Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pray this week for Liberia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Libya, Luxembourg, Macedonia

This week we will pray for a different country each day. In the array we have the wealthiest and the poorest per capita. Pathfinders Club has been working on ADRA development honour, learning about developing countries and communities in need of relief and support. A look at IMF or Human Development index reveals the worst situation in Africa. The 30 countries at the bottom of the list are on African continent. Out of 187 listed, Liberia is 182. Country that has no roots in ancient history and traces its beginnings to 1820 when the region was colonized by freed American slaves with the help of the American Colonization Society, which believed ex-slaves would have greater freedom and equality in Africa. Slaves freed from slave ships were also sent there instead of being repatriated to their countries of origin. In 1847, these colonists founded the Republic of Liberia, establishing a government modeled on that of the United States and naming the capital city Monrovia after American President James Monroe. Two recent civil wars left country’s economy devastated. African traditional beliefs, tribal secret societies, fetishism and Freemasonry pervasively every confession of Christianity in Liberia. Adventist Church is strong and is involved in mission. Pray for ADRA workers in this region.
Lesotho is listed 160th on the human development list. A unique country which is a “land island” completely surrounded by South Africa. 80% Christian population experiences compromise with traditional beliefs. Pray for revival of witness. Adventist church operates Maluti hospital in this region.
Monday we pray for Liechtenstein, a country smaller than our city of London, located on the border between Switzerland and Austria, famous for artistic postal stamps which account for 10% revenue! Witness is difficult among the Roman Catholic population. Pray for open doors for reformation of Christianity.
Tuesday we lift in prayer Lithuania, a southernmost Baltic country of former Soviet republics. Very traditional culture, bend on preserving historical heritage, makes difficult to witness to Adventism. In 1991 there were about 40 believers, and the church has been growing slowly. Pray for strength among leadership.
Wednesday we pray for Libya, infamous for its recent uprising against dictatorial Gaddafi family, the country is in turmoil between fractions that want to separate into three smaller sovereignties. Pray for peace, cease of violence, restoration of life for people. Adventist presence is very small, mainly among foreign workers. Pray for witness to be possible, that the radical Islam will not take power.
Thursday we pray for Luxembourg, Catholic by constitution, where Adventist church was first established in 1971and has not grown since. Literature distribution is forbidden by law, door-to-door witnessing is forbidden. Evangelism is not happening in this land between Germany, Belgium and France. Pray for hunger among people to seek truth, and for openness to hear it.
Friday we will pray for Macedonia. Historical homeland of Alexander the Great of Biblical prophetical fame. The traditional faith is Eastern Orthodox and people are not open for “sectarian” witness. Least developed among former Yugoslavian republics, the country today has large population of Albanian Muslims (about 30%) and significant presence of Roma Gypsies. Pray for Christian love to be the main venue of witness.

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