Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pray for USA, Virgin Islands, Uzbekistan, Venezuela

We continue praying for USA.  Since last Sabbath and until Tuesday we lift in prayers some 330 million legal and unknown number of illegal residents.  5% of the world lives in this large federation of 50 states.  As the nation is preparing to go to the polls and vote the new president, there is much uncertainty.  People see another “end times” fright as a Mormon bishop is running for President.  Economy determines people’s choice as everyone wants peace and safety, and comfort, promised by Obama.  Yet, no one can guarantee top down solutions.  Recent attacks on US embassies in Arabic countries resulting because of some obscure satire film about Islamic prophet just another illustration how weak is the superpower.  Today we lift in prayer Jewish people living in USA – the largest diaspora in the world, and the most secular segment of Jews.  Recent statement by Democrats of seeing Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel illustrates how charged and emotional is American-Jewish relationship, and all because of false interpretation of end-times prophecies.  Pray for Jewish descendants to discover Christ, to accept Messiah.
Special focus of prayer should be Adventist colleges, Universities, hospitals and all institutions serving wider community, that Adventist truths and values would not be compromised, that Biblical standards would be taught, and that financial faithfulness would be maintained.  Pray for the leadership of our organizations to consider the church mission first.
Wednesday we lift in prayer US Virgin Islands.  Wealthy segment of Caribbean islands, just east of Puerto Rico it is mainly a tourist attraction.  Pray for the church to develop mission and outreach both to tourists and to service workers who come from Latin countries and Asia.  Pray that churches would reach out to migrant workers and stay untainted by materialistic secular pursuits.
Thursday we lift in prayers Uzbekistan, by legends – the ancient land of Uz, place where oldest cities in the world are still centres of life – Samarkand, Bukhara.  It has rich cultural heritage.  It is also an Islamic state where Christians suffer persecution.  Located north of Afghanistant the southern part of the country is used both by US military for their air bases and transport, and Russian forces which never left totally this former Soviet republic.  Recent ethnic conflicts with Kyrgyz population created more tension in which Christian outreach makes more difficult.  Adventist churches had been closing down and membership declining over the past 5 years as believers of European descent emigrate out of the country, and the local indigenous evangelisation is not happening.  Recently the General Conference attached Afghanistant to Uzbekistan field as a mission project.  Pray for missionaries to enter this unreached territory.  
Friday we lift in prayer Venezuela.  A country with about 200,000 Adventists and population a bit smaller than Canada is showing very rapid growth of our church in spite of socialist dictatorship.  Bolivarian republic was first among Spanish country in the fight for independence and liberation (1811).  Since then it suffered from political dictatorships.  A special need for prayer is the military guerilla conflict along the border with Columbia.  It’s major oil production gives resources for independence and sovereignty, yet poverty is growing.  Promised utopia of the 21st century socialism is only causing disappointment, and is supported only by military strength. About 60% of city dwellers live in slums.  Unjust distribution of wealth, and increase of wealthy segment of population causes social tension. It’s economy is totally dependent on oil prices.  In crisis until 2001 it is giving strength to the current dictatorship of Hugo Chavez as oil prices on the rise.  Population is predominantly Catholic.  Pray for the protection of church mission as it addresses issues of social justice. 

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