Saturday, December 16, 2006

Keeping the New Covenant

Last week I talked to you about the New Covenant - the Covenant that is perfect and perpetual because it is between the Father and the Son. But before the blood of this New Covenant was shed there was birth – a baby birth, and then baby walk, and talk and obedience.
As we are approaching the festive season let me share a few things about the Covenant of Christmas. We know that we are not better than ancient Israelites at keeping promises. Father God sent His Son to become one of us, that in His Person our whole human race would enter into a covenant with God. In that lowly birth God was making an alliance with people. He was giving His Son as a pledge of eternal pact.
Before the blood was shed there was life of obedience. In the days of His flesh through suffering He learned obedience. (Hebrews 5:8) He lived in harmony with His heavenly Father.
Bible students know that the Law of God and the Character of God share the same characteristics; they are the same in nature: holy, perfect, good, true. Prophets of old were given the Word of Promise that one day God’s law would be placed on their minds and written in their hearts, in our human hearts. (Jeremiah 31:33) At Jesus’ birth God’s Character was in him. Just as God promised - so it was done: God’s Character was in Christ Jesus, and available for all humankind.
Paul is writing to Colossians: “in Christ the fullness of God lives in a human body, in Him Divinity lives in all its fullness.” And Paul does not stop there. He continues: “and you have been given same fullness in Christ!” (Colossians 2:9-10) Just think of what Paul is saying: through Christmas God’s Covenant comes into our lives! Through Jesus God’s Character can be written in our hearts and minds! Through Jesus God can live fully and completely in our lives!
Cherish this Christmas Covenant given to all who believe. Let God’s Character shine through your lives. Let His Law be the focus on your meditation 24x7. Let Jesus life of obedience - even in suffering - be also your life.

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