Saturday, January 26, 2013

Revival of Loving Relationships

Last Sabbath I shared with you simple and objective goals set before churches in Ontario, Canada & North America:
Community outreach
Healthy Leadership
It is an updated “platform” of delivering services as a church community.  Building up on previous developments of mission.  Today you see the banner on church wall reminding of these values as guiding principles for church.  Please consider how to apply them into your personal life first!  What do you need to revive and transform in your life?  In what do you need to align yourself with the Church Body?  Are you involved in community outreach?  If you are a leader here, how healthy are your leadership practices?
As I was reflecting on these questions during the week I had a powerful illustration when a group of volunteers from our church walked downtown with two pastors from Sanctuary London.  In a freezing -15o we got to see the city from a different perspective – below the street level, from the river bank, from hiding places.  As pastor Daryl was guiding our group he kept referring to homeless and needy as “our friends.”  He did not say “clients,” just “our friends”… At first it was ad nauseum……  Really! Friends????  But he kept addressing the matter from all possible perspectives for us to “get it” – people end up on the street because they have no relationships that would sustain them when trouble hits.  And it is relationships that they need!  That’s why the best thing one can do is to consider and treat them as friends.  He called one fellow we met a “brother.”  I had to ask myself: am I ready to call outcasts my friends, my brothers?  Do I have that relational strength to care enough and offer friendship to needy people?   I also thought of Jesus’ words I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends” (John 15:15).
We ask how our church can contribute to solving needs in the city, and in response we got a suggestion that we should begin at home, in our church.  The Community needs friendship, loving relationships.  We can help the city by preventing people in our reach from falling away from relationships, and becoming “homeless” while they may keep their house, or an apartment, for a “home” is much more than a dwelling place.  In words of my favorite writer Leonard sweet “we can’t sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land until we learn to sing the Lord’s song in the Lord’s land.”   Loving relationships – our first Revival need.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

REACH London launch today!

Today churches across Ontario are launching the REACH initiative.  You have heard already about REACH.  We had voted details of our strategy November 24, 2012.  You had read the list of goals in December 2012 Newsletter.  Today we were planning to have the new banner displayed, but it is delayed in print, readying for the next Sabbath.  Are you ready for REACH?  Do we need REACH? What is it about?
During the annual workers meetings in Oshawa this week one of discussion topics was REACH.  Some objected to yet another “add on” programming to already busy churches. Some recalled previous initiatives of “Tell Ontario!” “Reach UP, OUT, IN.” Listening to misunderstandings and objections that exist among pastors I wondered if our church members in London are “on board”.  This is not a change of direction.  REACH is a better “version 3.0” an updated streamlined more comprehensive unifying strategy to what we are already doing, adding some new emphasis, such as healthy leadership practices, which were overlooked in the past.
I begin with words of Apostle Peter “I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth” (2nd Peter 1:12).  Today’s launch is a reminder of commitments we made.  One objection that I heard frequently was “we are already doing it.  Why do we need an official ‘launch’?  My illustration here may not be politically correct, but consider it anyhow.  A couple maybe living “common-law” for a while, but it does not mean they are married!  A marriage ceremony is needed to affirm their commitment to each other publicly; to make a statement of “no reserve, no retreat, no regret;” to seek God’s blessing through a sacrament of spiritual ceremony.  We may have been implementing positive changes for awhile, yet it is meaningful to have a special dedicatory commitment, to seek God’s blessing in prayer for our efforts, to state publicly to those who may missed the significance before that we are intentional about change!  Even married people need to renew their vows.  We cherish our wedding anniversaries, as it is a reminder of our commitment and direction in life.
May it be today as we inaugurate the REACH strategy, that we would make commitments to work together with other churches of Ontario Conference to grow God’s Kingdom.  We want to be in alignment not only within our church but also with our sister congregations.
It all begins with personal revival and transformation, reconnecting with God, revitalizing ministries, and making changes needed. We want to reaffirm our commitment to the great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) of making disciples, continually mentoring and teaching believers of all ages.  We want to recommit to serve community where we live and to lead people to Jesus.  We want to support our leaders, and build up empowering practices.  Let’s REACH London for God!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Start something that matters, Grow in Grace!

The new year has began... Kids are back to school.  Adults are getting ready to file taxes for the past year... Church Ministries are making plans for yet another year... Some are making resolutions, writing in a journal to keep self accountable.  Some are on their knees pleading with God for new beginnings.   How will this year be different for you?  We hear about needs around us all the time.  We hear about needs all around the world.  We know our personal needs.  What will you start new this year?  Will you start something that really matters?
Last year we invited the whole congregation to consider five practical steps toward revival: read the entire Bible, pray for the entire world, ƒ sacrifice one of your luxuries to give financially for others, discover a new culture, mentor someone to grow in Christ.  Have you done these steps?  Have you done at least a couple of these? 
 If you have read the Bible – pick up a different version and read anew in this year – you will be blessed with Encountering Jesus!  Continue praying for the world.  Our Prayer Ministry team will be developing resources to keep you updated for the word-wide needs.   ƒ What about your luxuries?  In 2012 our family had spent $5,000 less than the previous year, simply saying “no” to unnecessary things.  We used the saved money to pay off past debts and educational loans, and contributed extra $500 for ministry.  Do you budget your life to be a blessing for others?
How brave are you to venture out into the multicultural neighbourhood where you live and meet someone different?  Today the universe has moved next door to you!  No need to go overseas on a mission trip.  Mission can begin at home.  You witnessing to a person from Iran, or Somalia, or Azawad could lead others in their homeland to know Christ.  Great Commission is more possible today.  Are you doing it? 
Finally, have you mentored someone?  Are you mentoring?  You can begin at home, mentoring and training your children in basic Christianity.  This year let’s hold each other accountable to do what we say we will J.  The banner is present in the sanctuary to remind us all of our duty.  Next week we will hang yet another banner – our strategy to REACH London.  We don’t want to overwhelm you with information and “to do” lists.  Start something that matter!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Into 2013 with thanks and renewed hope

My first blog of the year is all about thanks!
It was a blessing to spend an evening with church family and hear all the testimonies of how God led us through the past year.  Thank you for blessing us with your presence and with sharing your milestones J!  Congrats to Anniekay and Kirmane Allen on their New Year’s 6th wedding anniversary!
Few of us missed the church dinner as we were serving dinner for homeless.  We had a great group of volunteers – Gordon and Clara Baptiste, Shawna Thompson & Joanna Walker, Kathleen, Mike & Kamron Bancroft, Teresa Dewild (community friend of Kathleen), Sue & Randy Stevens,  Bob & Sylvia Reeve, myself and Michael Golovenko.  Thank you for offering your time to serve and bring joy into lives of people who need it!
I had been wishing everyone this season to encounter God in their life.  Personally I need more of God-Encounters! May it be your resolution – to get more into the Word of God and to search after God, for He is not far.  It is in Him that we move, live and have our being.  We just need to see and hear!
Thank you to all 33 people who submitted NCD surveys!  Out of 40 distributed we have had the highest number of responses on this 8th annual survey.  The results also had been a blessing – objectively manifesting quality growth in our church life. We are not perfect.  We have same challenges – lack of small groups and relationships, but we have grown!
Over the next week leaders will review all the details as we plan to serve even better this year.  A special attention will be given this year to small groups development.  That alone will change our relationships and empower evangelism!