Saturday, May 1, 2010


Have you ever asked yourself this question?  Just look at our church family over the last 25 years, and ask yourself: how many of our youth stayed and are active in ministry, as compared to those who are not walking with Christ?
Many don’t want to face the grim reality that about 80%, that’s 4 out of 5 kids born and raised in our church do walk away.  Some will even get upright tight and upset with my blog “again, for the nth time the pastor is being negative.” And I will keep raising this question.  Why?  What went wrong?  Do we have the truth, or are we just wasting our time playing the game of religion, as a hobby for seniors?
Roger Dudley, an Adventist researched at Andrews University had published his 30 years long study answering a simple question “why do teenagers leave the church?”  The book has been around for almost a decade, yet, not many are taking it seriously to make changes needed. 
I visited with many youth in our city over the past 5 years and heard all kind of versions and answers.  Many reasons are valid, and the youth want to see the sincerity in adults.  There is nothing more convincing and persuasive than a sincere committed life.  The youth want to see unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness.  And I say we are building such an environment in our church family, non-judgmental all-embracing care.
Out of many suggestions one is dominant, loud and is still lacking.  It is TIME!  Investing time in our kids, our youth, mentoring them, teaching them, being with them as they are growing up.  As a father I have a special appreciation of efforts by Mario Carcamo Jr. Who stepped up to teach teens Sabbath School class, and then offered his time to take kids on bike rides, to school sport games cheering for friends, who’s mentoring music development for some.  That kind of mentoring time investment was lacking in most of our youth growing up.  Sure, the Pathfinders Club is supposed to take care of it.   Really? With gaps of five years, and inconsistent follow ups?  Maybe the Sabbath School crafts will do?  Partial contribution, yes, but not enough!  What about the annual VBS, week long?  What about occasional AY?
Some youth who had been through a few years of Pathfindering, got married to a non-believer, and do not attend currently, openly admit that they have never read the Bible, they do not know basic stories, as the family worship was often lacking, and “family time” was watching a movie together, at best.
One trend that has been observed across the North America, that is not coincidental, is decline of enrolment in Adventist Schools during the same 30 years.  As the living cost increased, and both parents went to work, children are given up to be raised by the State.  Having the Education and oversight provided no one is asking about values and morals that are being instilled in the youth.  The reason we had started an Adventist Academy 3 years ago was to resurrect value building, to transfer the Biblical truth, and to give hope to the next generation.  It is tough going effort, as parents would rather invest $2,500 into new furniture or entertainment set, than in their child’s faith development. Have you noticed Muslim schools going up and are increasing in enrolment? And we cannot compete with government funded Catholic schools.  They care.  And we also will not give up the hope and faith we have of carrying the Three Angels Message into the next generation.  The Church School is the ingredient that has been missed, ignored and neglected in raising our youth.  And more evidence is pointing out that it is the fundamental component, together with Sabbath School, with Adventurers and Pathfinders, with youth Vespers & AYs.  Because it communicates to our kids that we care for them most!

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