Saturday, November 10, 2012

Praying for Reformation and Revival to continue

This week the Adventist church in North America was praying.  Our annual week of prayer focus was on Revival and the Word of God.  Tuesday many were “glued” to their TV (older folks J), or following on their smart phones the live updates of the Big Tuesday, US election.  Your FB posts tell your attitude toward the results. 
In the running days interesting details came to light.  Sunday before the election Roman Catholic celebrating priests read appeals from their bishops, as they were required, of not so thinly veiled endorsements of a certain candidate, some played a specially produced video “Tested by Fire” emphasizing pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-freedom.  Billy Graham had taken public steps to embrace Romney for president week before, removing Mormon religion from a list of cults on his website and taking out an advertisement urging Christians to vote on Biblical values.
Thinking of Biblical values…really?!  A campaign that was ran on lies?  A representative of a religion that was built on the notion of white supremacy? Did anyone check if Romney sees himself as the fulfillment of the controversial “white horse” prophecy that may shaped Mormon’s understanding of their role in prophecy? This August as we traveled through Adventist heritage sites and birthplaces we also stopped in Palmyra, NY, and toured sites around the Mormon religion origins. It would take more than a paragraph to describe cultic devotion we witnessed there. According to Mormon teaching, a time will come when the United States constitution will be “hanging on a thread,” and the United States will look to the Mormon Church for  “exceedingly fair and delightsome” deliverer to replaces the one who bears the “curse” of a “skin of blackness” (check the context in the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 5:21).
Why am I addressing these matters in a “Sabbath church-time” blog?  Because the religious confusion should be a concern to all Bible-believing Christians. Politics and religion shaking hands is the Babylonian confusion from which we must call believers out.  It has been 495 years since Martin Luther nailed 95 accusations against church corruption on October 31 to his church front door.  Is the Reformation still ongoing in our lives, in our community?  What is our stand on the Sola Scriptura?  Is the Bible still sole basis of authority in our lives?  Are we standing on the Word of God?
The Reformation is under fire in the land of it’s birth.  A year ago (September 2011) the current pope BenedictXVI spoke for the first time in German history to the Bundestag (parliament).  The event was boycotted by hundreds of MPs not attending, which were replaced by former members for attendance numbers.  Will the Reformation be annulled on its 500th birthday?
The only defence against the “wine” of Babylon is the Word of God.  Bible is the sole basis of all reforms, and beliefs.  Could we say with Martin Luther “Here I stand and I could do no other”?  How is your personal devotion to the Bible, to the Word of God?  Are you following popular trends of comfort and pursuit of personal happiness and pleasure, or are you staying free from confusion, seeking safety of “It Is Written” of God’s Word? Is the “Sword of faith,” the Word of God in your arsenal to have victory over deceptions?

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