Saturday, November 18, 2006


“…If you want to understand your church – talk to the kids at your church. Reading books by other pastors won’t tell you even half as much as your local church youth and kids would…” - my mentor advised me as I showed off my 3000 volumes library.
This comment flashed in my mind as I was talking with a youth about what interest him and how we as a church can serve better. I asked what music he listens to and he said “ska.” My reaction was probably like yours right now: “WHAT? What’s that?” Illustrating how little we know about each succeeding generation.
For ages there has been “generation gap” of older folks not understanding, patronizing at best, ignoring and maligning most of the time the generation following. General comment is: ‘we had it tough in our days…nowadays kids are “wha-wahs babies” using an expression of a popular syndicated columnist late Ann Landers. Same author later received a letter from an articulate 16 years old in reply:
Were your parents divorced? Almost all of my friends come from broken homes. Were you thinking about suicide when you were 12? Did you have an ulcer at 16? Did your best friend loose her virginity to the guy she went out with twice? Did your classmates carried knives and guns? How many kids in your class regularly came drunk, stoned or high on drugs? Have any of your friends had their brains fried from using PCP? What percentage of your graduating class also graduated from a drug rehabilitation center? Did your school had armed security guards in hallways? Did you ever lived in a neighborhood where gun sound at night were “normal”? You (old folks) talk a lot about being “dirt-poor” and having no money. Since when des money mean happiness? When You’re your age, I won’t do much looking back , I’ll just thank God that I survived....and the letter goes on.
Youth today live under much more pressure and stress than ever before, simply because these are end-time and the ancient enemy devil is doing much more harm. Yet, God’s Promise is that in these days He is to pour-out His Spirit on all flesh so that our sons and daughters will prophesy, our old people will dream dreams, our youth will see visions. (Joel 2:28-29)
We need each other in this church. Both, young need old, old need young, visionaries, dreamers. Knowing how God has led us in the past gives courage to take steps in to the future. Imagine when our youth will sit in at Business meeting and advise us on their vision for their future. Imagine when mature people would take responsibility and lead the youth ministry. Imagine when we will love each other enough to try to understand our differences.
Jesus warns “take care that you do not despise the little ones; for in heaven their angels continually see the face of the Heavenly Father (Matthew 18:10) On another occasion Jesus said this “Whoever welcomes one of the little children in my name welcomes me; and by welcoming me welcomes the one who sent me – the Father." (Mark 9:37)
Welcome each other in the Name of Jesus. Welcome each other in love and respect so we may receive the Latter Rain Power and see His Vision for our future.

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