Saturday, September 1, 2007


For a few weeks instead of pastoral letter you had a chart, a timeline of evangelistic opportunities coming to our church this fall. By now you are well aware that we begin the whole process of escalating the outreach with a Revival Week. Every subsequent event will grow on the previous attendance and interest.

We all need a revival of our minds, our hearts, our thoughts, our commitment. Every time anyone attends the Christian wedding ceremony one can testify to the moving experience of hearing people say their vows, offer their promises. It reminds those who are married of their own, it refreshes and inspires couples in their relationships. And for those who have not entered into such relationships, these vows are instructive. To us, Christian believers, baptism is such an occasion too. So is the Revival, or Evangelistic meeting.

As you reflect on your experience, most likely you were baptised after an inspiring Evangelistic campaign, or after a Revival week, or after a Spiritual emphasis week in school, or college. Coming to a Revival week will refresh your heart, soul and mind. Do not miss this opportunity.

There are many young people in our churches who were not prompted yet to make their decision to follow Jesus, who for some reason were not given an opportunity to experience the Spiritual atmosphere of the Revival. Bring them in, give them a chance to learn. Homeworks, schoolload, hobbies, extracurricular activities will always be there. You have to chose your priorities.

We talk about growing. We look with expectancy to see pastor bring some new people. And he does. Yet, we have our extended family, some of whom are not interested in walking with the Lord. Who will help them? We have children who are not sure what they believe, or why they should believe? Who will guide them to faith? We have friends, coworkers who may wonder why we are so different. Have you had a chance to share your faith?

Revival is not just an event. It’s not an effort by pastor and church leadership. It is something that begins within a person, within a few persons, sets the church on fire and spills out into community.

If we would to do Evangelism, we need to spend time with Jesus, we need a revival in our hearts, we need to plead with God to “revive ME!” Do not miss this opportunity – lead to Jesus.

Revival Week – from Friday Sept. 7 to Sabbath Sept. 15

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