Saturday, December 13, 2008


What would be the true test of discipleship? What would be your basic proof of real love for Christ? Take a guess………

Now read John 14:21, Jesus says that obedience is the proof. How would you score on “obedience” test? At our Evangelism Prayer meeting Tuesday night we talked about consecration, examined our personal consecration, looked at Jesus’ example of obedience to the Father. John records in his Gospel few other conditions that define discipleship: continuing in the Word (8:31); love for one another (13:35); bearing much fruit (15:8). How are scoring so far on these tests?

Bottom line of discipleship – making Jesus Lord of our life, Lord of our time, Lord of our thoughts, Lord of our money, Lord of our relationships. Is Jesus Lord of your being? That’s consecration!

In expression of our loyalty to Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), beginning in 2009, the Seventh-day Adventist world church is launching a year and a half emphasis on outreach across the globe, called the Year of Evangelism.

Recently Mark Finley, the Vice-president of our church for Evangelism gave an interview to the Adventist News Network. He defined Evangelism as “sharing Jesus in the broadest way possible, proclamation of the gospel to every person possible, bringing people in contact with Jesus.”

Answering regarding the approach to evangelism through seminars, Mark admitted that the methods have changed over the last decade. The main challenge is to reveal that the Bible is authoritative, to lead people to Christ through the Bible, to present practical applications of Biblical teachings.

Regarding the methods for Evangelism Mark pointed out that Christ modeled what is fit in every era – “mingle with people, meet their needs, wish them good” only in such a way a sympathy and confidence can be build to invite people to follow Jesus. Jesus constantly met people where they were, and if the church is really going to make an impact on society we need to reach people where they are at that contact point.

Our world-wide Church scheduled 400,000 evangelistic events to take place between summers of 2005 and 2010, when the next General Conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia. Believers around the world are sharing Jesus in every cultural context. It is our time to grow in obedience, to witness in our community. Not everyone is called to do public preaching, but we are all called to witness for Jesus.

Have you placed yourself for selection, to be noted, to indicate your interest in participating in this work of Evangelism? Are you associating with people who are doing Evangelism? Are you associating with people who need to be led to Jesus? Now it’s time to count the cost, to stop being distracted by worldly worries, and to commit.

The fact remains that so many professed Christians are stunted in their growth and ineffectual in their witness, because of general indifference to the commands of God, because of contented complacency with mediocrity. We cannot replace obedience to the cross with “do as you please” philosophy of expediency. We must accept Christ’s teachings of self-denial and dedication. There is no place in the Kingdom for a slacker. It is time that the requirements for membership in the church be interpreted in terms of true Christian discipleship of love, obedience and witness; with leaders leading by example!

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