Saturday, September 5, 2015

Evangeliving – calling friends and family OUT

This fall we will have two Evangelistic programs – October 17-24 with pastor Fred Nichols @ London main (South), and November 7-15 at the Living Truth Company, the new West London church plant.  The question I have for everyone – are you planning to invite someone?  Have you befriended someone new to introduce them to Christ?  Is there a co-worker that you are praying for and will invite him or her to hear the Gospel?  Is there a classmate that had been curious about your faith and it is a time to introduce them to why you are Adventist?
You have heard this before – more than 80% of people who are in church today were invited by a friend or a family!  Public evangelistic proclamation works only when we bring our loved ones, and those we sincerely care for on our arm.  Do you believe that we, the Seventh-day Adventist church, have a unique mission and unique calling from God?  Have you considered that the mission to call out the Remnant, and the revelation of truth about last day events has been the core of our identity?  No one else gives this message of warning, and if your friends are good Christians, members of other denominations, they are missing out if you will not invite them to know God’s Plan more!

Recently I had a non-Adventist share with me their concern about the movement to unite Protestant Christians together with the Catholic and Orthodox Christians.  A person from an evangelical background was all upset that the work of the Reformation is being lessened as insignificant, that the difference in doctrinal teachings between Protestants and Catholics were downplayed.  I listened and thought to myself: “how much more should we be concerned as Adventists, when we have even more distinct differences!” The concern was raised by the recent developments of the “John 17 movement.”  Under innocent and pious guise of following the Prayer of Christ for “All to be One” a date had been set, October 31, 2017, the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg church, thus signalling the beginning of the Reformation.  Recently Doug Batchelor compared the work of Martin Luther, introducing the Word of God, the Bible in common language to the people, as the action of the sword wounding the papacy.  Over the past two decades much work had been done to heal this wound, to repair the breach.  Now, in preparation to the 500th anniversary of the event a certain action is taken by a team of Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic and other faith groups to put the past behind.  On Saturday, June 18, 2016 the movement will begin 500 days of prayer for unity, a day for a year of separation, culminating October 31, 2017.  Many protestants from different denominations are alarmed.  What will they do?  Are we sounding the message of the 2nd Angel “Come out of her my people?”  Do we proclaim to our friends, neighbours, acquaintances, that this was prophesied and the world will be united, but for the wrong cause?  People need to know that there is a movement committed to the Truth as it is in Jesus, and would not compromise it even for the sake of Unity.  You heard the slogan “each one reach one” before.  Are you up for it?

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