Saturday, September 27, 2014

Being on the same “wavelength”

This week during the teen’s Bible study group a deep question was raised: “Why does God speaks in symbols?”  Have you thought about it?  Why all the mystery, riddles?  Why can’t the Bible just be like Webster’s dictionary of definitions?
My initial response was to skirt the discussion and just say that people chose the meaning they like, even when spoken plainly to.  Some people read “between the lines” what is not there, and invent a meaning to a simple straightforward message that was never meant to be there J, so the problem is not with symbols, but people being too obtuse to get it.
Yet, there was a deeper insight offered by the Spirit of Prophecy.  We were reading the chapter 12 from the Desire of Ages, about the Temptation, and it submits a much bigger perspective – the Great Controversy perspective.  When one considers world at war, one must take into account the enemy.  When it comes to communication it is always guarded from the enemy, so it cannot be intercepted or used by the enemy.  Military uses all kinds of encryption and code language so only initiated, only those entrusted with secrets would know the meaning.  All is done to protect the plans and strategy. 
When Jesus was on among men he communicated in parables and when His disciples wondered why, he told them that it was to keep secrets from being discerned by outsiders (Matthew 13:10-13).  God communicated the plan of salvation to humanity, His strategy, step by step through the sacrificial system, the pattern of the sanctuary, the Temple Calendar, and through prophecies.  The same Spirit of God that communicated messages through symbols also assisted people to understand their meaning.  Those in relationship with God got the “code”!  Those whose hearts were tuned to God’s heart were able to understand God!  Yet, there is also the enemy, satan, who studies God’s messages, with one disadvantage – “his selfish soul could not understand” God’s love! (DA,115)  That’s deep!  God reveals and gives both clues and the Holy Spirit to guide for understanding.  Yet, if a person’s nature is conformed to selfish attitude (read it ‘satanic’) of this world – they just can’t get it!
In light of Biblical promises (Amos 3:7; Deuteronomy 29:29) God is interested for people to know what he is up to, for people to understand.  For our own good God has protected His communication to paly satan and give us a fighting chance, an advantage.  It all comes down to our attitude – how is our spirit tuned in?  Are we on the worldly, selfish, “get-get” wavelength?  Or are we on selfless, serving, “give-give” tune of the Spirit?
Our understanding of what is happening around us, what is written in the Bible, what God is telling us through people depends on our spiritual tuning.  What is your first passion, self or God and others? 

When we as a church are seeking God’s Will, examining our reality, making plans for strategic moves into the future, we need to be on the same “wavelength” – tuned by the Holy Spirit, to be on the right path (Psalm 139: 23-24)

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