeply affects all levels of society. The staggering wealth of foreign residents and tax shelters display a different world from the average Bahamian, not to mention the even poorer Haitian immigrants. Pray for social righteousness.

On Wednesday we will begin to pray for Bangladesh for 7 days. The country is half size of Michigan state with population of 165 million! A home to Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu tribes 88% of people groups are unreached by the Gospel! Christians constitute less than 1% of population. Adventist church is growing rapidly, and now 1 out of 5,000 is worshipping on Sabbath. Yet it is a challenging field for mission outreach. Pray for mission pioneers.

All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!