Saturday, May 30, 2015

100 Days of Prayer. Part 3

I continue with updates on prayer requests for the upcoming 60th General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas.  Besides of what you already prayed for (continue doing so J) these are new requests:
  1.  Pray that what might have happened in 1901 in our church, will happen in this generation, and that God’s Spirit will be poured out enabling us to humble our hearts, make wrongs right, and finish His work with power, and whatever restructuring and reorganization is needed will take place, even if it was not planned for, to make our church more efficient for mission.
  2. Pray for clarity of thought and focus for the delegates during important meetings and decision-making.
  3. Pray that Holy Spirit would guide and even arrest people thinking into obedience to Christ.
  4. ƒ Pray for delegates representing Adventist Education, and for greater support and interest by all church members and administrators in maintaining Seventh-day Adventist education in a pure form in our schools!
  5. Pray for the large evangelistic campaign that Elder Wilson and hundreds of others are preaching right now in multiple sights across Zimbabwe.  
  6. Pray for an increased participation and commitment in evangelism outreach by all church institutions as they support the ongoing mission of the church.
  7. Pray that the audio/visual and technical equipment work correctly and that people be able to hear well no matter where they sit in the building. 
  8. Pray that that God will bring to the forefront godly, teachable, and humble leaders for the future, who will provide Christ-centered leadership, as His church fulfills its heaven-born mandate to the world.
  9. ˆ Pray that the Holy Spirit would be poured out in such rich measure at the upcoming General Conference Session that it would be evident to all that this is God’s church and He is in control.
  10. Pray for the young people that will be in attendance at the GC meetings, that they will see Jesus displayed in the lives of our leaders and long to follow and know Jesus more.

Š God will lead in all the nominating committees and caucuses.

Our family will leave London on June 25, travelling first to Austin, TX where pastors of North America would meet June 27-30, then we will travel to be in San Antonio, and will return home to London on July 13.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

100 Days of Prayer. Part 2

This is an update for prayer requests and suggestions for the upcoming 60th General Conference Session in San Antonio, TX. Besides of what you already prayed for (continue doing so J) these are new requests:
  1. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  We don’t know God’s timing, but we know God’s promise—Zech. 10:1.
  2. Pray that as a result of what happens this summer at Session, church members around the world will see that there is power when God’s people earnestly seek Him unitedly…and that whatever God does, it will be evident He worked in answer to these many earnest prayers. May God be glorified!
  3. ƒPray that spiritual enthusiasm for the mission of the church that will supersede any other topics of discussion. 
  4. Pray that God will bless and lead as special testimonies are shared each day. Pray that these testimonies will encourage people to live for Jesus and reach people for God in personal practical ways.
  5. Pray for all the technical logistical issues that go into making the GC program flow, that God will lead and bless in every detail. 
  6. Pray that the audio/visual and technical equipment work correctly and that people be able to hear well no matter where they sit in the building. 
  7. Pray that the running translations be accurate and Holy Spirit empowered. 
  8. ˆPray that God will put in place the leaders He wants in all the elections around the world at GC and Year End Meetings, as many leaders retiring!
  9. Pray that those leaving positions of leadership will be able to leave gracefully, and those entering new positions of leadership will do so humbly, recognizing they can do nothing of themselves, but only through God’s power!
  10. ŠPray that the theme “Arise! Shine! Jesus is coming!” will take on a personal significance in our lives, as we seek to proclaim the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.
  11. Pray that delegates and GC attendees will look for opportunities to pray with and for one another throughout the Session.
  12. Pray that delegates and attendees will look for opportunities to witness to and pray with non-SDA workers and staff that will be serving us during the meetings, and that God will use these points of contact to bring many more to the truth.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

100 Days of Prayer focus

Since March 25 Adventists around the world are praying for the upcoming 60th General Conference Session in San Antonio, TX, which will take place July 1-11, 2015.  Here’s a list of prayer requests for you to consider as you pray.
  • Pray for an Upper Room experience of unity of Holy Spirit outpouring by those that attend the GC session. Yes, business must be conducted, but pray that it will be evident that God is present among His people in everything that is done.
  • Pray that we as members would understand that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a prophetic movement with a prophetic message entrusted by heaven with a prophetic mission, and may we not slumber at this critical time in earth’s history.
  • ƒPray for more time spent in Bible study and prayer for our church leaders and laity, allowing God to fully direct us as a church, according to His will.
  • Pray for a spirit of unity in Christ among the delegates and attendees that will transcend any differences of opinion, and that attendees will humbly accept any outcomes that may not be in accordance with personal convictions.
  • Pray that the program and platform leaders of all the meetings, including the  “business sessions” be Spirit led and that the meetings be life changing, not just business as usual. 
  • Pray that the music at GC session bring glory and honor to God and draw people closer to Jesus. Pray that rather complaining, we would learn to adopt a spirit of praise to God in every aspect of our daily lives, whether in a worship service or in our work.
  • Pray for the safety and health of delegates and leaders as they prepare to travel to San Antonio, and for all details to come together.
  • ˆPray for those who are working behind the scenes now on the planning and logistics for the GC session in San Antonio.
  • Pray for the Communication Departmental delegates and leaders at the GC and throughout the world church. And pray for Archives and Statistics delegates and departmental leaders that chronicle the history of the church for future generations. 
  • ŠPray for the establishment of "centers of influence," especially in large cities around the world that can make a difference in the daily lives of people and show Christ's love.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Please pray for the Mission to Nicaragua

On Tuesday, May 5th a team of volunteers from our church will for the first time go on a mission trip to Nicaragua.  We request your prayers, for it will not be a vacation trip but a mission filled with work of evangelism, health ministry, physical labour and empowering local believers.  Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio will preach 9 nights series of Gospel messages.  Gord & Kathy Rayner will lead in presenting NEWSTART and Depression recovery lessons, Valdemar Ferreira will lead out in building projects with Bob Reeve, Stepan Golovenko, Udo Muller & Janice Bridnley, Sandra Golovenko and myself assisting.  At our last prep meeting pastor Atencio shared a thought that during the two weeks our relationships and patience would be tested, as the intensity of our interactions will go beyond the routine once a week meet-and-greet at church J
As I reflect on this upcoming trip, I am already missing the comfort of staying at home J.  It is not a convenient thing to go into unknown place and walk away, even for a short time, from luxuries we have here in Canada.  I still remember the orange tap water on my trip to Russia in 2007, and “No-Wi-Fi” challenge in the mountain village in Chile in 2008 J.  I also am a bit disappointed that we did not raise the anticipated $10,000 (USD).  The biggest let-down for me was the GoFundMe experience, as I hoped that social media friends on Facebook and other contacts would contribute  more toward the project L.  The best fundraising was asking people in person.  We, everyone on the team, had paid our way and donated to the project, some giving more than expected. The church leadership also made a contribution, and the total amount raised stands at $7,000 (USD).  I think we are “sacrificing” to help others….and then in my devotional reading this week I was confronted with these words from Ellen G White’s Ministry of Healing, p.473: “We are never called upon to make a real sacrifice for God. Many things He asks us to yield to Him, but in doing this we are but giving up that which hinders us in the heavenward way. Even when called upon to surrender those things which in themselves are good, we may be sure that God is thus working out for us some higher good. In the future life the mysteries that here have annoyed and disappointed us will be made plain. We shall see that our seemingly unanswered prayers and disappointed hopes have been among our greatest blessings.  We are to look upon every duty, however humble, as sacred because it is a part of God's service. It was just what I needed, a reminder to trust and cheerfully appreciate God in charge!

I am sincerely asking on behalf of our team to hold us in prayer for the duration of this trip (we are returning on May 20), and to pray for our families remaining here.