Saturday, June 4, 2011

Normal is not enough!

Talking with teens recently I heard a comment how it’s tough not to be normal. “Normal” was being referred to secular norm, to an average teen living life without any connection with God. Last Sabbath Abner Lopez, the youth speaker from Windsor, commented in his sermon that “normal” may have different meanings. Secular person living in sin is not normal according to the standard to which God has created us originally. According to our origins – “normal” is being in the presence of God. Yet, in this sinful nature “normal” means being carnal, living selfish life, taking care of “number one” – me!

How “normal” are you? Have you ever considered this question? I invite you to look at people we admire as heroes of faith. Joseph and his Special Robe – not normal! His brothers were normal – he was special, different, with his dreams and trouble. His life was anything but normal. David – normal shepherd teen boy until anointed by prophet Samuel, and then his life was far from normal – from killing a blasphemous giant, to becoming the King. Daniel – how normal could it feel in the lion’s den? Elijah – is it normal to run for 40 days without food? What about Peter walking on water? How “normal” is that? What Jesus did on the cross was not “normal” by any means.

So, how “normal” are you? Do you want to be normal? Is that your aspiration? In a letter to Romans 12:2 apostle Paul tells us not to become so well-adjusted to this world, not to be conformed to the worldly standards, but turn our attention to God. In essence, Paul is saying “don’t try to look ‘normal’”

Today I invite you to study Matthew 10 – Jesus’ call to discipleship and consider how unusual, uncommon, unordinary, anything but normal it is. To be truly Christian, a disciple and a follower of Jesus one has to be peculiar, special, rare and exceptional to this world.

Today I invite you to embrace the difference to which you are empowered by the Holy Spirit as he desires to change each one of us into likeness of Christ. “Normal” is not enough to enter the Kingdom of God. It is not enough to make a difference in this world. Discover God’s norm, and be “normal” with God.

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