Saturday, October 20, 2012

What is a "Holistic Small Group" - a definition

I am writing this on Thursday morning, sitting among some 70 pastors and leaders of the Ontario Conference at the Toronto West church reflecting on issues impeding growth of our church.  11,837 church members from 427 churches were polled with surveys and questions from 2007 to 2012.  The two weakest factors in general for most of Adventist churches in North America are loving relationships (fear of judgmentalism L when everyone tries to be perfect, trust others with our real issues), and lack of community in Small Groups.  In our church we had addressed the need for Small Groups, understanding that lack of relationships hinders formation of such community groups.  During our “brainstorming” sessions among local leaders in London a question that was frequently raised and not fully answered was: “Define the Small Group!?”  As I look at responses of people from different backgrounds on the NCD survey, I think of this “checklist” definition:
Holistic Small Group (or a House Church) is a group which:
o  Helps me with the challenges of my life
o  Spends lots of time on things that are urgent and relevant to me
o  Helps me to grow spiritually, and connects me with Christ more
o  Is safe to talk about personal problems
o  Has an environment of trust, where we trust each other
o  Integrates newcomers quickly, and is welcoming
o  Will pray with me when I need it
o  Makes me feel at home
o  Has caring leaders well trained to serve
o  Actively seeks to multiply and grow other groups
If you belong to a group, did you check all the above?  It is our goal to have all groups become such beacons of hope!  If you are not in a group, and may be considering hosting one, offering your home for such a weekly group, please let our leaders team know.  There are sign-up sheets if you would like to open your doors.  Hosting a small group just may turn out to be your special blessing.  You may know someone who’s got leadership giftedness – team up and form a group.  The best approach for groups is by geographic proximity, making it close and convenient to meet, without time loss to travel.
You may be the very person that God is looking for to lead a small group. You don't have to preach, you don't have to be an expert in bible history, we are looking for individuals who can connect with people, are compassionate, respectful and can direct an evening of casual conversation, focussed discussion and meaningful group prayer. If you are even remotely interested, speak with our elders and myself to explore this opportunity, you may be pleasantly surprised at what God can do with your willing heart.
Our movement grew from revivalist small groups, it grew through small groups in multiple locations, and today such experience is much needed to help believers grow in Christ As we address these will our church become more or less Adventist?  I believe that in Small Groups we will become more fit for our mission and our Adventist heritage will be enhanced.

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