Saturday, September 4, 2010


Back from “home-stay” vacation.  Good time fixing things around the house with boys, working on my dissertation, getting occasional “emergency” calls from members, and getting antsy to get back to work.
Fall is traditionally reminds us of “harvest” time, and, knowing that lay evangelism is not being prepared for September as planned, I was not at peace.  I am sure that members are cognizant of their individual work, if seeds were planted reaping is needed, but if no planting and watering of souls was done this year – then harvest is not in the picture. 
Last weekend I attended with the whole family the Festival of Laity and heard pastor Jules preach “The Day Jesus cursed” sermon.  You know the story – the fig tree story, leaves but no fruits story.  I sat thinking that we are so engrossed in doing the “church work” that we are not doing the “work of the church.” 
You may wonder what is the difference – well, let me share this perspective: the church has a purpose, and accomplishing its purpose if doing the work of the church.  That purpose is leading people to Jesus, calling people out of the world into the fellowship of ekklesia, the chosen ones, the peculiar people.
 The “church works” on the other hand are things of maintenance, organizational routine miscellaneous business.  These are important too, for we cannot be without cleaning the grounds, the building, singing in choir, playing instruments, sorting clothing and goods to give away.  These are “leaves” and they are of secondary importance.  The fruits is what Jesus was looking for that day when he cursed. (Mark 11:13-14,21)
I am going to get the DVD of that sermon and make it available for all who wants to watch it, but my point is not about just watching the sermon.  What fruits are out “tree” is showing forth?
As I went for a recommitment appeal with many other pastors, I prayerfully asked the Lord to show when and how can we do a harvest “reaping” this year, and right there in prayer I got an answer: week of prayer.  Why not invite our friends that we pray for and do a Prayer Evangelism?  I know we have not done it like this before, so let’s do it for the first time, instead of regular week of prayer – have our lay leaders, elders, prepare those messages each night and preach their heart for twenty minutes, and then pray and pray a blessing for our friends.  That’s a type of “evangelism” no one would say no to.  A simple invitation – “come with me to be prayed for, we would like to pray for you tonight!”
I am going to share this in details with elders coming Tuesday, and asking you to pray for empowerment and revival in our midst!

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