Saturday, February 18, 2012

praying for India

This post is contributed to by Kay Gaikwad.
We continue praying for India from February 16 until 29.
Today we lift in prayer Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, and two bordering states to Pakistan on India’s west side. Punjab is India’s single largest wheat provider, the most fertile region on earth Jammu and Kashmir is also the only Indian state that has its own flag and constitution, and Indians from other states cannot purchase land or property in the state. There is constant political unrest between these states and Pakistan due the influx of terrorists from across the border resulting in extreme poverty among the poor. Christianity is less than 2 % of the population in Punjab (Sikhs) and J &K (Muslims), of which Seventh-Day Adventists are only a fraction of the 2%. The constant struggle at the borderlines constantly separates Hindu’s and Muslims resulting in recurring riots, political unrest and fear in the hearts of Indians.
Sunday we will pray for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, two neighbouring states to the East coast of India. In Andhra Pradesh especially in districts of the Godavari, we are sitting on a time-bomb of Hindu-Christian strife. Hindi nationals continue to express concern on the spread of Christianity, a growing concern for a pre-dominantly Hindu nation. Go to YouTube and key in “Hindu attacks on Christians in India. These two states have the highest level of Christian persecution and murders by Hindu radicals. A region where intolerance for Christians is sharply on the rise, churches and schools have been burned down, pastors and church members are beaten up and there is no mercy for even women and children. Two hundred were meticulously targeted across the state by Hindu radicals. All the churches were burned down and demolished. Many Christian pastors were told to re-convert back to Hinduism to be saved. Praise God no one has been reported to be “reconverted to Hinduism”.
On Monday we pray for Assam, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh. The extreme north-east states of India. The land of tea plantations. Earliest mention of this region was by the Chinese explorer, Chang Kien, in 100 B.C. Again this region is predominantly Hindu and Muslim. With is neighbouring country China, Tibet and Bangladesh, the presence of Buddhism is also present and Christianity being the very least. Pray for a greater Adventist presence in this region. Where travelling can be treacherous and thrilling (to hikers) commercial transportation cannot be depended upon.
On Tuesday we pray for Rajasthan, the largest state of India. This state has the world’s oldest and first civilizations and mountain ranges. Rajasthan is now the preferred destination for IT companies. Hindu’s make up 90% of population followed by Islam, and other religions. Christianity is nowhere close. Despite this statistic, there have been at least 142 religiously-motivated attacks on Christian in the year 2007. Many state level governments have passed an “anti-conversion” bill in India finalizing the “caste” you’re born into is your life-long religion. Many Hindu’s are of the belief that Christianity is an “unclean and foreign religion. Pray for the change of hearts of the governments. Pray for individuals to look beyond their caste.
Gujarat, the state of the famous Mahatma Gandhi, who in his own words said, ““I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Was a man of non-violence who led India to freedom from the British Rule. Yet in 1997 in Gujarat, 22 churches were burnt or destroyed, and another 16 damaged.[2] Recently, there has been a sharp increase in violent attacks on Christians. A Hindu group claims to have converted 2,000 tribal Christians to Hinduism. The attackers had vandalized places of worship and thus caused strike terror among the tribal’s. Pray for their eyes to be opened so they may turn from their violent ways and love one another.
On Wednesday we pray for Maharashtra & Goa. Again Christians are a minority with Adventists being only a fraction. A mostly peaceful state with its focus on education and fast progressing information technology. Pray for the young adult generation to open their hearts Jesus.
On Thursday we pray for Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, another two states consisting of a fraction of Adventist population. Christian re-conversion back to Hinduism is very prominent. Christians, their families and Churches are regularly harassed by Hindu radicals. Most confrontations are violent in nature leaving no space for negotiations or talks.
On Friday we pray for Haryana, Christianity being lowest percentages. Even with the very few that are there, Christian pastors and Churches are regularly visited by Hindu radicals demanding reconversion back to Hinduism. The most common allegation on Indian pastors in “forced conversions of Hindus to Christianity”. Based on this many pastors have been imprisoned and beaten up. We also pray for the Capital Delhi. One of a few cities that is tolerant of Christianity. Pray for political peace, tolerance and awareness of the government to Christians.

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