Saturday, November 22, 2008


When I consider Evangelism I look back to the original Evangelist – Jesus Himself. What was his method and strategy that led to fulfilling what he came to accomplish? As I reflect on Biblical stories – Jesus’ personal commitment of giving himself fully to the mission was one of notable principles, another major principle of his strategy was “people,” the “human factor.”

The Church that wants to be successful in achieving goals set by Christ must follow the strategy set by Jesus, for all time!

Here I want to outline the 8 basic steps, or principles in a sequence, deliberately planned and employed by Jesus:

1. Selection – enlisting men to bear witness

2. Association – they stayed together, observing life together

3. Consecration – they were invited to take His yoke, count the cost

4. Impartation – he gave Himself away, sending them the Spirit

5. Demonstration – he gave them an example

6. Delegation – he assigned the work and authorized them

7. Supervision – he kept check on them, Spirit is correcting now

8. Reproduction – he expected them to reproduce, to bear fruit.

The last step was already present and implied in the first. He did not select and invite people to follow Him to just hang out, or even to do a work for Him. His intent was to reproduce in each one of them the person, the character, and the work of God, thus restoring the Image of God in them.

When you consider biblical Vision of Evangelism – it is simple – doing the business of the father, doing God’s will, proclaiming God’s reign. The strategy can have changing methods, but same underlying principle, based on one objective – to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10)

Please consider the primary objective for our church as outlined by Jesus: Sent to Go and Disciple all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The witness is possible because of the Power of the Holy Spirit received. The work is to begin from the centre – where we live, and continue to the end of the world. (Mat.hew 28:19; John 20:21; Acts 1:8)

How do you see our church objective? Are we here to “fill up the church”? Are we here to create a little comfort zone of likeminded people? Or, are we here to first receive the Holy Spirit, and then to go into the community around us, inviting them into the Kingdom of God?

If this has not been your personal objective, please ask yourself what needs to be changed in your life, in our corporate lives to live God’s objective. Bottom line – we are planted here to flourish, and if we have not permitted the Holy Spirit to create an environment of people flourishing where they are planted, then why should they remain planted?

Consider yourself personally as God’s strategy to His objective of saving the world. Then Evangelism will become a reality in our church.

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