Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pray for peace, and work while there is still time

This Sabbath we begin a new study theme for the Sabbath School quarter – focusing on the main teachings of Jesus as he revealed truth about salvation for us.  I would like to draw your attention to the back of your quarterlies, to the mission projects.
Every quarter we focus on one of 13 world regions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, called “divisions.”  This quarter the focus is on the Euro-Asia, formerly known as the Soviet Union territory.  As you look at the map and statistics, you would notice that 4 out of 7 mission projects are located in Ukraine.  The membership, almost half of all Adventists are in Ukraine.  Just like last quarter we noted that majority of Adventist believers in India lived in state of Orissa, where the persecution of Christians is the strongest, so there is also a parallel with believers in Ukraine.  The country has been engulfed in war from three directions, west, east, south for most of its millennial existence, and its people learned to rely on God, to seek God in the midst of turmoil.
Over the past 8 month I had paid added interest to the news of conflicts and war, as my native country has been moving deeper and deeper into military conflict.  Last Sabbath Adventist churches around the world prayer for peace in Ukraine on the appeal of the Euro-Asia Division president, Argentinian national Guillermo Biaggi, who has urged church members across the division (which includes Ukraine, Russia and 10 other former Soviet republics as well as Afghanistan) to give a freewill offering this Sabbath to help fund efforts by ADRA to assist people, both Ukrainians and Russians, who have fled to other parts of Ukraine and across the border to Russia in the unrest. 
This week as we celebrated Canada Dominion birthday 147 years ago, and the 238th Independence Day of the United States, we appreciate peace and safety here on the North American continent.  At the recent  Ontario Conference Campmeeting during the special feature, a “parade of nations,” our leadership asked for representatives carrying flags of Ukraine and Russia to come first on the stage after Canadian flag was brought in, symbolically signifying the desire for peace, praying for the end of the conflict.  Enjoying peace we continue praying!
Yet, you probably had also noticed an escalation of conflict in Israel, a renewed military fighting in Iraq, forcing Saudi Arabia to move 30,000 soldiers to its borders.  Some are wondering if this is going to the final conflict, to the end battle of Armageddon.  The religious news of American and Canadian Pentecostal and Charismatic leaders meeting with pope Francis on June 24 in Rome, seeking alliance, also heightens anticipation of apocalyptic developments.

Without speculating on the future developments I want to remind you the invitation and guidance from Jesus, urgent to all of us today: “While it is still day, we must do the work of the One who sent me. Night is coming. Then no one can work.(John 9:4).  Use the peaceful opportunities that you have to do the work of the Gospel, to share about the coming Kingdom of Jesus, lead people from the darkness into the light of truth, while there is still time.

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