Saturday, February 26, 2005

Becoming Evangelizing Church

Defining Our Vision: =
1. Bible Teaching Praying Church.
2. The second priority in your Vision is your aspire to be an Evangelistic Church, to be the Church fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus to evangelize people.
Throughout history Evangelism is inseparably linked with Revival. We have this desire for fulfilling Christ’s Commission because we know it would bring revival into our personal lives, into our congregations, into our communities.
The treasured promise of Christ being with us always until the end of times (Matthew 28:20) is contingent on the condition stated in context of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). To a doubting bunch Jesus gave this charge: “God authorized and commanded Me to commission you to get going and disciple people everywhere, baptizing them in the Name of Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and continue instructing them all that I (Jesus) have commanded, and as you do this, day after day, I will be with you, right up to the end of the age.”
Ever wanted to be in God’s presence? Feel like you’ve been missing out on God in your life? Then ask yourself: “Am I fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus?” For He is with everyone who goes and makes disciples, with everyone who teaches His love.
Evangelism is what Jesus did here on Earth. It is what He left the Church to do. Whenever we gather together corporately we are the Body of Christ incarnate in this world, having His Mind, having His Hearth, loving with His Love. Paul challenged the church in Corinth to worship in such a way that when a non-believer, or an uninformed outsider comes in , the testimony of every believer would probe their hearts and convict them of truth, so there would be nothing to do but to fall on their face and admit ‘Truly God is among you!’ (1st Corinthians 14:24-25).
The Church that DOES Evangelism transforms the world around, instead of being conformed to it. The Church that shares the Good News of Salvation does so because God dwells in it.
Set your course on becoming the Evangelizing Church!

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