Saturday, October 22, 2011

praying for: Bangladesh, Bahrain, Barbados & Belarus

We are continuing to pray today for Bangladesh. (for calendar check the Newsletter*). For a whole week, since past Wednesday we are lifting in prayers this densely populated country where 88% of people groups are unreached by the Gospel. Less than 1% of population are Christian. Majority of people are adherents to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism or animistic tribal worldviews. The economy is underdeveloped, perpetuating poverty cycle through generations. Located in the floodplains of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, with high rainfall it experiences frequent flooding, making the country very vulnerable to climate changes. Adventist presence is less than 1 per 5,000 of population. Our work is emphasizing education and health ministry to people. Pray for the safety of leadership and missionary volunteers in that country.

On Wednesday we will pray for Bahrain, a small island country with 90% urban population of the east coast of Saudi Arabia, where there is virtually no Adventist presence. 22 temporary workers are known to worship in a small church. The country was in the spotlight this year because of pro-democracy unrest, as majority Shii Muslims objected to Sunni monarchy. Right now the outcry Linkgoes for the doctors and nurses jailed for treating wounded protesters.

Thursday our prayers go for the island nation of Barbados. Half-size the city of London by population it has about 15,000 adventists. 6% of Barbadians adhere to the Seventh-day Adventist teaching. Since settlement in 1627, Barbados has been Christian. Yet today real commitment to the lordship of Jesus is the exception rather than the rule. Materialism, decreasing church attendance, increased violence and crime are all symptoms of spiritual decline. Pray for the Spirit’s renewal and for the Church in Barbados to reawaken.

On Friday we invite you to pray for Belarus, a former Soviet Republic. It remains a virtual throwback to the Communist era in its politics and operations. The church and ordinary citizens live in fear of persecution, no freedom of speech. The prospects of a grassroots democratic revolution seem very slim. Pray for hope, justice and a brighter future for the people of Belarus. There are about 5,000 Adventists in the country of about 10 million people. Pray for empowerment of believers there.

All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

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