Saturday, January 24, 2009


I asked the Church Board, our leaders this question recently: “What would you say to your Baptist/Pentecostal/Anglican friend that would make him or her want to become an Adventist?” I would like to invite you to this task. Is there something about what you’ve got to offer that is so catchy, so desirable, so gooood, that others would say “I want it!” ???

That’s what Evangelism is all about – giving people something so good which they would want. Good News, Good Info, Good something that makes a difference, that would change their lives for better. What is your Evangelistic Good?


Don’t tell me “Sabbath” – there are 400 other denominations that keep the Sabbath, and I know many others who are more serious about the Sabbath than most of us. Don’t give me the “health” answer – are you really “digging” the health lifestyle yourself? What is it that is worth telling others? Seriously, stop, think, and get an answer, before reading further.......

One person told me “Ellen White.” lol! For the last 30 years it has been cause of embarrassment to most church members rather than witnessing item. In fact, whenever we are engaged in an Evangelistic program we fear people would go on-line and read-up about her, and would not come back again. This is the first time in 30+ years we are picking up the Sabbath School Study that deals with the issue.

Any suggestions on what should we offer as Evangelism to our close friends who differ? Another way of asking this same question is “What do we reproduce?” One person answered: “Beliefs!” That’s exactly what we’ve been offering as a good news – set of doctrinal beliefs. Our Evangelistic series had been a lectureship on a set of answers to questions no one is really asking.

I like an answer given by a young person – we are to reproduce Love of God, Jesus in us, the relationship with God. Can you envision now such Evangelism? Offering people not just a set of statements, and a lecture on topic of “28 way of interpreting Bible,” but love, relationship, hope, certainty, God’s Presence. People crave real community.

Back to our original question: you meet up with your Presbyterian co-worker and say: I would like to teach you how to be closer with God, how to discover God’s plan for your life and how to walk in deeper relationship with Him. No one would say “no.” In fact if you are already walking with Jesus, you want to go deeper. If you are already hearing from God, you want to hear more. If you are already discovering His mighty hand, you want to have His Power in your life all the time. Offer such Evangelism, and your Charismatic/United/Methodist friends will say “thank you.”

So, do you have the “product” we are to offer to the world? As I work to prepare for our first outreach series in April, I recognize that only those who have living relationship will be able to contribute and support this effort by evangelising. Many of our own would have to attend as recipients first, expecting their own transformation into becoming God-chasers and God-catchers first.

Why do we do it? One reason, because we are obedient to our Lord Jesus who told us to go and make disciples, for there is not “plan B” for saving the world. But obedience alone is not enough, without love and passion of God’s heart in us, implanted by the Holy Spirit, the obedience becomes drudgery. It is the love of God in us that makes us do it.

Ask yourself today: what do I have to offer for Christ’s sake?

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Jesus plan and strategy was to reproduce His ministry in each disciple. Just consider His departing promise: "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do”(John 14:12). Reproduction was the ultimate goal and purpose of Evangelism.

Evangelism is spiritual reproduction. Evangelism is not about getting numbers to join, but about conversion where the newly born people will grow themselves to reproduce. You’ve heard this truism “Healthy sheep will beget more sheep.” We have a strange corruption in the church today where sheep expect the shepherds to reproduce sheep.

Every parable of Jesus pointed to the reproduction: seed planted in the ground, dying, and coming up in multiplied form, being born again in reference to human reproduction, investing talents and gaining an interest, - all points our to the purpose for which Christ came and worked among us – to reproduce the Kingdom of God among people.

How is your work of reproduction? Are you reproducing yourself spiritually? Are you investing in people’s development to reproduce? So far we considered these steps of Jesus’ mentorship: selection à association à consecration à impartation à demonstration à delegation à supervision. Reproduction is the final step. It is the ultimate goal of training for Evangelism, and evangelism itself.

Does Jesus have a “Plan B”? Do you recognize how important is this spiritual reproduction to Jesus Plan of Salvation? Jesus intended for His disciples to produce His likeness in and through the church so that His ministry in the Spirit would be duplicated many fold by His ministry in the lives of His disciples. His Ministry continuing to expand until the multitudes might know in some similar way the opportunity which original disciples had known the Master.

We talked about the Kingdom of God that started small like a grain of mustard seed, but it would grow in size and strength until it became a tree greater than all the herbs” (Matthew 13:32; Mark 4:32; Luke 13:18,19). Jesus strategy of Reproduction makes Evangelism only a matter of time and our faithfulness to His plan.

Dawson Trotman, the founder of the Navigators, once wrote a classic booklet entitled, “Born to Reproduce”. In it he explains that every living creature, both plant and animal, has the God-given ability within itself to reproduce other creatures after its own kind. What keeps the creature from reproducing is, among other possible problems: immature development, premature death, disease, suppressed desire, lack of union, miscarriage. Apply this illustration to your life. Every Christian has the ability within himself/herself to reproduce spiritually. Today 90% of church attending Christians admit that they have not lead someone to Christ, they had not reproduced spiritually. Looking at the above named barriers let me pose this question: “What keeps us from reproducing spiritually?” What keep you from Evangelism?

Considering reluctance for Evangelism some may wonder if the Church will ever be successful. Here’s what I have from Jesus: No matter how great the trials through which His people would pass, and how many temporal skirmishes were lost in the struggle, the ultimate victory is certain. Christ’s church would win in the end. Nothing could permanently prevail against it or be strong to its detriment, or hold out against it (Matthew 16:18) Will you join in the Victory? Will you reproduce?

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Do you hold yourself accountable for soul-winning? Does anyone else hold you accountable? Do you check yourselves on your performance of daily duties? Do you like when someone checks on you?

As we reflect on Jesus’ method of preparing the World for Evangelism we note the sequential approach. First Jesus selected those he would work with and began associating with them, calling them to consecration and imparting the Holy Spirit. As they followed Him he demonstrated to them the Kingdom of God in daily reality. Only then he delegated them with power and authority to go and do likewise. However, upon their return they had to report. We do not know how much they had reported (Mark 6:30; Luke 9:10). Al we know that Jesus took them to a retreat, to a quiet place where they may rest.

The 12, or the 70 didn’t yet really know Christ’s ultimate purpose when they were sent out on their field trips. When the Seventy returned and reported with excitement the miracles and success (Luke 10:17-22) Jesus, while rejoicing, also kept their joy in check, teaching not to be satisfied with first fruits, and events, but to consider it only as beginning. As I read that story I see that Jesus did not call us to hold the fort, but to storm the heights. Single one-stand victories are no substitute for the total victory over the whole world. Have you ever been in a job where you were unclear of the purpose or lacked good supervision? Supervision helps to see clearer the purpose and objectives.

You see that Jesus did not hesitate to examine his disciples, and ask them questions like “Don’t you understand?” (Mark 8:17). When disciples weren’t able to heal, and people came complaining, he rebuked them and then healed the boy himself, pointing to the Glory of God. As Jesus showed them by example, and assigned them to do work, he also gave them freedom to make mistakes, to fail…and then He checked. He would not let them rest in success or in failure. No matter what they did, there was always more to do and to learn. He rejoiced in their success, but nothing less than world conquest was His goal, and to that end He always superintended their efforts.

Leaving this world and leaving us, disciples in charge, responsible to continue the Victory, he also promised the Holy Spirit as our Encourager and Empowerer. Yet, the Holy Spirit begins His work also with a check-up (John 16:8-12) . Note, Jesus way of “check-up” supervision is not that of criticism, or put-down, but of comfort, uplifting and strengthening.

In two weeks we will come together for our first annual Business meeting, discussing plans and directions for 2009, divvying the Budget moneys for various ministries. It would be prudent for each departmental coordinator to present a one-page report of their plans and vision. Put together in a booklet the score of reports and the Budget would be available for access by all members and visitors, keeping us all accountable for the work we promise to do, serving us a reminder of our priorities this year.

As we prepare for intentional Evangelism this year, for your personal Evangeliving, take a journal, set goals, and record testimonies as you share Christ’s love with people

Saturday, January 3, 2009


The whole Christian experience, from the day Son of God came to this earth was about delegation. Incarnation was delegated from heaven. Mary was delegated to be the mother of Messiah. Joseph was delegated to take care of Mary and the boy. As Jesus began his ministry it was intended for delegation. The first statement he made was “I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Disciples were delegated to go and minister. You and I are delegated to GO!

Do not wait for human delegation. You are DELEGATED by Christ, and remember true mark of a Christian disciple is obedience. The great Commission recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 tells us to Go, Make other disciples, Baptize and then Continue mentoring them in all Jesus taught us.

Note, Jesus does not send anyone prematurely or without preparation. Jesus selected disciples, and associated with them daily. Disciples had gone on two tours simply observing how Jesus did ministry, consecrating and committing themselves. As He demonstrated to them the Love of God in a practical way He also imparted to them the Holy Spirit power. Only then, on his third tour of Galilee (Mark 6:7) did Jesus send them to work.

Delegation came with instructions, outlining explicitly what was taught over two years implicitly. Matthew 10, the whole chapter gives detailed instructions, commandments of how to do ministry. I invite you to read the whole chapter, verse by verse, asking yourselves: “how does this specific instruction apply to me?” As you consecrate yourself to be the disciple of Jesus you don’t invent your own rules of engagement, you do not look to the world to copy strategies of work. Jesus did not leave Evangelism subject to human impression or convenience. Being a disciple of Jesus you simply ask Jesus what to do, and obediently do it.

As I read Jesus’ instruction the very first tells me that our major focus is to concentrate on those promising to lead others. Seeking leaders who would lead other leaders, seeking individuals worthy to invest, and ready to receive. Jesus first point is – minister to those who are ready, don’t waste your time with unprepared.

In Jesus’ delegation strategy there are warnings of rejection, family priorities and struggles. But He ends with empowerment in verses 40-42. Jesus is saying that when you go in His Name you are the Blessing carrier. When people receive you they receive Christ, God’s blessing, God’s Presence. Jesus wants his disciples to know the power invested in them. When you go in Jesus name, when you smile at someone in Jesus name, when you do an act of kindness in Jesus name you bless and change lives around you.

The initial success was so inspiring that more were sent right after – the group of 70 was delegated, two by two to go again, preceding Jesus’ visit with another tour of work. As the small core is delegated in our church, as the small group begins to work in Jesus name, focusing on those with potential, more will join and expand the work.

Matthew 11:1 tells readers that ending his delegation Jesus himself went to work. Our leaders in the congregation are not only to delegate, but, having distributed power and responsibilities, are themselves to go and raise the standard.