Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pray for Zambia & Zimbabwe, and for all the world

For a whole year we had prayed, day by day, for different countries of the world.  As you read, prayed, watched video clips in church, reflected on the vastness of the mission field for the Gospel, you have developed your own personal experiences.  Some are saddened that we will not continue this emphasis of reminding you of new countries.  Some told me that they kept the whole year stock of bulletins or newsletters and will follow the same calendar again, “reusing” the cycle of prayer.  Do what you may, but continue praying for the world harvest.  There are 13 Regions (Divisions) of Adventist Church including North America.  May I suggest that we should continually pray for our “home mission field” – North America, and take other 12 Divisions and pray for them in addition every month:
January – Inter-America (Caribbean & Central America)
February – South America
March – East Central Africa (from Ethiopia to Congo & Tanzania)
April – Euro Africa (Germany to Spain, Italy, Libya, Algeria, Turkey, Iraq)
May – Southern Africa & Indian Ocean (from Angola to Madagascar)
June – Trans European (from England & Scandinavia to Sudan and Arabia)
July – West Central Africa
August – Euro Asia (Russia, former Soviet republics & Afghanistan)
September – Northern Asia Pacific (China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan)
October – South Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Papua NG, Polynesia)
November – Southern Asia (India & Tibetan countries)
December – Southern Asia Pacific (Philipines, Indonesia, Bangladesh to Vietnam)
Today we pray for Zambia and tomorrow for Zimbabwe.  These two countries have shared past history of British colonization, formerly known as North & South Rhodesia.  Zambia is a home to Victoria Falls on  Zambezi river, a place known by the work of Livingstone. Different ethnically (Zambia are 98% Bantu, Zimbabwe 70% Shona & 15% Ndebele) they developed difirently since independence.  Zambia was recognized as independent since 1964, but the socialist regime led to poverty.  Zimbabwe is in the worst possible economic situation with massive inflation, no employment, and political dictatorship of Mugabe since independence in 1980.  Pray for recovery of living conditions.
Zambia has a large Catholic presence, whereas Zimbabwe is mostly independent Protestant. Both countries struggle with similar problem – AIDS, 25% of all adults carry the virus and about 80% of hospital patients have it. Pastoral work is dominated by funerals, and churches are taking care of orphans.  As churches grow rapidly the greatest need is for mature leadership of integrity.  In spite of difficulties, today these two countries have the highest saturation of Seventh-day Adventists in Africa – 5 % of population.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pray for Vietnam, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna, Yemen

For almost a year we had been praying for countries of the world.  As we are nearing the end of the list we have 6 countries left to pray for.  Today we start four days prayer for Vietnam, a country that is about 3 times larger in population than Canada. Predominantly coastal settlements there are large cultural differences between North & South Vietnam.  Decades of war and Marxists indoctrination, present time Socialist government presents challenges to Christian mission.
Communist North Vietnam conquered South in 1975 and also ruled Cambodia for the next decade causing much bloodshed.  The communist government is still in control making the reconciliation difficult. Even though freedom is repressed, the rise of social ills is on the rise – AIDS epidemics due to prostitution, drugs, exploitation of children are too common.  Pray for spiritual and moral changes and Christian witness.  Vietnam is still one of the worst persecutors of Christians in the world, registered churches are controlled by agents only for maintaining services, forbidding evangelism and outreach.  Unregistered churches are razed and constantly harassed by police.   Adventist church in Vietnam has only 10 churches.  But number of companies and house-churches has grown to over 120 with membership of 10,000 in the past couple of years.  Pray for new believers, for mission, for church leadership, for equipping the church, and for God’s protection.  Pray for Vietnamese emigrants who are returning to their homeland.  Many had accepted Christ in America and Europe.  Pray that their witness will present Christ to the nation.   The least reached with the Gospel are communist adherents, Buddhist Khmer and Muslim Cham people.  Pray for outreach to these people groups. 
Wednesday we lift in prayers Vanuatu, a collection of 12 large and 70 small islands south-east of Solomon Islands, formerly called New Hebrides, independent since 1980.  Has large Adventist presence, 1 out of 14 are believers.  Evangelical Christianity is on the rise from formerly French Catholic and British Anglican influence.  Pray for leaders to exemplify integrity.  Outreach is still needed to pockets of ethnic tribal groups on some islands.
Thursday we pray for Wallis and Futuna, French Catholic has been predominant influence on these three groups of coral islands in South Pacific.  Evangelical church has emerged only in 1985.  Adventist presence is very small.  Pray for individual believers seeking and discovering Biblical truths.
Friday we lift in prayer Yemen, a land of Biblical times, home of the Queen of Sheba.  It’s capital Sana’a traces its roots to Uzal, grandson of Shem, descendant of Noah.  Formerly known for its frankincense and myrrh, today it is the poorest country in Arab world, growing qat, narcotic, as its main product.  Recent collapse of Somalia into anarchy, and Eritrean/Ethiopian war affected the country’s economy as refugees flooded in.  The current unrest after the Arab spring 2011 continues, making it difficult to consider mission, when people are occupied with day-to-day survival.  There are no Adventists in Yemen.  Few missionary efforts over the past decade are yet to produce results.  Pray for Christian mission to find opportunities for need-oriented evangelism.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pray for USA, Virgin Islands, Uzbekistan, Venezuela

We continue praying for USA.  Since last Sabbath and until Tuesday we lift in prayers some 330 million legal and unknown number of illegal residents.  5% of the world lives in this large federation of 50 states.  As the nation is preparing to go to the polls and vote the new president, there is much uncertainty.  People see another “end times” fright as a Mormon bishop is running for President.  Economy determines people’s choice as everyone wants peace and safety, and comfort, promised by Obama.  Yet, no one can guarantee top down solutions.  Recent attacks on US embassies in Arabic countries resulting because of some obscure satire film about Islamic prophet just another illustration how weak is the superpower.  Today we lift in prayer Jewish people living in USA – the largest diaspora in the world, and the most secular segment of Jews.  Recent statement by Democrats of seeing Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel illustrates how charged and emotional is American-Jewish relationship, and all because of false interpretation of end-times prophecies.  Pray for Jewish descendants to discover Christ, to accept Messiah.
Special focus of prayer should be Adventist colleges, Universities, hospitals and all institutions serving wider community, that Adventist truths and values would not be compromised, that Biblical standards would be taught, and that financial faithfulness would be maintained.  Pray for the leadership of our organizations to consider the church mission first.
Wednesday we lift in prayer US Virgin Islands.  Wealthy segment of Caribbean islands, just east of Puerto Rico it is mainly a tourist attraction.  Pray for the church to develop mission and outreach both to tourists and to service workers who come from Latin countries and Asia.  Pray that churches would reach out to migrant workers and stay untainted by materialistic secular pursuits.
Thursday we lift in prayers Uzbekistan, by legends – the ancient land of Uz, place where oldest cities in the world are still centres of life – Samarkand, Bukhara.  It has rich cultural heritage.  It is also an Islamic state where Christians suffer persecution.  Located north of Afghanistant the southern part of the country is used both by US military for their air bases and transport, and Russian forces which never left totally this former Soviet republic.  Recent ethnic conflicts with Kyrgyz population created more tension in which Christian outreach makes more difficult.  Adventist churches had been closing down and membership declining over the past 5 years as believers of European descent emigrate out of the country, and the local indigenous evangelisation is not happening.  Recently the General Conference attached Afghanistant to Uzbekistan field as a mission project.  Pray for missionaries to enter this unreached territory.  
Friday we lift in prayer Venezuela.  A country with about 200,000 Adventists and population a bit smaller than Canada is showing very rapid growth of our church in spite of socialist dictatorship.  Bolivarian republic was first among Spanish country in the fight for independence and liberation (1811).  Since then it suffered from political dictatorships.  A special need for prayer is the military guerilla conflict along the border with Columbia.  It’s major oil production gives resources for independence and sovereignty, yet poverty is growing.  Promised utopia of the 21st century socialism is only causing disappointment, and is supported only by military strength. About 60% of city dwellers live in slums.  Unjust distribution of wealth, and increase of wealthy segment of population causes social tension. It’s economy is totally dependent on oil prices.  In crisis until 2001 it is giving strength to the current dictatorship of Hugo Chavez as oil prices on the rise.  Population is predominantly Catholic.  Pray for the protection of church mission as it addresses issues of social justice. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Praying for the United States of America

Today we begin 11 days of prayer for the United States.  Many are watching for the presidential election campaign on the way.  The “Ministry” magazine for pastors last issue was themed “Faith & Politics.”  Christianity Today asks a question “Is it OK for a Christian to vote for a Mormon bishop as President?”   Many are elated with Obama’s leadership, and after Michelle’s speech, and then Clinton’s speech, some are already predicting the outcome J.  Facebook is hot with all the comments on the process.  Believers are paying attention to this land of opportunities as it is prophetically implicated in Biblical Apocalypse.  How shall we pray for America?
The first European immigrants, pilgrims, saw it as a Promised Land, and developed their theology about the country as if it was God’ chosen New Earth.  Much has changed over past 400 years.  USA is a secular, culturally and religiously diverse place.  Christianity is declining and is at about 75%, of which 1/3 are Catholics, and 2/3 are Protestant.  Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism are each claiming 1% and growing.  About 16% claim agnosticism, humanism and object to religion. However among those who claim Christianity only about 10% attend churches.  Revival of faith is needed.  Pray for rekindling of true spirituality.
Being the 3rd country in the world by size and population USA is the most influential politically and economically.  For the rest of the world it is the “face” of Christianity.  The window through which the world sees “western Christianity” is American culture which is far from Judeo-Christian values it used to represent.  It’s culture is shaping the world through globalization.  Pray that the Gospel mission would not be compromised and hindered.
Racial segregation is still a reality.  Many churches exist in segregated administrative units.  Our own denomination has 9 “regional” conferences coexisting in the same territories as regular “white” churches.  Pray for integration and unity in Christ.  The fastest growing segment are Hispanics population, and churches.   Pray for the second generation children of immigrants, for the youth, to discover faith and come to know Christ for themselves.  Pray for church leaders to provide opportunities for meaningful service and involve the youth more.
Special need is for the outreach to Native communities. Hurt in the past by imperialistic attitudes, many have false perception of Christ ad the Gospel.  A new approach is needed, new workers are needed.  Asian immigrant communities have connected and shown the best success in reaching out to Native Amerindian groups.  Pray for continuing work of the Gospel.
To whom much is given much is required.  This blessed country also produces contrasting reality of contrast to the insensitive cultural imperialism, selfish individualism, unbridled corporate greed and exportation of immorality through movies, interned and other media (such as pornography, casual violence and shallow materialism). America’s appetite for illicit drugs and massive consumption of fossil fuels cause wars abroad, prop up corrupt regimes and inflict suffering on indigenous peoples of other lands.  Pray for God’s angels constant interference with evil in America.
It is also a place where Seventh-day Adventist Church was born as a result of Millerite revival of 1840s.  American leadership until recently governed affairs of the worldwide church.  Today the situation has changed.  Church outside of USA has grown in numbers and efficiency.  Pray that American cultural values would not stand in the way of church development and unity.  Pray for Educational and health institutions to be faithful to the Three Angels Mission and purpose for which we came into existence.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pray for Ukraine, UAE, UK & Uruguay

Today and tomorrow we lift in prayer Ukraine. The homeland of Cossacks, formerly Ruthenia, the land has always been an object of fight between Poland, Turkey & Russia.  Known as the “breadbasket” of Europe it is a land rich in natural resources.  However Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 which lead to opening of the Soviet Union to Western intervention and eventually to its collapse, also devastated local economy, and caused decline in population.  For centuries Ukrainians were enslaved through serfdom to Russian ruling elite.  Today Russian-Ukrainian marriages blurred ethnic division.  Since Independence in 1991 churches grew rapidly for a decade, and then stopped.  People of Ukraine are very religious and Ukrainian Adventists provide leadership to majority of churches in other republics of former Soviet Union.  During the Soviet Regime Ukraine became home to many students from African countries which were on the path toward socialism.  Since then many stayed and some of the largest churches are founded by African pastors.  Yet cultural diversity is a slow process.  Pray for continuing development of church and mission.
Monday we lift in prayer United Arab Emirates.  The local Arab population is only 32% the rest are expatriate workers from South Asia and other countries.  Christianity is present mostly among the workers.  Pray for conversions to take place among Arabic populatin.  In 2010 Seventh-day Adventist church opened first building for worship there.  It also serves as the mission centre for the Gulf outreach.  Number of believers are present in Dubai.  Pray that this wealthy region will be the door for the Gospel into Arab countries.
Tuesday through Thursday we lift in prayer United Kingdom of the Great Britain (Scotland, Wales & England) and Northern Ireland.  The capital city, London with 12 million population is the financial capital of the world.  Pray for diverse communities living there in peace.  Pray for safety from terrorism as Islamic presence is growing.  There is a strong sense that a revival is needed as Judeo-Christian heritage has been eroded by post-modernism and public opinion is very secular.  There is an increase of paganism (Druid/Wicca) among youth. Formerly land sending missionaries today is in need of mission at home. In Northern Ireland Catholic population is increasing while Protestant is decreasing steadily.  Pray for personal revival of faith among believers.  England inner-cities are spiritual wastelands.  Pray for inner city church planting and ethnic outreach.  Adventist church in England is predominantly Caribbean, while Caribbean population is less than 2%.  Pray for the Adventist mission among Anglo-Saxon/Celtic people.  Pray for the mission work in Ireland. Pray for Slavic churches flourishing among immigrants to reach out and integrate with the wider European community for mission purpose.
Friday we lift in prayer Uruguay.  Formerly Catholic it has became very secular nation.  Less than 1% attend Mass. Evangelical churches had been growing among Russian and German settlers.  More outreach is needed, especially to the large Jewish community.  Afro-Brazilian influence of spiritism is popular among people.  Pray for spiritual revival.  The largest un-evangelised are the upper middle class along Montevideo coast, and the poor.  Pray for the mission to cross socio-economic boundaries.