Saturday, December 17, 2005

Nominations or Permission? LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!

G.K.Chesterton once commented: “The more I considered Christianity, the more I have found that while it had established a rule and order, the chief aim of that order was to give room for good things to run wild.”
Here we are, finally voting on the Nominating Committee’s Report. Some people can’t wait for the ceremony and sport of the Nominating time. Others can’t stand it, for all the anxiety it creates. Some feel that we design our efforts around making sure NOTHING happens in order to avoid the worst possible scenario.
When I consider the first Christian church – they were all about making disciples, not about making decisions. Counsels met not to nominate but to endorse spiritual initiatives by Spirit indwelled people. The first Christian church did not sit in conclaves puffing smoke to decide who will do what. They had people in leadership with the gift of Discernment watching for manifestations of Spiritual Gifts to recognize, affirm, endorse and support all ministries prompted by the Holy Spirit.
This year we had struggled to appoint leaders into offices. It is our hope that as the Body of Christ we will transition from Nominating to Giving Permission and Recognizing God given Ministries & Gifts.
Think of the perfect Biblical metaphor of the Church as the Body! Body parts do not decide what functions to assign or reassign annually. Let’s make a kidney a heart for this year, or let’s make an eye function as a tongue, or better yet……(you can fill in the blanks as you wish).
Just imagine if the lungs would have to wait ear’s appointment to take a breath. The involuntary system of the Body functions because parts are assigned by Design. The Spiritual Body members, the individual people-cells, do have Divine Purpose, Divine Design, fitting each into the Body for harmonious functioning.
Yet even in the Body cells have a freedom, just as in the Body of Faith individuals have freedom to do as they please. In the physical body there are cells that become disloyal, that live for themselves. These cancer cells are as healthy as others, they just live for themselves, becoming controllers, and making the Body dysfunctional for selfish reasons. In the Body of Christ we can live on behalf of the Common Good, or Self – Your Choice to make. If we chose to bless diversity of one another and cooperate with each other for the Purpose of the Body – the Body is healthy and grows. If we live for self – we will prosper for a time, until the Body dies and we with it.
Speaking of choices Paul warned the church on this topic: “All things are permissible, but not all beneficial. You say, "I am allowed to do anything.” True, but not everything is constructive, not all things build up.” (1st Corinthians 10:23)
If you find that your functionality was not recognized, and you have not been given permission to function according to God’s calling – speak to your elected leaders, join the network of cells working in that calling, connect with others who are doing what you would like to do, let your purpose and calling be known. Give life to the Body!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christianity is not what you think… from BELIEF to FAITH

Quite often we use words BELIEF and FAITH interchangeably. The ancient Biblical languages did it – both, Hebrew & Greek, have used the same root word for these. Yet, as you see in English – we have chosen to use different words, even different meaning.
TO BELIEVE is TO ADMIT, to adopt a belief system. Whereas FAITH is much more – it is to COMMIT. To become a Christian is not to adopt a new beliefs only, but is to be transformed into Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith is accepting Jesus’ invitation “Follow Me!” and goes beyond an intellectual adherence to certain ideas.
Jesus’ test of faith was not a multiple choice aptitude exam of knowing precepts and formulations, but simply “love for one another.” So, let me put it this way: Christianity is not what you think! As I visit families and people, especially those who have been disconnected from the church in years, I hear time after time their affirmation of being Adventists. And I want to plead with them: you don’t know what being Adventist means! Adventists are first of all Christians! Adventists are not just peculiar people with a different philosophy of theology, not just a system of weird rules, not a list of DON’Ts! Our identity is found in Christ, the Person, in our relationships with God and people, not in belonging to a system
We are people in love with Jesus, people in relationship with God, and in relationship with each other. That’s what the Hebrew concept of the “Covenant” was all about – entering into relationships! That is what Jesus’ concept of “Salvation” was all about – returning to a relationship with God and each other! It is all about being reconciled and entering renewed relationships with God and each other.
Every time we come to the Lord’s Supper we are reminded of the Family we are in Christ. We are challenged to be reconciled with each other. We are invited to renew our covenants and relationships.
This time of the year we look over of what we have accomplished, what we have done, and we also look over the significant relationships that were built, relationships that need to be mended.
And it is in this context I am reminded of Paul’s prayer for all believers “that Christ may live in your hearts through faith, planted in love and built on love.” (Ephesians 3:17) Faith & Love always come together in the New Testament. Faith Produces Love (Galatians 5:6) Together these are the breastplate of those who call themselves Christian. (1 Thessalonians 5:8)

Saturday, December 3, 2005


It's that time of the year when some parents are troubled about what to do - Christmas tree: to be or not to be? What is the right thing to do? Isn't Christmas of pagan origins, and is more commercialized than spiritually sound? Recently a young mother said to me "but the Bible says that we can't have the Christmas tree." You know my answer - "Really?" So, the husband fixed it - "It's in the Spirit of Prophecy." This time my "Really?" was even stronger!
I understand that there are certain cultural preferences and traditions that determine right and wrong for many. And we don’t want to impose on your cultural beliefs. However, as Adventists we live free from cultural inhibitions and walk in the liberty of the Spirit.
I encourage you to read Chapter 77 in the book Adventist Home by Ellen G. White. Here I would simply quote a few short excerpts from it.
This Day Not to Be Ignored. As the 25th of December is observed to commemorate the birth of Christ, as the children have been instructed by precept and example that this was indeed a day of gladness and rejoicing, you will find it a difficult matter to pass over this period without giving it some attention. It can be made to serve a very good purpose. (478)
The Interchange of Gifts as Tokens of Affection.-- old and young are intently studying what they can bestow upon their friends as a token of affectionate remembrance. It is pleasant to receive a gift, however small, from those we love. It is an assurance that we are not forgotten, and seems to bind us to them a little closer. (478-479) talking about Loving Relationships!!! (my comment)
By the world the holidays are spent in frivolity and extravagance, gluttony and display…. But it is our privilege to depart from the customs and practices of this degenerate age; and instead of expending means merely for the gratification of the appetite or for needless ornaments or articles of clothing, we may make the coming holidays an occasion in which to honor and glorify God. (480)
God would be well pleased if on Christmas each church would have a Christmas tree on which shall be hung offerings, great and small, for these houses of worship... There is no particular sin in selecting a fragrant evergreen and placing it in our churches, but the sin lies in the motive which prompts to action and the use which is made of the gifts placed upon the tree. (482)
Christmas and New Year celebrations can and should be held in behalf of those who are helpless. God is glorified when we give to help those who have large families to support. (482)
So, let me put it this way - pastor's kids (yeah, the PKs) have set their tree with Jesus manger beside it, reminding them that Jesus is coming back again, and we are one year closer to it.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Recent (November 18) shooting of a teenager - Amon Beckles - a mourner at a funeral for Jamal Hemmings, himself a victim of gunshot slaying a few days earlier, held at the Toronto West Seventh-day Adventist Church, wakes the community of faith to accept the responsibility to positively influence our youth and to prevent escalation of violence in our communities.
Pastor Andrew King of Toronto West Adventist Church, Toronto mayor David Miller, Elder Derrick Nichols, president of the Ontario Conference and several religious leaders, were present at the Church service last Sabbath to support grieving families.
How do you see a church? What is a church for you? Recently I heard a comment "I can't come to a church! It would be hypocritical, because I made mistakes." I am sure you've heard people call church goers "hypocrites." Seems like most people see the church as a showcase for saints, a safe place of refuge where people are holy. Consequently, if you are not holy and perfect - what are you doing in the church?
That is not Biblical view of the Sanctuary. Why did people come to the Temple in Israel? Yes, to pray, to worship, to give thanks! The main reason a person would come is to bring their sins and to leave them behind. Get this: SINNERS CAME TO THE SANCTUARY TO DUMP THEIR SINS THERE.
We, the Seventh-day Adventist made one significant contribution to the Christendom: the SANCTUARY DOCTRINE! Study it, know it, for it is our mission to the dying world - calling people to the Sanctuary!
A garbage dump, a trash can, a waste compactor, a recycle bin - any of these apply to the Sanctuary, to the Church? That is how Israelites knew the Sanctuary. That is exactly what God intended to provide humanity with - a place where we can leave behind all our baggage, all things that beset us, all things that are broken and wasted, so we may live free, so we may receive innocence, Christ's purity and justification.
One day all the collected rubbish will be placed on the scape goat, the devil, where it really belongs. Until then, until the Sanctuary final cleansing - come, bring it, and dump when there's still time!
The Church is a safe place! But not because you and I are there. Because God is there. It is a Holy Place, a Place set apart just for this purpose - to free us from our mess. And it is Holy not because we are holy, but because God is Holy, and makes us too.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


When Christ came into the world, he said: "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me." (Hebrews 10:5) And as you read the epistle you realize that the Body that God prepared for Christ was for the purpose of sacrifice.
It is interesting that same apostle Paul always emphasizes the fact that the Church is the Body of Christ. The Body that God has prepared for His Son. The Body that is left on Earth to do what Christ did while here on earth. And this Body we called Church is also called to be a sacrifice. We are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. (Romans 12:1) Such living is our "reasonable worship" (KJV), "spiritual act o worship" (NIV), or simply put - being sensible to what God has done for us. Is this too much to ask, to sacrifice your life for God?
Quite often we celebrate and emphasize diversity that exists in the Body: we are many different parts. Yet, the main emphasis in all this is the Unity of the Body. Just to think that we are the Body of Christ!
Whenever tragedy strikes people are asking "Where is God?" Philip Yancey suggests: "if the church would be where people are hurting, they wouldn't need to ask "Where is God?" they would see and know Him!"
The Church assembled, as a corporate Body of believers is Christ's Body on Earth. He is the Head of it. We do His Will in obedience.
Leaving this Earth Christ left his Legacy - the Church, as His Body. Spirit of Prophecy reminds us that "as members of the body of Christ all believers are animated by the same spirit and the same hope. Divisions in the church dishonor the religion of Christ before the world and give occasion to the enemies of truth to justify their course. Paul's instructions were not written alone for the church in his day. God designed that they should be sent down to us." (Ellen G. White, Testimonies to the Church, Vol.5, p.239)
Let us live pressing toward the goal, the high honor of being called the Body of Christ!
We are the Body that God has Prepared for our Lord. We are the Bride prepared for the Coming of Her Husband. We are the City whose architect is God. We are the Temple where God dwells. We are the Building of which Christ is Cornerstone. We are His Body!

Saturday, November 12, 2005


This week I have seen God move his people in many ways. Coming together at homes for prayer had been a wonderful experience. Many expressed a wish to carry on with house church / small group meetings. The inspiration and effectiveness is beyond challenge.
What you are experiencing is the nostalgia for the lost art of disciple-making. For almost a century already the Christian church had been loosing the Legacy of Our Lord Jesus. Let me explain! In the Signs of the Times, May 10, 1883 Ellen White wrote “The Son of God, leaving the royal courts of Heaven, takes not his position upon David's throne; but from the swaying seat of a fisherman's boat, speaks the words of eternal wisdom which are to be immortalized in the minds of his disciples and given to the world as the legacy of God."
Jesus left God’s Legacy to this world, and that Legacy is twofold: the Gospel Message and the Discipleship method. Gospel proclamation and discipling as a method for nurturing and spiritual growth are inseparable. Either one is ineffective without the other. That’s why attempts to preach without discipling fail to convert people. That’s why a 30 night evangelistic series needs a strong infrastructure of discipleship groups where people would be cared for.
- Achievement comes when you do great things for and by yourself.
- Success is when others are empowered to do achieve together with you.
- Significance comes when you develop others to do great things for you.
- Legacy comes when people will do great things without you.
Christ’s final promise to be with us until the end of the world is conditional on our living His Legacy. The Great Commission spelled in Matthew 28:19-20 to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” – is a condition that comes before Christ’s promise: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age." We can be sure of His presence only when we are living His Legacy of discipling others. Christ’s Legacy is our Mission.
Imagine a bird that has one wing clipped. Can it fly? Or will it simply go in circles? The church has two wings: Message & the Method, the Gospel & Discipleship, the Large Group celebration & Small Group nurturing.
Pray for God to restore His Legacy in our midst. Pray for God to raise up leaders for house churches. Pray for God to heal our broken wings that we may soar on His Spirit, seeing His Vision, empowered by His Legacy.
Currently the North Church is training a group of 8 leaders for future Small Groups, that should be ready by January to take responsibilities for nurturing believers. Similar training process at the South Church will begin in January. It’s time for the spiritually mature to invest in nurturing others.
So, let me remind you, if we truly are in the Message, we should not ever miss the method - DISCIPLESHIP.

Saturday, November 5, 2005


Here we are, entering into a week of prayer. Have you been praying to be thrown off balance, out of your comfort zone and into the harvest? That challenge from Luke 10:2 is very much relevant for all of us today. This week we'll be praying for the Unity as we witness and live. That Unity is Spirit given and not of ourselves.
In conversation with Nicodemus Jesus said "the wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit," (John 3:8) speaking of unpredictability of the born-again believer. Christians are moved by Spirit - not by programs, not by human strategies, not by power of influencers, not by might of resources.
As we come and pray this week for the Revival - allow God to move you. It's comfortable to "hug trees" and stay immovable. It's risky to let go our comfortable perspectives. Yet, it's not trees that move the wind, but the Wind that makes us bend in His Direction. In Greek language word for Spirit & for Wind is one and the same – pneuma, making it interchangeable, empowering the metaphor.
The Nominating Committee has nearly completed its work, and will be contacting many of you with ministry placement assignments. Please allow the Wind to move you!
In the 80s the business world was all about making Mission & Vision Statements. The business world began to adapt Gospel's principles of influencing people. The Church institutions finally caught up to the trend and in the 90s churches began to rally toward creating Mission & Vision statements. Remember that? Some churches are still behind "catching up" to the trend. Altogether missing the point: we've got the Vision, we've got the Mission already!!!
We don't need people to reinvent the Gospel! The Great Commission of Jesus to the church in Matthew 28:19-20 has been spelled as our Mission 2000 years ago: "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." It's not about making ourselves attractive for some to COME. It's about us GOING!
The Vision for the Gospel Church was stated by Peter as "priesthood of all believers" (1st Peter 2:9) Simply put - the Mission will be accomplished when Every Believer becomes a Minister, according to the Gifts imparted by the Holy Spirit.
It's time for the Church to seize our purpose, accept what is given already - Mission & Vision - and allow the Spirit of God to move us.
Remember, the trees don't make wind! Beware - the inflexible trees get broken by the wind. The rootless trees get blow away by the wind. And the sound trees make sound!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

It is Lord's Harvest !

Last Sunday some of our London members attended the district meeting with the Conference Personal Ministries Director Eustace Williams. The agenda of the meeting was to do SWOT analysis of each local church in the district and to plan for cooperation and accountability in ministry.
As different churches analyzed their Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and then presented them an observation was made that churches move in different directions and are on different stages. It was noted that our London congregations are ahead of others in terms of planning to act for change.
Your elders did this exercise a months ago and reviewed with our NCD coach Nick Rhone on October 1st. This past Sunday church members added more to the list, and it became obvious that we need to do this at a larger setting – the General Business meeting. Simply because private opinions, as valuable as they are, do not truly represent public view.
While we keep our Vision clear – becoming a Church where every believer is a minister – we also need to connect it with our current reality to chart the appropriate course.
Meanwhile, do not loose the main perspective what this is all about: The Lord’s Harvest. Jesus spoke to His disciples in Luke 10:2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Two words in this statement have been always softened in translation.
Jesus told us not to simply ASK, or even PRAY, but to BEG as though our life depends on it. Both Matthew (9:38) and Luke uses very strong Greek word deomai, which is same as when the leper begged Jesus for healing (Luke 5:12), same as demoniac pleading with Christ (Luke 8:28), same as the father of a possessed boy imploring Jesus for healing (Luke 9:38). Bottom line here – plead, beseech, implore, beg the Lord of the Harvest as though your life depends on it – to be SENT OUT in the field. One would expect here a commonly used word apostelo. Instead Gospel writers used much stronger word ekballo, which means to throw out, to kick out, to cast out against one’s will. Same word describes Jesus casting out demons out of people (Matthew 8:16). Same action as what will be done to the lazy children of God’s kingdom – cast out into outer darkness (Matthew 8:12).
Considering these “corrections” are you ready to BEG our Lord of the Harvest to KICK us OUT of our comfort zone into the field of His harvest?
Are you ready to PLEAD with the Lord personally to THROW you OUT of your balanced life into the plentiful harvest field? By the way what do you mean “balanced” life? What are you balancing it with? Kingdom of God on one side & ……….what is “balancing” the Kingdom in your life?
Pray for the harvest, regardless of what it may cost you!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Adventist Faith in "Soon and Very Soon"

Time seems to be gaining speed every day, we are in a late fall and it fells like our summer chores are not done yet. 161 years ago this time of the year believers chose not to harvest their fields expecting Jesus to come.
Imagine counting days, looking around at things you got used to and expecting it all to be burned up. How exactly should one be living when expecting to face his or her life's record at the judgment bar of God in just a few more weeks? Am I really ready to meet Jesus? Have I done all in my power to help others—my friends, relatives, and even strangers—to be ready to meet Him too?
This month (October 2005) marks an important anniversary for Seventh-day Adventists. It holds the 161st anniversary of both the Day of Great Expectation—October 22, 1844—and the Day of Great Disappointment—October 23, 1844. This anniversary brings year after year a degree of embarrassment for some within our ranks whom, I suspect, would just as soon forget anything and everything connected with 1844.
Why did they preach the “soon” coming of Jesus? Well, because Jesus Himself said so—four times, for instance, in the very last book of the New Testament—and three times alone in its very last chapter!”
“Behold, I come quickly” (Rev. 3:11).
“Behold, I come quickly” (Rev. 22:7).
“Behold, I come quickly” (verse 12).
“Surely I come quickly” (verse 20).
And He said that almost 2000 years ago. How soon is soon? I don’t know. All I know that His patience allowed the delay, not wishing that anyone would perish. (2Peter 3:9) Since then, 2000 years ago Peter wrote to the Christians of his day, telling them not only to earnestly “look” for Christ’s second coming but also to attempt to “hasten” it along, by quickly finishing the work Christ had given them to do in spreading the gospel to everyone (2 Peter 3:12).
Eighteen hundred years later Ellen White underscored the same idea. Less than two years before her death in 1915 she wrote: “By giving the gospel to the world, it is in our power to hasten the coming of the day of God.” (Review and Herald, Nov. 13, 1913; cited in God’s Amazing Grace, 353.)
LeRoy Edwin Froom, in his monumental work, Movement of Destiny, helpfully points out that Ellen White echoes Peter a total of 45 times in the 61 years between 1850 and 1911. Each time she says essentially the same thing: If we Adventists had properly done our job, the Lord would have come before now.
Apostle Paul preaching in Athens teld the Greek philosophers of that city, “[God] hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained” (Acts 17:31).
Dr. Froom goes on to cite another 13 statements, made between 1863 and 1915—a parallel period of 52 years—in which Ellen White echoes Paul, indicating that there is a final “backstop” date, a “predetermined boundary line irrevocably ‘fixed,’” beyond which God will not indefinitely wait.
My dear brothers and sisters, we’ve got work to do! And we should pull together closer in support of each even more as we see the Day Approaching.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

Forward Strategy

This past Sunday as we arrived at Oshawa for yet another constituency session we were expecting a lengthy argumentative meeting. Then the President Derrick Nichols opened the session presenting the Vision for the future of the Conference, and he got my attention, my support, my “YES! & AMEN!”
"Every Member a Minister!" – he began. WOW! We did not compare notes. We did not talk lately at all. Yet, I believe, that the Holy Spirit is moving today many pastors, administrators, leaders of our Movement to go to the next level of putting into practice God’s Vision of every believer being engaged in ministry according to a unique calling God gives each individual. I enjoy working for the Conference of churches that encourages and facilitates this Biblical principle.
Then comes the latest Messenger in the mail. The first page of editorial is again from our President, starting with a preamble: “Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces placed upon it.”
Just a day before – last Sabbath – I had worked 8 hours with Nicholas Rhone. First with elders of the South, then the North churches, and then just two of us – analyzing the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats of moving the churches forward. The change is never easy – yet it is necessary.
A few months ago at Andrews one of the presenters made a remark – “evolutionists wait for things to happen, creationists make things happen.” Which one are you? Do we sit, wait, and let things happen, or evolve, if you wish? Or should we get creative, tap into God’s Will and discover Him at work, with us being co-laborers? The later option motivates me.
In the process of implementing the recommendations of the NCD (Natural Church Development) program you have successfully accomplished the first step. The need for gift-oriented ministry placement was understood and supported. The Nominating Committee began its work making use of the database already, matching people’s gifts and interests for service with the ministries that are most needed for efficient work of the Church.
As we consider our immediate and overarching need of Spiritual Growth in our church we’ll use following strategy:
North Church
  • Recruiting leaders for small groups and starting a training TURBO Group from October 15 to December 10
  • Leaders ready to start house churches, small groups will be presented to the church December 10 and begin to recruit people for groups
  • January 15th will be an official launch and 8 small groups will be started by the end of January. Pastor Alex will provide coaching and further training to all leaders
  • By September 2006 groups will be ready to multiply and receive new believers as we prepare for a city wide evangelistic effort.

South Church

  • Preaching for 3 months on various aspects of Loving Relationships
  • Intentional extended hospitality – visiting with church families on days other that Sabbath, and for purposes other than church business. Each family is expected to invite a new guest at least once per month
  • Restart our Cultural Diversity Program, and run it consistently.
  • Provide a Biblical Conflict Resolution training, going beyond management and tolerance principles taught in the secular society.
  • Recognizing and celebrating people’s milestones as a family.
Please support your leadership in working together to grow in Christ.

Saturday, October 1, 2005

Forward on our knees...

As we approach the time of considering the future directions and leadership appointments in our church we must recognize our need for prayer more than ever.
These words were spoken from the General Conference pulpit by Ellen White in 1893: “We have nothing to fear for the future except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.”
As we look into the future, let us remember how God has led our church in the past. Let us remember what has been accomplished in the years past and move forward on our knees in prayer for guidance.
I invite you all, everyone reading this memo to commit yourself to pray for the Nominating Committee members and its function. Surround your peers with your prayers, that God’s Will would be revealed through the actions of the Church.
Our approach to the Nominating Process will be different in a way that we will consider the spiritual giftedness of the congregation and work to match gifts and ministries, adding functionality to all essential church structures.
I am appealing to all for fervent prayer.
If you pray for repentance – remember that God is the One who gives it (Acts 11:18), and remember that our personal charisma is not the key to God’s Grace and Mercy. Repentance is required of anyone who wants to encounter God and live. The price of it is putting offences to death; so, plead for forgiveness.
If you pray out of desperation – remember, worship is already prayer, and pray with passion that is planted in your heart.
If you pray from a hungry heart – it’s O.K. to have holy addiction, the true craving of our soul to taste and see that the Lord is Good. And remember that God is also hungry for a relationship with us.
If you don’t know what to do - pray for wisdom and guidance, that our eyes would be always upon God. (2nd Chronicles 20:12)
If you pray to intercede be confident that the “holy nudge” works power. This selfless prayer possesses purity that exceeds every other form of prayer.
If you pray for total surrender remember it would not leave you untouched! It is about becoming like Jesus.
If you pray out of struggle – remember Jacob – don’t let God go! Victory is yours.
If your prayer is adoration – praise God that we want nothing but Him.
If your prayer is for emptying – remember that God wants to fill us with his Spirit, and it begins the moment we repent.
If you pray for commitment – let it carry you beyond mere intention, into personal responsibility, and God will make provisions for us not to fail.
Pray without ceasing! Even if you do nothing else – pray…

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Saved to Serve

The phrase from Exodus 8:1 “let my people go, so they may serve Me” was on my mind all this week. As you know I’ve been somewhat pushy with the Spiritual Gifts discovery process during the last two months. To some may attitude may even appear to be limiting, excluding, especially for those who for some reason did not feel like taking the inventory.
Visiting people in the last couple of weeks and contemplating on your questions about this whole process I have to admit: we cannot limit the Holy Spirit to the bounds of some technical inventory. The Spirit gives Gifts as it pleases Him (1st Corinthians 12:11) You may receive a new gift tomorrow, which you did not have yesterday when you completed the survey.
Some of you asked a direct question about all this: how valid is this survey? How scientifically accurate is the analysis? What is the purpose of all this? Let me state my point officially:
  1. Your willingness to share your giftedness would ease the work of the Nominating Committee.
  2. It would give your pastor a better idea of your giftedness.
  3. The most important reason: it causes you to question your calling, your giftedness, and how you use God given gifts.

And if this whole ordeal caused you to think for a moment about Spiritual Gifts in your life – mission is accomplished!!!
I encourage you to seek out your spiritual gifts and to use them for God’s glory and for edification of God’s people. If you don’t feel that the questioner was for you – just stop me in the hallway, or write me a note, or just tell someone on the Nominating Committee what is your area of interest, or at least pray that your peers would recognize that you have a ministry!
When you willingly declare “Here I am! Send Me!” – Holy Spirit will give necessary giftedness and send you into ministry. In the days of Apostles they did not have time to collect questioners. Recognizing urgent needs they laid hands and commissioned spiritual people to go, and as they went the Spirit moved and furnished them with all necessary gifts. They knew that they were saved to serve!
It is a high time in the Church when we come to pray and commission people to serve urgent needs and essential ministries. Share your gifts, and pray for more spiritual giftedness to be poured in our midst. And remember – we are saved to serve!

Do you serve? Are you saved?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Are You Manifesting ?

This past Wednesday night we were fellowshipping in prayer at the New Life Center @ 220 Adelaide when I was keyed up with the question from their pastor: Are You Manifesting? He was talking about the importance of the Spiritual gifts in the life of believer.
I am posing this same question to you: Are You manifesting?
There are few principles that Bible teaches about the Spiritual gifts:
  • The Spiritual gifts are received by all who are baptized.
  • The gifts are for service to others not ourselves.
  • Individuals receive gifts according to their place & role in God’s plan.
  • Gifts are supernatural character & are not the same as natural talents.
  • Gifts are identified and defined in the New Testament
  • They all contribute to the Church’s mission of evangelization.
  • They are to be used in the work places and neighborhoods of the world where lay people live and not only in the church or among Christians.
As Christ forms His Body – the Church – he also enables it to function by equipping it through giving various gifts.
Apostle Paul writing to Romans (12:4-13) say we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of Christ’s Body of chosen people. A chopped-off finger, or a cut-off toe wouldn’t amount to much, would it? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s Body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.
Live from the center of Who You Are, of who God made you to be. When we function from the Spiritual gifts we will not burn out, and will be always fueled and aflame.
It is only through the Spiritual gifts that Jesus can be made manifest in our mortal flesh. When we live out of the Spiritual Giftedness then the Fruits of the Spirit are produced.
The true and lasting love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control can be manifested only through the use of Spiritual Gifts. Paul says that we can walk in the Spirit only if we live in the Spirit, and vice versa.
When we live out our Spiritual Gifts we are not desirous of vain glory, we will not be provoking one another, or envying one another. (Galatians 5:22-26) I invite you as my fellowservants in the Grace of Gospel to discover your Spiritual giftedness, your place in the Body and manifest it!
Are you Manifesting?

Saturday, September 10, 2005

City-wide Prayer meetings

For nine days some of us had made visits to other churches. As we planned for the Revival Prayer rotation in the city we prayed that the door of opportunity would be open for us to witness our faith. Attending different churches I watched surprise on people’s faces as they learn that the Seventh-day Adventist believers are praying with them. Those of us who attended had every chance to speak, pray and testify in most of the churches.
I have to admit that even I was not ready for the intensity of this event. I pray every morning, I keep my devotional time, I pray in the evening. Yet, to come every day and spend 2 hours straight in prayer, listening to others pray and dialoguing with God, listening to His voice, was a challenge!
As we increase the intensity of our coming together and chasing after God so we increase our opportunities for the Encounter with Him and His Blessings. I write this to encourage you to do the same – go and visit believers in the city, while the doors have been opened by God.
As I read the Spirit of Prophecy I am convicted that “much have been lost by neglecting to do this. It should ever be manifest that we are reformers, but not bigots. [We] should seek to become acquainted with the pastors of the several churches in the place. If our ministers show themselves friendly and sociable, and do not act as if they were ashamed of the message they bear, it will have an excellent effect, and may give these pastors and their congregations favorable impressions of the truth. Our laborers should be very careful not to give the impression that they are wolves stealing in to get the sheep, but should let the ministers understand their position and the object of their mission--to call the attention of the people to the truths of God's Word. There are many of these which are dear to all Christians. Here is common ground, upon which we can meet people of other denominations; and in becoming acquainted with them we should dwell mostly upon topics in which all feel an interest, and which will not lead directly and pointedly to the subjects of disagreement.” Review and Herald, June 13, 1912. (quoted in Evangelism 143).
In an appeal to the church in 1899 Ellen White wrote that “wisest, firmest labor should be given to those ministers who are not of our faith” Letter 72, 1899. (quoted in Evangelism, 562).
I remind you that we all are ministers, we are all priests, and there is no difference between us. We all are the People of God – the LAITY, and we all have been Called by God – the CLERGY.
The fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) will show when the Gifts of the Spirit are employed and at work. Live by the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and let the Gifts of the Spirit be manifested in your life.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Priesthood of ALL BELIEVERS

Almost 5 centuries ago a German monk Martin Luther, father of the Reformation movement, challenged the Church of the day to accept Biblical teaching that the priesthood belongs to all believers. He build the reformation on following premises:
- all believers are laity, meaning the People of God;
- all believers are clergy, meaning Called by God.

Clergy and laity are not distinct categories among believers, but rather collective descriptions of who we are when we enter the Kingdom of God: the people of God who are called out for God’s purpose.
Centuries of darkness in the Medieval Church distorted the Biblical mandate for believers and relegated the life of service only to a few professionals, making the rest of believers consumers of service. Today many churches are still struggling in attempts to shed the inherited baggage of ministry consumerism and status quo of few.
Through the long centuries of church history many human errors and traditions had crippled the effectiveness of our collective efforts. One of common misconceptions was, (and still is), that we tell heaven what to do.
Paul had to write to the church in Corinth that it is the Holy Spirit Who decides which gifts to give, to whom, and when, as He alone pleases. (1st Corinthians 12:11) The church in Corinth assumed that they would decide which gifts they need and nominate people to receive such. They assumed that they would appoint the functions of their church according to their planning. And Paul strongly reminded them that God is the one who sets up and appoints, for this Body, the Church – is His Body, with Christ being the Head.
As I think of Spiritual Gifts I remember the parable Jesus told about servants who got talents given to them for use and investment. He told this parable right after telling the conditions of the church that is falling asleep, loosing the Spiritual oil in their lamps and missing the invitation to enter the Wedding Feast (the 10 virgins) (Matthew 25:14-30)
I don’t want my talent be taken away from me. Moreover, I don’t want to be thrown out as a useless, good-for-nothing servant into the darkness outside, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. What do you do with your talents? Have you discovered them yet? Are you willing to risk and invest them with your family?
When we say "ministry" we must recognize that it is a general inclusive term meaning all kinds of services. Ministry is not limited only to the pulpit proclamation or public speaking. Ministry is using God given gift for the benefit of others. Think of a lady who has a gift of mercy and encouragement, and as she goes about her job from day to day as a nurse aid at the hospital ward she shares the word of mercy and encouragement with people she looks after – she is a minister. Think of a person who has a gift of helps and combines it with the natural talent of an artist to produce beautiful and insightful artwork that illustrates unseen beauties of life – he is a minister. Think of a person who’s got the gift of love and a talent for decorating and arranging flowers –she is a minister.
When we discover our spiritual gifts and combine them with natural talents we find ourselves doing the ministry not for the sake of reward, or recognition, or receiving praises but from natural outflow of God’s Grace in our lives – freely receive, so freely give. Ministering from giftedness makes even such a menial task as changing the lettering on the church sign a delight - ministry of communication and proclamation.
Spiritual gifts are not an option but a vital necessity in our Church. Your brothers and sisters need your giftedness!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Nominating Committee as Ministry Placement Team

We do not decide how the Spirit gives, the Holy Spirit is in charge of distributing gifts. And the Holy Spirit reveals gifts to people who receive them. For the past two weeks I have written to you on the Biblical Metaphor of the Church as the Body (taken from 1st Corinthians 12). We need each other’s cooperation for this Body of Faith to function. Our spiritual gifts were given for edification of the Body, for building up the Church family, for benefit of other believers.(1st Corinthians 12:7)
To every servant of the Master and Lord Jesus some gift of the Spirit is promised. There is no one who has not received!!!
At this very hour His Spirit and His grace are for all who need them and will take Him at His word. The gifts are already ours in Christ, but their actual possession depends upon our reception of the Spirit of God.
If they are connected with Christ, if the gifts of the Spirit are theirs, the poorest and most ignorant of His disciples will have a power that will tell upon hearts. God makes them the channel for the outworking of the highest influence in the universe. (Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live By. 292)
From the same inspired pen came these words: “the greatest cause of our spiritual feebleness as a people, is the lack of real faith in Spiritual Gifts.” (Ellen G. White, an Appeal in Review & Herald, January 14, 1868)
The members have depended upon pulpit declamations instead of on the Holy Spirit. Uncalled for and unused, the spiritual gifts bestowed on them have dwindled into feebleness. (Ellen G. White, Selected Messages. Vol.1. 127)
When Christians serve in their area of giftedness, they function less in their own strength and more in the power of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual gifts are not an option but a vital necessity in our Church. Your brothers and sisters need your giftedness!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


We are all diverse and different, right? Yet through the Spirit, through our unique gifts we are made One Body, making us all INTERDEPENDENT. We may not like it, having been inducted in the secular materialistic lifestyle, where every one is expected to be self-made independent persona. Yet, God’s people are to live and operate on a different set of values, and INTERDEPENDENCE is one of them.
Apostle Paul illustrates it as a body having many parts – limbs, organs, cells – no matter how big, or how many parts – still One Body. By the Spirit of Christ we have to say good buy to our partial and divided lives. I know you are used to call your own shots, but when you were baptized you had entered the Body where He, Christ, call the shots. He has final say in everything. The old labels we used to identify ourselves with are no longer valid. He is the Head and it is His Mind in all of us that produces Unity!
A Body is not just a single part blown up into something huge (out of proportion). We are all “different-but-similar” parts ARRANGED TO FUNCTION TOGETHER. If the foot say, “I am not as elegant as the hand, and I guess I don’t belong to the body” would that make so? If an Ear say, “I am not beautiful like an Eye, clear and expressive, I don’t deserve place on the head” – would you remove it from the Body?
God has placed each part where it belongs and where it is functional. Moreover, there are not 100 hands on the body – only two. Not million of noses – only one. Not many hearts – but one. Many cells combined and fit together become an organ.
As you consider your place in the Body, discerning the body part you belong to, who are the constituent parts of the same organ? Who are the people that have same, or similar, ministry drive as you? Who are your team colleagues? Who belong in the same cohort of “cells” that make an organ?
The way God designed our Bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church – every part dependent on every other part, there part we mention and the parts we don’t, there are parts we see, and the parts we don’t. But when one part hurts – all are involved in the healing. If one flourishes – all are enjoying. We are all – Christ’s body. Only as you accept yourself as a “part” that it means anything.
In the Body it’s all about unity, team work, belonging, interaction, cooperation and INTERDEPENDENCE. Discover your place!

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Discovering YOUR Ministry

You’ve heard about the Spiritual Gifts survey that we are conducting to develop a database of giftedness in each local church. It is our objective to reduce number of duties some people are burdened with, and to provide opportunities for others who had never been offered a chance to participate in serving God.
We are not talking about your natural talents. We are talking about Spiritual Gifts that are not your own, but are God Gracious gift for you.
Author of Hebrews writes to the believers that their salvation is announced and given by Christ, and comes with confirmation through Gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit according to His Will. (Hebrews 2:3-4). On another occasion apostle Paul wrote to believers that gifts of the Spirit are distributed not by our demand but by the decision and choice of the Holy Spirit. (1st Corinthians 12:11)
Every believer, every person who is saved in Jesus receives Gifts of the Holy Spirit to do work of ministry. That is the truth of the Bible, the faith passed on from generation to generation. When Jesus commanded a few doubting disciples to go into all the world (Matthew 28:17-20) they knew they were not able, they had no talents, no means. Christ’s promise to be with us is contingent on us receiving the Holy Spirits and gifts that He gives. That is how the Church has grown from a few to conquer the world.
  • What is YOUR ministry?
  • What Gift did the Holy Spirit give YOU?
  • What confirmation do you have that YOU are saved?
As you take this survey, pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in revealing to you your giftedness. Your initiative in returning completed surveys will indicate your readiness to serve, to accept God’s calling for ministry in your life, and confirm your salvation.
What Body-part are YOU in Christ’s Church?

Saturday, March 12, 2005

United in Communion

Do you want to be happy? Would you take Christ’s recipe for happiness? Gospels offer full range of instructions and guidelines for true happiness. Greek word maka,rioi, [makarioi] which is often translated as “blessed” is the word for “happy.” Reading the beatitudes in Matthew 5 or Luke 6, those who are blessed are the happy ones.
Regularly we are celebrating the Remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice for us. This ordinance is a promise for happiness. Jesus assured all those present in the upper room: "If ye know these things," if you know the purpose of His lessons, "happy are ye if ye do them." (John 13:17)
Your vision reflects your desire for becoming a happy community, becoming unified as a family of faith. It is through Christ’s ordinance of footwashing that we may attain out dream of becoming one.
The pen of inspiration asserts that “The Holy Watcher from heaven is present at this season to make it one of soul searching, of conviction of sin, and of the blessed assurance of sins forgiven. Christ in the fullness of His grace is there to change the current of the thoughts that have been running in selfish channels. The Holy Spirit quickens the sensibilities of those who follow the example of their Lord. As the Savior's humiliation for us is remembered, thought links with thought; a chain of memories is called up, memories of God's great goodness and of the favor and tenderness of earthly friends. Blessings forgotten, mercies abused, kindnesses slighted, are called to mind. Roots of bitterness that have crowded out the precious plant of love are made manifest. Defects of character, neglect of duties, ingratitude to God, coldness toward our brethren, are called to remembrance. Sin is seen in the light in which God views it. Our thoughts are not thoughts of self-complacency, but of severe self-censure and humiliation. The mind is energized to break down every barrier that has caused alienation. Evil-thinking and evil-speaking are put away. Sins are confessed, they are forgiven. The subduing grace of Christ comes into the soul, and the love of Christ draws hearts together in a blessed unity.
As the lesson of the preparatory service is thus learned, the desire is kindled for a higher spiritual life. To this desire the divine Witness will respond. The soul will be uplifted. We can partake of the Communion with a consciousness of sins forgiven. The sunshine of Christ's righteousness will fill the chambers of the mind and the soul temple. We "behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29.
To those who receive the spirit of this service, it can never become a mere ceremonial. Its constant lesson will be, "By love serve one another." Gal. 5:13. (Ellen G. White, Desire of Ages, 650-651)

Saturday, March 5, 2005

Evangelism as our Reason for Being

Defining Our Vision: =
1. Bible Teaching Praying Church.
2. Evangelizing Church.
Just to think that we can actually change the population of heaven!!! Yet it is exactly what Jesus had in mind when He gave the Commission to the doubtful bunch of disciples to go and evangelize nations.
Gospel is always about the Good News. And the greatest news for us today is that even plateaued or declining churches can turn around! Jesus dictated a letter for John to write to his home church in Ephesus: “…remember from where you have fallen, turn back and recover your first love…” (Revelation 2:5)
One of parables Jesus told hints that those who fail to seek the lost will be replaced by others. (Matthew 21:33-46). When a church ceases to be an evangelistic agency, that church ceases to be the true church. God has raised up His people and had chosen His remnant to saved those who are lost. To quit reaching to those seeking after God is to be rejected by God.
The difference between the stream and a swamp is that stream has an outlet. A church that is not reaching out is becoming a swamp. Evangelism is our reason for being!
We have discovered that Jesus’ promise to be with us always depends on us doing His Command. The Great Commission to evangelize is just that – His Last Command. (Matthew 28:18-20). When we obey His command it will be a sign to all the world that we are in love-relationship with Him, our Lord and God. (John 14:21,31).
Listen to what the Spirit of Prophecy says on this: “If we love Jesus…we shall love to labor for Him. For His sake we shall covet pain and toil and sacrifice. We shall sympathize with His longing for the salvation of men. We shall feel the same tender craving for souls that He has felt. This is the religion of Christ. Anything short of it is a deception.” (Ellen G. White, Christ object lessons, 49-50)
Go ye and teach all groups of people you meet in the Good News of Jesus!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Becoming Evangelizing Church

Defining Our Vision: =
1. Bible Teaching Praying Church.
2. The second priority in your Vision is your aspire to be an Evangelistic Church, to be the Church fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus to evangelize people.
Throughout history Evangelism is inseparably linked with Revival. We have this desire for fulfilling Christ’s Commission because we know it would bring revival into our personal lives, into our congregations, into our communities.
The treasured promise of Christ being with us always until the end of times (Matthew 28:20) is contingent on the condition stated in context of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). To a doubting bunch Jesus gave this charge: “God authorized and commanded Me to commission you to get going and disciple people everywhere, baptizing them in the Name of Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and continue instructing them all that I (Jesus) have commanded, and as you do this, day after day, I will be with you, right up to the end of the age.”
Ever wanted to be in God’s presence? Feel like you’ve been missing out on God in your life? Then ask yourself: “Am I fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus?” For He is with everyone who goes and makes disciples, with everyone who teaches His love.
Evangelism is what Jesus did here on Earth. It is what He left the Church to do. Whenever we gather together corporately we are the Body of Christ incarnate in this world, having His Mind, having His Hearth, loving with His Love. Paul challenged the church in Corinth to worship in such a way that when a non-believer, or an uninformed outsider comes in , the testimony of every believer would probe their hearts and convict them of truth, so there would be nothing to do but to fall on their face and admit ‘Truly God is among you!’ (1st Corinthians 14:24-25).
The Church that DOES Evangelism transforms the world around, instead of being conformed to it. The Church that shares the Good News of Salvation does so because God dwells in it.
Set your course on becoming the Evangelizing Church!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Becoming Bible Studying & Praying Church

After reviewing your dreams, burdens and visions certain trends are beginning to emerge. First and most obvious is your desire to be the Bible Studying and Praying Church.
Jesus challenged people in his days to "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life." (John 5:39) Those who love God love also the Word of God. Those who seek to be in the Kingdom of God are those who read the Scriptures most.
By reading and searching out scripture references, you will see the chain of truth, and will see new beauties in the word of God. While you make the Scriptures more your study, and become more familiar with them, you will be better fortified against the temptations of Satan. When inclined to speak, or act, wrong, some scripture will come to arrest you, and turn you right. (Ellen G. White, An Appeal to the Youth, 79)
The Spirit of Prophecy also warns us that those who “…have no interest in Bible study. Their moral power becomes enfeebled. Sin appears less and less repulsive. There is manifest an increasing unfaithfulness, a growing distaste for life's practical duties. As the mind becomes perverted, it is ready to grasp any reading of a stimulating character. Thus the way is open for Satan to bring the soul fully under his domination. (Adventist Home, 414).
Since we do not have the benefit of a Church School where our children would receive instructions in the Bible, it is duty of parents, grandparents and older siblings to nurture younger generation in the Word of God.
At times we are so absorbed in business that some have no time for prayer, no time for the study of the Bible, no time to seek and serve God. Communion with God through prayer and a study of His word is neglected. They forget that Christ has said, "Without Me ye can do nothing." John 15:5. They walk apart from Christ, their life is not pervaded by His grace, and the characteristics of self are revealed. Their service is marred by desire for supremacy, and the harsh, unlovely traits of the unsubdued heart. Here is one of the chief secrets of failure in Christian work. This is why its results are often so meager. (Christ Object Lessons, 52)
As we begin our journey toward the preferable future keep these two perspectives in mind: Bible Studying and Praying.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Making Prayer our First Work

In times of spiritual need I read the prophet about prophets. This week visiting with people I’ve been asked about the strategy for this city, about my plans and long term goals for the work of the Gospel. Nothing could depict better my answer than the following quote about the life of Elijah the Prophet: “… he longed for power to bring about a reformation quickly. But God Himself was working out His plan, and all that His servant could do was to pray on in faith and await the time for decided action. (Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, 133).
Step number ONE in my strategy for ministry is to PRAY!!! To pray is to change. Those who crave to see change should pray! Through prayer God transforms us. Those who are unwilling to change will abandon prayer as a significant element in their lives. Prayer produces change, first of all in ourselves. As we come to encounter God our hearts are transformed. The Reformation begins within. The Revival begins in each one of us personally.
Pray and believe that prayers can and do make an objective difference. It is only Stoics and followers of Greek pagan philosophies that believe in a closed and unchanging universe. Bible introduces us to God whose will responds to our prayers. Our future is in hands of God and ours. Our future depends on our relationship with God.
Many a believing Christians eagerly wait for revival in their lives. We have been promised that a revival of true original Godliness, such as never before will visit God’s church before the time of the end. Often we are not sure as to what efforts we must put forth to earn it.
On March 22, 1887 Ellen White penned these words for an article in the Review & Herald: “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow his blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our Heavenly Father is more willing to give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us his blessing. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer.”
It is my plea with each one of you, my dear church family: MAKE PRAYER YOUR FIRST WORK. Speak to God constantly and listen to His Voice in your life.