Saturday, March 12, 2011

On infilling of the Holy Spirit

As I reflected on the sermon for today, thinking about the Work of the Holy Spirit in producing Christ in us, I had this question in mind: how can we live like Christ every day?

Let me suggest three steps. (1) Take time and effort to give God His place. Remember, God is Spirit. He doesn’t just sit on the throne somewhere, He is present everywhere. He is revealed in all creation, and how much more in the hearts of believers! In the books of Acts Holy Spirit is equated with the Church, Jesus takes persecuting the church personally. God is in lives of believers! We should always be seeing our God. When the believer sees God everywhere, he begins to give God His rightful place. When you rise in the morning praising God, saying “God, You are glorious, in it in You that I live, and move and have my being!” We must allow God to take His place in our prayer meetings, in our Sabbath School, in our conversations, in our music, in everything we do, to give Him Glory. Ask yourself today “Where is God in this Church?” and give Him Place and Praise.

(2) Accept God’s Will in everything. Andrew Murray writing on the Absolute Surrender says “I have often heard people say with their Bible in hand, ‘I believe every word within these two covers has come from God, I believe every promise between these two covers...But I have seldom heard it said “I accept every commandment within these two covers.” Write in the front of your Bible “Every promise of God in this book I believe, and every command of God I purpose to obey.” Remember, God gives his Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32) Now, the second aspect to God’s Will outside of His Word is the providence. Are you ready to meet God in everything that happens to you, as God permitted it? Even if God brings you into any difficulty by an act of someone else, you can count upon it that God will give you the grace to be humble and patient and to be perfected through the suffering or consequence.

(3) Finally, Trust His Almighty Power! He says that he will work to do, as well as to will, if you will acknowledge Him in your life as ALL. (Philippians 2:13). Living God is engaged actively in the work of perfecting your life every moment, and God never works anything but wonders! Believe it! Live as you believe it!

If you wonder “why doesn’t He works more powerfully in my life?” the answer is maybe so simple – stop running, wait upon Him, yield to His power, give Him fully His place. Just imagine this simple metaphor: God is the Painter, you are the canvas. Are you on His easel, or are you moving on your own volition that the Artist cannot even touch the canvas?

Earnestly Desire God to be All in ALL. Let your heart truly hunger for Him, and wait for nothing but Him.

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