Saturday, June 29, 2013

On being a missional church

Today many members are attending the Mississauga Camp-meeting.  It is a one-day-celebration event to encourage church in Ontario to go beyond our comforts, as we look upward awaiting the coming Lord Jesus in Glory.
How’s your “going beyond” been lately?  This past Wednesday I had an opportunity to share with those gathered for our mid-week service on being a missional church.  Read following verses: Acts 9:2, 19:9,23; 22:4; 24;14,22 and you will see that the early church was called the WAY.  Jesus called Himself “the Way, the Truth, the Life” (John 14:6) and his followers understood that they were to be Jesus to the world, after He ascended.
“Go Make Disciples” to the early believers meant “Go Do Me!” says Leonard Sweet.  It is an interesting rendering.  Very true paraphrase.  That’s what the church was and did – being the Body of Christ, being Christ to the world around them.  We would like to claim the “remnant” status – returning to the radical roots of apostolic faith.  Then this mindset is not optional.  The Church of Jesus is the Way, is on the Way, is going.
Some say we are ON a mission.  Yet, if the “ON” means a switch, like “ON/OFF” then the church could be either ON or OFF the mission, which is false.  The true Church is the Mission, not part time, not when convenient, not when half-empty and need new people, but all the time, 24x7!!!  If our church sign would read “London Seventh-day Adventist Mission” how would that change our dynamics?
As a child you may have played the game of TAG. You are being chased, and then “tagged” with words “you’re IT!” and now it’s your turn to chase.  As soon as you say to Jesus “I’m in” He says back at you “you’re out!”  GO, make disciples, “tag” people with the Kingdom of God message!
The Church of Jesus is not about “keeping God in His Holy Temple,” the building.  On the day of Pentecost the Mission fell on the church!  We are the Temples, and wherever we go – Jesus is manifested.
What is your Personal Mission?  Christ’s church accepts His vision of priesthood of every believer, implying personal ministry of every believer.  Prayerfully check your personal ministry and mission.  Are you GOING?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mission next door

First day of summer! J... Some are dreaming of going to the beach, time permitting.  Others are being evacuated (in Calgary) from flash-floods due to heavy rain.  Some are going to stay in doors, away from the heat wave (btw, the Medical Officer of Health has issued Middlesex-London’s first Heat Alert of 2013 from Sunday, June 23, and continue until into Tuesday, June 25).   Others are planning mission trip up north to support smaller church communities. What’s your plan for this summer?
During the snowy winter people find excuse from doing witnessing in the cold weather.  It’s not convenient to go door to door when wind is chilling.  Summer time is too hot.  Spring – too busy with yard work, clean up and getting ready for the summer.   Fall – too wet.  Seems there is no season fit for active witnessing.  Or, maybe, every season should be an opportune moment!  I heard a comparison of evangelism as “flashing.”  Walking in long coats hiding what’s on the inside, and then, for just a moment, “flash” of the inside: “here’s my Jesus, ta-dah!!!”  Really?
The only way witnessing really work, is Jesus’ Style of evangelism: “Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me."--Ministry of Healing, p. 143.
This kind of evangelism, mingling with people, works year-around!  Last Church Council (Board) meeting, June 10, I shared the summary of our 3 months discussion, which followed the rally in April on evangelism as a process.  It makes sense to expect the harvest from an event in October when through the year we are actively planting seeds of friendship, and Jesus’ love in peoples’ lives.  The Fall Harvest event, which some call a “crusade” J has one purpose – to transition people from spectators to being disciples, from consumers to producers.  But first – they need to be consumers and spectators!
We affirm that our homes are the front line of evangelism.  It is in our households among family and friends that first interest for knowing Christ is developed.  We affirm that our multiple ministries are venues for evangelism.  As groups of interest, like Pathfinders, Adventurers, men’s and women’s ministries, CHIP alumni, task force groups of Community Services, and other small groups interact with people – first introduction to Christ and His Gospel Message takes place.  We affirm the Church School, A.C.E.S. of London, as the most effective tool of evangelising our children, transmitting Biblical values and forming most impressionable characters.  Most of all, we affirm that every believer is to lead someone to Christ, every believer is to minister to one another in Jesus’ Name.  It is this process that makes a year-end event of ‘reaping” effective.  Without year-around process no “crusade” will do, no matter how much fight we put up!
This summer, consider who it is that you are evangelising, who it is that you are mingling with and witnessing about Jesus. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thoughts on Father’s Day

I looked over my past blogs to see if I ever written anything on Father’s day.  Somehow I thought that this will be first, but I did, in 2010. It was entitled “Father’s Influence” and I made an appeal to fathers to consider the legacy we are leaving in our children.  I invited fathers to ask themselves “Have we shown to our children our love for the Bride of Christ, the Church?  Have we treated our wives with affection and self-sacrificing love, as Christ loved the Church (Ephesians 5:25)?”  Kids are watching, learning from us our attitudes, which will impact their character and life.  Our family life, and our stance to the church, that will shape the next generation.  Our priorities must be set right so our kids would know what is important.
I wonder if the significance of the Fathers’ day has been downplayed in our community.  Thanks Don for facilitating the potluck today!  In 2011 I had written a blog on the history of Father’s Day, learning that it was a woman who pushed for the recognition of the date, maybe as a complement top the Mothers’ day celebrated a month earlier.  Our relationships with our fathers affect our attitude toward this celebration.  Yet, when we consider our Heavenly Father, we ought to remember also our duty of honor and respect to our earthly fathers.
After decades of neglect and politicking only in 1972 the day began to be celebrated officially in North America.  So tomorrow will be the 41st Father’s Day!  I will not get a chance to spend the day with my boys and family as I am required to attend a 5 days-long training at Camp Frenda with a cohort of 40 other pastors, leaving from home at 8 am.  My boys are always in my prayer.  As a shepherd in my home I remind fathers that we must “be diligent to know the state of your flocks, And attend to your herds” (Proverbs 27;23).  Guard all powerful influences in our children’s lives.   
1.       Guard their Friends.  Proverbs 13;20.  Companions of our children mold their attitude!
2.       Guard their Education.  The worldview our children learn in school will become their worldview.  Know what they are taught and who is teaching them.  Get involved in shaping their worldview!
3.       Guard their Music.  Teach your children to discern the messages in music.  Lead by example of what you listen too.  Protect their imagination from the sensual worldly damage.
4.       Guard their Media/movies/TV.  Boys especially are very visual, next generation interprets reality through stories they watch.  Take time to watch edifying programs together.
5.       Guard their internet.  Train your kids to run from evil.  Keep internet access out in the open, prevent secrecy.  Know what is happening in your kids’ “on-line” life.
6.       Guard their Computer Use.  Even secular research warns against addictiveness of video gaming and the negative influence of violent and fantasy world.  Make sure they are masters and not slaves of technology.
Fathers, let’s pray for one another that we may raise together with our wives, together with our church family, a generation of real Christians.