Saturday, October 24, 2015

Revived … what’s next ?

What a week!  My spirit has been lifted by pastor Fred Nichols peaking to us since last Sabbath.  There has been moving of the Holy Spirit in our midst as people are renewing their commitments to be devoted disciples of Christ, allowing Jesus to transform us as individuals from within.
I thought of a quote that a writer for God’s church penned “Before the final visitation of God's judgments upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times.” (Great Controversy, 464)   Simple messages, yet profound in practical applications, made me think about the true godliness, which is simple, primitive, basic, accessible for all!
And I prayerfully asked what does it mean to us?  In my study this week I encountered few more definitions of what the “revival of primitive godliness” looks like - “the law of God is restored to its rightful position.”  Our daily lives are guided by the Law of God.  Our public and private acts, every word and deed, reveal godliness and virtues of the character of Christ.  I long for such a church fellowship, where loving care, gentle spirit, disinterested benevolence, allow trust to grow.
This week had also been a week of political changes in our country.  By the social media reactions I learned that our church family has diverse opinions and preferences.  Yet, we must consider that God is in charge of the Big Picture.  Daniel 2:28,21-22  there is a God in heaven who solves mysteries…He changes the times and the seasons, He removes kings and also raises them up, he provides both intelligence, wisdom  and discernment. He opens up and reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light spills out of him!
As we move into the future there should be no fear of uncertainty.  This week’s Sabbath School lesson prompted us to consider that there are only two ways in life (Jeremiah 17:5,7)– Trust God, or trust men, receive either blessing or curse.  God guides history.  He’s got the plan that none of us sees yet.  And we are invited not to worry about tomorrow, but to live today to the fullest, doing God’s Will, loving one another in Christ.

Pastor Nichols reiterated a few times “you are ALL God has got in London…stop waiting for something, expecting someone to come and do things you ought to be doing….You are God’s “Plan A” and there is no “plan B.”  A witness of one delivered person is evangelistic enough to deal with whatever demons there may be in any place.  Our victory is assured by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of our Testimony (Revelation 12:11).  Some of you shared how disappointed you are after witnessing and inviting people, and they did not come, or that some church folks who could have come did not show up either.  I simply say “Trust God!”  God know who came and why.  God know what plans he’s got for us.  God alone knows the environment He wanted and the impact it will have on our church.  Live, Love and Trust God.

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