Saturday, October 25, 2008


With the economic crisis growing on the global level, rise in unemployment, rise in food prices, global inflation and recession, there are enthusiasts are dwelling on fears and suggesting the New World order as an imminent solution.

Among Protestant believers with eschatological expectations this translates into fear of persecution, and the instinct of running. When the youtube and other internet sites present horror stories of FEMA concentration and internment camps right in the USA, millions of plastic coffins prepared, trillions of AMERO transferred to China, when Alex Jones’ infowars presents Lisbon Treaty as the final step of the evil British empire destroying America, Germany and France, and taking over the world, to fight Russia-China-Iran alliance, when former Adventist pastors sound the alarm about red/blue/yellow FBI lists, (and the list can go on) – it’s hard to ignore the fear. Oh! How can I forget the “Sunday Law”?!

Even here in our congregation among Adventists in London, Ontario there are suggestions propagated “it’s time to leave the cities!” Recently I was presented with an audio recording of a former Adventist leader dismissed from the office for fraudulent activities in 2006, who’s traveling the world scaring believers, and unjustly accusing the church of conspiracy. These “preachers” exist on funding that comes from scared believers selling out and subsidizing more panic. Other groups are suggesting that the official church is beyond repentance, and call to “come out of her.”

As I reflect on these happenings I see the work of the enemy in it. When the Church, the General Conference, and local leaders call believers for intensifying the work of the Gospel in the cities, for more Evangelism in the cities, where more than 50% of population lives today, there are detractors who call believers to run away from the cities, whose message is “cease and desist” . Who do you think is behind this panicking? Who do you think will benefit from believers leaving the cities, and running to save themselves, while letting billions perish without knowing the saving truth about Jesus, the Loving Saviour? By the way, none of our Canadian cities even make the top 50 list of populated cities in the world, only Toronto and Montreal make to the last few in the top 100.

As I reflect on this I am reminded of the admonishing by apostle Paul “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Jesus in one of His parables gave a clear instruction to believers “Occupy, do business till I come.” (Luke 19:13)

Dear fellow believers, do you have a copy of Ellen G. White book “Last Day Events”? or better yet, when did you last read the “Great Controversy”? Book of Acts in the Bible tells us that the Power is given to be witnesses! Consider our city, friends, co-workers, family members who are not with the Lord – we’ve got the work of witnessing, not running!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Every pastor, every church planter is passionate about the faith community – after all it is the husbandry, the building of God, the Master builder (1st Corinthians 3: 9) And I am also passionate for the church where I am to be the best Dream Church one can wish for. This question has been on minds of many. Here are few suggestions collected, in no particular order:

Location – no long commuting, which creates a more rushed and forced atmosphere on worship day, and hinders the ability of church members to come for an evening service, and to socialize and connect in a real way during the week. Church should be in our community, no matter how small or large.

Diversity – not only of ethnicity, but in tradition, culture, age and worship styles. A snapshot of those attending the church should mimic the surrounding community.

Warmth – full of Christian geniality toward each other, to God, with visitors, and for the surrounding community with a distinguishing factor of sincerity, truly caring about each person who walks through the church door. A church that genuinely treasures its children, young people, and elderly, that lives by the principle “It Takes A Village.”

Ready –prepared for random visitors, newly invited friends, seekers, and non-members. Being meaningful and understandable, getting information from visitors, being prepared to feed or invite them out, and do a brief but heartfelt follow-up phone call a few days later. Also being prepared for natural disasters and having a plan in place for assisting the community if a tragic event takes place, ready to use the space of a church to house people in a storm or to feed people after a fire, and making the community aware.

Fun –enjoyable, well planned social events, using gentle humour throughout the services, providing enough activities, educational opportunities, and programs to keep all ages learning and growing together. Doing outdoor activities together, a rafting trip or ping pong tournament. Church should be a place we want to spend time.

Humble – continually willing to grow and change and seek God’s master plan. Where leaders are willing to implement new ideas.

So, how do you see Your Dream Church?

Saturday, October 11, 2008


September 27th we had a good crowd as Western Ontario pastors came together for an Evangelism Rally at the North Church. Number of individuals signed commitment cards and promised to bring friends to meetings. Significant amount was pledged for the future Evangelistic meetings in 2009-2010. This is just a beginning. Similar rallies will be held in every church in the district. More rallies will take place here in London as we prepare for the total church involvement in Evangelism by January 2009.

A similar approach has been employed in Toronto for years, where churches come together to do evangelism. Two weeks ago 100 people were baptised on the closing day of two evangelistic meetings. 60 were baptised in the portable pool set up at the International Centre, in Mississauga. The other 40 were baptised at Kingsview Village Adventist Church, in Etobicoke. The baptism at the International Centre brought the total baptised during the September 6-27 Life of Victory evangelistic series to 136 persons. The series was the joint effort of 14 churches in the West Toronto. Evangelist Omar Palmer, the assistant pastor at Apple Creek Adventist Church led the meeting. He will be coming here to London in November for a rally. Kingsview Village Church left it’s own facility vacant participating in the public evangelism, meanwhile letting two Spanish churches, Maranatha and Bet-El do their own outreach there.

Conference Evangelism and Church Growth coordinator, Dr. Errol Lawrence commented “We have seen that traditional evangelism still works, but we should also consider supplementing it with alternative methods in order to more effectively reach the millennial generation. Reaching through friendship to neighbours, family and friends. "

I want you to consider Jesus’ way of doing evangelism. Luke 10:1 records following method: “The Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go.” Jesus, the best Evangelist ever, the original Evangelist, is doing something that every church should pay attention to: calls more people to the team, in addition to those already serving and working with him, and he sends them in pairs ahead of himself, into places where He Himself was about to go.

The reason Evangelism did not work in past decade – because no pre-work of “going before” was ever done. The pre-work of visiting with people, going door-to-door, preparing friends and neighbours for the event, has to begin at least 3 months before the Meeting. The whole process of developing friends, and serving needs of people has to be a continuous and consistent effort.

As we work toward telling London that Jesus is coming soon, let’s start visiting and preparing people within our sphere of influence.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Last Sabbath we had a good crowd as Western Ontario pastors came together for an Evangelism Rally. 25 individuals signed commitment cards and promised to bring 74 friends to meetings. $1760 pledged for the future Evangelistic meetings in 2009. This is just a beginning. Similar rallies will be held in every church in the district. More rallies will take place here in London as we prepare for the total church involvement in Evangelism by January 2009.

As I looked through the Ontario Conference News release Wednesday afternoon I was rejoicing to see similar approach being employed also in Toronto, where 100 people were baptised last Sabbath on the closing day of two evangelistic meetings. 60 were baptised in the portable pool set up at the International Centre, in Mississauga. The other 40 were baptised at Kingsview Village Adventist Church, in Etobicoke. The baptism at the International Centre brought the total baptised during the September 6-27 Life of Victory evangelistic series to 136 persons. The series was the joint effort of 14 churches in the West Toronto. Evangelist Omar Palmer, the assistant pastor at Apple Creek Adventist Church led the meeting. He will be coming here to London in November for a rally. Kingsview Village Church left it’s own facility vacant participating in the public evangelism, meanwhile letting two Spanish churches, Maranatha and Bet-El do their own outreach there.

Conference Evangelism and Church Growth coordinator, Dr. Errol Lawrence commented “We have seen that traditional evangelism still works, but we should also consider supplementing it with alternative methods in order to more effectively reach the millennial generation. Reaching through friendship to neighbours, family and friends. "

Last Sabbath I shared Jesus’ way of doing evangelism. Luke 10:1 records following method: “The Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go.” Jesus, the best Evangelist ever, the original Evangelist, is doing something that every church should pay attention to: calls more people to the team, in addition to those already serving and working with him, and he sends them in pairs ahead of himself, into places where He Himself was about to go.

The reason Evangelism did not work in past decade – because no pre-work of “going before” was ever done. The pre-work of visiting with people, going door-to-door, preparing friends and neighbours for the event, has to begin at least 3 months before the Meeting. The whole process of developing friends, and serving needs of people has to be a continuous and consistent effort.

As we work toward telling London that Jesus is coming soon, let’s start visiting and preparing people within our sphere of influence.