Saturday, April 27, 2013

REACH London – are you doing it?

This week I had a privilege of leading children at our Church School through a week of prayer every morning.  I appreciate the thank you card I got where they shared in artistic expressions what they understood.  As I was prayerfully considering what to share with kids, I was impressed to share with them REACH values, and to pray with them for our church family to embrace intentionally the guidelines from our church leadership toward the future growth.
We had to make it simple for primaries to get it through use of metaphors, stories, video clips and more. 
This is what I learned:
Revival – as we watched a time-lapse video of spring flowers coming from what appeared a dead ground, we thought of resurrection that spring brings.  Think of what happens to a dry desert sand when it gets rain – grass springs, flowers come from dry seed under the sand.  We all need revival, we all need Holy Spirit rain to make us grow, flower and bear fruits!  With revival comes transformation – we watched (video, of course) a butterfly emerge from cocoon.  And kids all agreed that we all need to change for better, to mature and grow!
Education is discipleship!  We read the Animal School fable, how duck leaned to run, rabbit to fly, squirrel to swim and eagle to climb, and they all got poor grades in it.  Proper education considers personal genius of every individual and develops different potentials.  We even watch a clip from original Karate Kid, considering the importance of a sensei, a mentor, a personal teacher, instead of a “factory production line.”  If education would be simply about transmitting information, then we could replace teachers with automated machines, like ATM replaced bank tellers, and plug kids in front of computers to obtain “knowledge.”  Wisdom is caught, values are modeled by example.  Education is discipleship.  Who is discipling your kids? Who is modeling life for your children???   
Alignment.  A fable of a swan, a crawfish and a pike pulling a cart in three directions, and not moving it all was our starting point.  Are we pulling together, in the same direction?  Consider following images: rowing team, synchronized swimming, a military parade march, a team of jets flying together – unless they agree they cannot walk together.  Pray for our church family to be in alignment, to walk and work together as a team!
Community outreach and Evangelism.  The word euangelion, meaning the good news, was used by children in Alexandria, watching grain ships arriving at port, and running into the streets to tell people that food is coming.  Even children can be bearers of good news.  Our youngest children already know people in need.  As evangelists we all are called to help people in need, and to give hope for better.  Watch a video of Nick Vujicic, a person without developed limbs, thriving in life and inspiring others to appreciate life – there is no room for self-pity and depression!
Healthy leadership and Management.  The last was the easiest – every one is a leader, simply because we all could invite someone to be happy, to make someone smile, to make someone’s day better!  And it’s all about learning to take care of what we have.  This is my brief learning.  Kids got it! You can learn these values too 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thinking more about Evangeliving

Please consider these Questions and Recommendations on Evangelism practices from the discussion at our April 13 Rally,and consider your personal ministry in advancing God’s Kingdom....
Corporate Witness and Teamwork
1.     What creativity could be done to improve the evangelism of our church?
2.     Make evangelistic activities relevant for our friends and family who do not yet know Jesus Christ!   How relevant are our current programs offered?  What would be “relevant”?
3.     Our church already is helping those in need: 
(a) food & clothing through Open House Community Service,
(b) Christian education is offered in a safe environment of ACES;
(c) children Bible learning through Adventurers, VBS, children’s church; 
(d) health information and lifestyle change is offered through CHIP;
(e) “way out of depression” program is offered annually. 
What other needs are there that we should engage in to help our friends, those people we know?
4.     How could leaders (elders, directors, influencers) of our church offer more support to individual Christians in their personal evangelistic endeavors?
5.     Have we identified those individuals in our church who have the gift of evangelism?  How many “evangelists” do we have in church?  What would it take to form an “evangelism team” with all gifted?
New Believers support
6.     When new people come to church events, how do we approach them?  Are we being open and loving?  How could we grow in the area of connecting with visitors?
7.     Do we befriend new comers quickly?  How many have befriended a new believer to support them, as they lose former network of associates?
8.     Encourage new people in our church to get involved in evangelism immediately!  New comers have friends in the world, and are not as disconnected as “seasoned” members.  Best “numeric” growth is achieved when new converts bring their friends and family in!
9.     What practical help could be provided for new Christians to grow in faith?
Personal Evangelism
10.  Do we, each, pray for friends, colleagues and relatives who do not yet know Jesus Christ that they will come to faith?   Who are you praying for?  How many, specifically?
11.  How do we deepen our relationships with people who do not yet know Jesus Christ? 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

on evangelism, stewardship, and being "dispensers" :)

Next Sabbath we will engage the whole congregation in a conversation about place and meaning of evangelism in our lives.  We invite everyone of you to come Friday evening at 7 pm for time of prayer to understand God’s Master Plan which we call “evangelism.”
This past Wednesday evening I had an opportunity to share with those who attend the Prayer Meeting about Biblical principles of Stewardship.  Please take your time and read following passages in your Bibles in the full context, as I list here just short details:
1 Peter 4:10 “stewards of the manifold grace of God”
Ephesians 1:10 “ stewardship/view/plan/dispensation of time”
Ephesians 3:2 “stewardship/dispensation of God’s Grace”
Ephesians 3:9 “stewardship/fellowship of the mystery”
1st Corinthians 4:1-2 “stewards of the mysteries of God”
These are just few samples of many texts where the Greek word oikonomia (from which our English economy comes from) is used.  The word is rendered differently as translators struggled to convey the meaning.  Dispensation is a good word, as it alludes to an act of dispensing. 
The idea of Apostle Paul here is simple – God’s Mystery, God’s Plan of Salvation, God’s Gospel, the Good News/evangelion – that’s the resource and wealth that must be dispensed!  God’s servants, followers of Christ, everyone who calls the name of Jesus are entrusted with the duty of dispensing God’s blessings, the Holy Spirit which has been deposited in our lives!  Just think on the magnitude of this simple image – the only way God’s grace gets into the world is through God’s people dispensing it to others.  Are you being a “dispenser”?  Are you dispensing God’s Love and Grace to people around you?  That’s what Evangelism is all about – being a dispenser of God’s Grace.
Stewardship is all about advancing the Kingdom of God but administering, fellowshipping, planning, and distributing the Gospel everywhere.  Money, time, possessions, talents, and everything else are secondary, and serve as vehicles and means for the Gospel!   Gospel Stewardship is the Great Commission “Go and make disciples.”
Once you get this point, about being a dispenser J – now read 1st Corinthians 9:16-18, where Paul explains the stewardship as an obligation.  We serve not out of our own fullness, or because of our own greatness – but out of overflow of God’s blessings in our lives.  Anything else is fraud.  And because of this – we cannot brag, boast or seek credit. It’s the least we can do – dispense what God is pouring through us.  In words of Paul “woe unto us” if we do not dispense and administer out!
Prayerfully, please consider how faithful a steward you are.