Saturday, January 18, 2014

Reclaiming the lost

I am reflecting on the recent Church board session as we discussed what is important for our church.  No matter which goals we considered all conversations returned to one topic – strengthening the family, reviving the family life, helping families to cope with pressures of life.  Family Life is set as our top priority for revival and transformation!  Be though education, or community outreach – family values, and strong families in the core of our church are essential.  I invited you all to consider Biblical teachings on the Church as the Family of God.  The relationships, not just programs or events, RELATIONSHIPS! – taking time to visit, to talk, to listen, to help – TIME spent together is the key for healing relationships and families.
This week I took time to review the materials from the recent summit on retention of church members, the first ever event on this topic held at our church world-wide headquarters.  Only 8 divisions (out of 13) reported on approaches taken.  North American report was missing, as we are reluctant in the North America to address this subject – auditing our membership, and reconnecting with those who stopped attending the church family gatherings.
Following were listed as the most effective methods for reconnecting with people:
·         Private visits at home by friends from the church
·         Pastoral visitation
·         Ongoing friendship and visiting during the week
·         Official visits by elders of the church
These are way of getting people to re-visit, to come back.  But, to keep them, for retention, for the staying power it takes more.  Small Groups for spiritual growth and relationships building is the top practice in retention, and ….. the most successful method reported – healthy families in churches as mediating factor!  When people come and see that Christ’s presence in the Church community changes families, makes families well, improves families from being dysfunctional to becoming loving, caring and peaceful – it is the greatest witness and intervention possible!
It is not an easy “quick fix,” improving our families.  It is a process needing time, determination and commitment.  It is a change of characters by Holy Spirit, and it must begin by admitting that we need help, by not covering up and pretending that everything is OK, but by seeking help.  Pride stands in the way of healthy families.  It is only with humility of considering others, lifting others up and allowing the community to keep us accountable, that this process of family makeovers may begin.