Saturday, October 26, 2013

Reviving passion of Adventist Movement

This week our hearts are burning with revival!  It is empowering and encouraging seeing new faces, to see visitors coming into our church to hear as pastors from surrounding Adventist churches preach their conviction about salvation we have in Christ.  Every night we had over a dozen of visitors, some through CHIP connections, some through Community Open House work, some invited through friendship with our church members.
I reflected on the fact that 169 years ago, this past week, on cold October 22, in 1844 early Adventists, followers of William Miller’s preaching, were expecting Jesus to come.  They were disappointed!  Despite their sincerity and dedication to the cause their expectations did not come through.  The leader misunderstood and misapplied Biblical prophecy of Daniel 8:14. 
As I read the news releases from our global church headquarters on that day, Tuesday, October 22, the current poll shows that most Adventists today do not have urgent expectation of Jesus coming soon!  Only 22%, that’s 1 out of 5! Strongly agreed that the world as we know it will end within the next two decades.  Half strongly disagreed, thinking there is more time than 20 years.
We do not know the time, be though year, day or the hour.  But are we ready today?  It seems that whenever a disaster strikes, like the earthquake in Bohol, Philippines, or flooding in Mexico, Cambodia, people get excited about signs of the time.  Or when another conspiracy theorist sends a YouTube video outlining selected happenings as the end time catastrophe, or when one of the time-setting preachers presents a new theory of how 6,000 years are actually ending in 2031, 2000 after the crucifixion of Jesus and the end of ceremonial sacrifices – Adventists awake and start the rumor mill.  What about staying busy until Jesus comes and lovingly helping people, allowing Jesus, present in our lives, be seen by our neighbors, co-workers, friends.
How active are you in mingling with the world in need of Savior?  Is your witness “light” burning bright?  Do people around you get touched by loving care and come to give Jesus a chance in their lives too?  Do not wait for anything, witness today!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Two weeks of Evangelistic Revival

Tonight we start the two weeks program of sharing our faith.  While it is true that all our activities are evangelistic in nature, our worship, our community service, CHIP training, Adventurers, everything we do is to share the Love of God and the Salvation we have in Jesus our Lord, it is also important to call people to commitment.  We may need to do it more frequently than once per year.  We are organizing this event during the Fall Harvest season as a reminder that we all ought to bring people into the Kingdom of God, as our fruits, as our harvesting efforts.
Earl Biggs was leading the mid-week Prayer service this past Wednesday and asked as searching question on why the secular “gospel” of entertainment seems to be more successful, as compared with the Gospel of Christ. This question could be paraphrased in many ways:  why is the church losing ground to the secular mindset, especially among the youth and young adults? Why are there fewer people in churches than in movie theaters, sport arenas, Costco, shopping malls, clubs, bars, workout places? Is the Kingdom of god gaining ground in our city?
As I reflect on this, I am facing the challenge that the bottom line of this question is the war over self: self-care vs self-sacrifice.  The gospel of this world is “take care of Number One! Indulge Yourself.  Pamper yourself.  Spoil yourself.  Love yourself....” The Gospel of Christ is less appealing as it calls us to “deny yourself, pick up your cross, offer yourself as a living sacrifice, love your neighbor, care for the least of people!” 
Notice that Christ does not call his followers to “hate self.”  In fact, Christ also called for self-care: "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26)  The difference is self care for the sake of benefiting others and community, vs self-obsession at the cost of others and community.
During these two weeks, be brave to invite someone else to consider God’s Kingdom.  Be a witness, help your close friends to overcome evil with the word of your testimony, introducing them to the Blood of Christ as only salvation.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Readying for Evangelism

This week many of you fasted.  I had 16 slices of bread and innumerable bottles of water.  This is my first fasts since 2002, and I am committing for an annual experience for spiritual reasons.  Of course, I crave the taste of my favorite foods! Yet, an honest admission must be made, in my case at least, that I eat not necessary because I need, but for pleasure sake.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying pleasant food!  The Fast of Yom Kippur (Judgment Day) in Israel was followed by 8 days of feasting on Sukkot!  God is inviting us all to the Feast in heaven.  My point is, when food becomes our comfort, our “run-to” solace, it may lead to addiction.  Fasting, a regular fasting, breaks unhealthy patters and reminds us of priorities.
Not everyone fasted from food.  Kids and youth in their growing stages are not to fast from necessary nutrients.  They may fast from other regular activities that are not essential – games, TV, media, computer. For some it maybe just abstaining from one meal in the late afternoon.  Now, fasting from going to the beach in October does not count J!  Your sacrifice has to be real and reasonable.
Some shared with me that they could not keep the fast for the total amount of time.  My comment is: if you can’t keep your body under subjection for the vow you made, how can you then control your spirit?  The self-control is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Prophet Daniel fasted, Esther fasted, Nehemiah fasted, Ezra, Samuel, Elijah, Paul, John the Baptist – Bible is filled with examples of spiritual heroes who fasted for specific reasons. There are different types of fasting.  One thing they all have in common – expecting God to do a miracle! If you are desperately want something and making a covenant with God is the only answer, would you try?  How seriously do you want to see evangelistic revival in our church, in our city?  How committed are you to be a part of it?
Some of you shared that this week you had opportunities to witness like never before!  I pray that your evangeliving will not be limited to one week per year, but be an ongoing lifestyle.  Every ministry of our church, everything we do outside of the church, even our worship service is Evangelism.  In addition once a year we are to harvest our efforts.  If we planted, seeded, invested – there is need to reap, collect, harvest, and also evaluate!  The two weeks of proclamation is a celebration of what we did this year.  For those who recently made a commitment it will be strengthening of faith.  For seasoned church goers it will be a reminder of purpose, a revival of passion.  For new comers, for the new interests it will be a challenge for change.  For all it will be an experience with God.  Please continue in practice of spiritual disciplines through this season of Gospel Witnessing.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

On Being a part of the Body

Today we are selecting a pre-Nominating Committee (new name "Organizing Committee")– five people who will then meet and recommend to you those willing to serve as the Nominating Committee. This blog is a repeat from the last week as it is very important for everyone to consider your individual place in the Body, the Church.
Once a year our church goes through this process of evaluating what we are doing and making necessary changes, adjustments to be a functional and effective for the mission. Apostle Paul says that a church is lacking in gifts (1 Cor 1:7).   Our congregation has all the spiritual gifts granted to different individuals.  We are like a mosaic pieces fitting together into a big picture.  There is are gifts of healing in our church, gifts of prophecy, gifts of leadership, gifts of giving, gifts of mercy, and much more!
The Holy Spirit is in charge of distributing gifts, and He reveals gifts to people who receive them. I trust that you have read Romans 12 and 1st Corinthians 12 and do understand the concept of the church as a Body.  Spiritual gifts are given for edification of the Body, for building up the Church family, for benefit of other believers.(1st Corinthians 12:7) To every servant of Lord Jesus some gift of the Spirit is promised. There is no one who has not received!!!
Consider this statement from the pen of inspiration: “At this very hour His Spirit and His grace are for all who need them and will take Him at His word. The gifts are already ours in Christ, but their actual possession depends upon our reception of the Spirit of God.  If they are connected with Christ, if the gifts of the Spirit are theirs, the poorest and most ignorant of His disciples will have a power that will tell upon hearts. God makes them the channel for the outworking of the highest influence in the universe.” (Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live By. 292)
From the same inspired pen came these words: “the greatest cause of our spiritual feebleness as a people, is the lack of real faith in Spiritual Gifts.” (Ellen G. White, an Appeal in Review & Herald, January 14, 1868)  The members have depended upon pulpit declamations instead of on the Holy Spirit. Uncalled for and unused, the spiritual gifts bestowed on them have dwindled into feebleness. (Ellen G. White, Selected Messages. Vol.1. 127)
When Christians serve in their area of giftedness, they function less in their own strength and more in the power of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual gifts are not an option but a vital necessity in our Church. Your brothers and sisters need your giftedness!!! Your involvement in the process is essential.