Saturday, September 27, 2014

Being on the same “wavelength”

This week during the teen’s Bible study group a deep question was raised: “Why does God speaks in symbols?”  Have you thought about it?  Why all the mystery, riddles?  Why can’t the Bible just be like Webster’s dictionary of definitions?
My initial response was to skirt the discussion and just say that people chose the meaning they like, even when spoken plainly to.  Some people read “between the lines” what is not there, and invent a meaning to a simple straightforward message that was never meant to be there J, so the problem is not with symbols, but people being too obtuse to get it.
Yet, there was a deeper insight offered by the Spirit of Prophecy.  We were reading the chapter 12 from the Desire of Ages, about the Temptation, and it submits a much bigger perspective – the Great Controversy perspective.  When one considers world at war, one must take into account the enemy.  When it comes to communication it is always guarded from the enemy, so it cannot be intercepted or used by the enemy.  Military uses all kinds of encryption and code language so only initiated, only those entrusted with secrets would know the meaning.  All is done to protect the plans and strategy. 
When Jesus was on among men he communicated in parables and when His disciples wondered why, he told them that it was to keep secrets from being discerned by outsiders (Matthew 13:10-13).  God communicated the plan of salvation to humanity, His strategy, step by step through the sacrificial system, the pattern of the sanctuary, the Temple Calendar, and through prophecies.  The same Spirit of God that communicated messages through symbols also assisted people to understand their meaning.  Those in relationship with God got the “code”!  Those whose hearts were tuned to God’s heart were able to understand God!  Yet, there is also the enemy, satan, who studies God’s messages, with one disadvantage – “his selfish soul could not understand” God’s love! (DA,115)  That’s deep!  God reveals and gives both clues and the Holy Spirit to guide for understanding.  Yet, if a person’s nature is conformed to selfish attitude (read it ‘satanic’) of this world – they just can’t get it!
In light of Biblical promises (Amos 3:7; Deuteronomy 29:29) God is interested for people to know what he is up to, for people to understand.  For our own good God has protected His communication to paly satan and give us a fighting chance, an advantage.  It all comes down to our attitude – how is our spirit tuned in?  Are we on the worldly, selfish, “get-get” wavelength?  Or are we on selfless, serving, “give-give” tune of the Spirit?
Our understanding of what is happening around us, what is written in the Bible, what God is telling us through people depends on our spiritual tuning.  What is your first passion, self or God and others? 

When we as a church are seeking God’s Will, examining our reality, making plans for strategic moves into the future, we need to be on the same “wavelength” – tuned by the Holy Spirit, to be on the right path (Psalm 139: 23-24)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Best Gamble – Go Forward! ...on planting a new church...

One of the sermons I preached some 9 years ago was based on story in 2nd Kings chapter 7, about four lepers who reasoned that if they sit and do nothing – they shall die, if they go back – same thing, death.  The only chance was in the unknown, in going forward. 
I find as I grow older it is more challenging to move, to go from comfort zone.  People who move do so in search for something better.  The dissatisfaction with the present moves people forward in search for improvements.  Looking for a better job, for a better house, for a better climate – these are reasons to move.  For all who enjoys their comfort zone I invite you to consider another set of metaphors – water pond that has no moving water turns into a bog, into a swamp overtime; things unused get coated in spider webs; the road untraveled will overgrow with grass.  As long as we are on this side of Christ return, we are on the journey and moving is a necessity, being a pilgrim is our mission, going, moving forward, expanding God’s Kingdom.
For the past decade we talked about the need to have more churches in London that two.  Five years ago we were prompted by a necessity to go forward and plant a Spanish Congregation. They were meeting in this same Sanctuary in the afternoons, complicating our local ministries,  so sending the group off to a new location downtown was a step forward for both, the new company and the local ministries.  Now we are at a brink of going forward again.  The two services during the first 4 months only added complication to our programming and proved that our facilities were insufficient for increased traffic.  We had benefited numerically in financial giving during those four months, and had seen an increased attendance.  Returning to one service the numbers had gone down.  The sending off of a cohort to start a new place of worship in West London will bring the increase for both congregations.
Some are pointing out to urgent needs in the local church – new HVAC system is needed after the flooding, the fellowship hall needs renovations.  We have not resolved all internal problems.  Preparing for the send off in October I am asking you all to pray and consecrate yourselves and families of those who will go forward.  Church planting is a spiritual warfare, the enemy is not happy when a new territory is gained by Adventist message.  Over the past couple of months number of concerns in and about existing church has increased, and the temptation is to put things on hold and focus inward. 

This week in my personal devotionals I read through the book Evangelism (p.371) and this one paragraph stood out:  “Do not waste time with chronic church grumblers.--The ministers of Christ should take their position, and not be hindered in their work by these agents of Satan. There will be enough of these to question, and quibble, and criticize, to keep the ministers of God constantly busy, if they will allow themselves to be detained from the great work of giving the last saving message of warning to the world. If the church has no strength to stand against the unsanctified, rebellious feelings of church grumblers, it is better to let church and grumblers go overboard together than lose the opportunity of saving hundreds who would make better churches, and have the elements existing within themselves of strength and union and power.”  Strong words!  The main point for me – focus outward, go forward!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Checking if we are Church with a Mission

Last week’s Sabbath School lesson got me thinking more about our Mission.  Some churches spend time inventing a mission, when we all should just accept the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) as the Mission.  It is restated and paraphrased by all Gospel writers in different words (Mark 16:15-16; John 20:21-22; Luke 24:46-49 & Acts 1:8), but the essence is the same: go into all the world, to all people groups, introduce them to Jesus, baptize them as a sign of discipleship, and then continue teaching them to live right.  This going happens when we receive the Holy Spirit.  Only being empowered by the Spirit we will go for real.  And when the Spirit is at work within us, the fruit is evident – love, loving people as Christ loves us.
If a church is missional, you can tell over time as it changes, because mission changes not only recipients but contributors too.  Missional church consists of disciples who disciple.  One pastor made a summary of10 indicators that church is missional and is making disciples, (based on Biblical standards J):
1.       Those who have been in the church the longest complain the least. Do everything without complaining or arguing. Philippians 2:14
2.       The leaders of the church are giving up “their” seats, park further from the building, do whatever is necessary to help the Body.
The greatest among you must be a servant. Matthew 23:11
3.       The church celebrates most when those far from faith come to faith. In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away! Luke 15:7
4.       Members care that others needs are met more than their own
Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. Philippians 2:4
5.       The church is willing to make sacrifices to attract the lost.
 And so my judgement is that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Acts 15:19
6.       There is joy even during suffering. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. James 1:2
7.       The teaching is a balance of truth and grace. Jesus came full of grace and truth. John 1:17
8.       The financial needs of the church are funded, with people willingly sacrificing. No one begs for moneyEach person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
9.       There are no petty disputes and grudges among the people of the church. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
10.    The church takes care of each other wellThere was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. Acts 4:34

As we enter in the church planting process, I said to the core group that expectation for the new plant team will be set high.  I invite you all reflect on these Biblical standards, and examine yourself.  Are you missional?  Are you a disciple? Not only the new church plant, but the “mother” church has to live by it.