Saturday, July 22, 2006


The “lighthouse movement” that started in 1999 had coined this terminology to describe their approach to evangelism. I don’t think there is more fitting description of how practical evangelism works.
As I watched the final game of the soccer World Cup, Sunday two weeks ago (I still feel the French should have carried the trophy), I also wondered which qualifying group will my motherland Ukraine will be placed into for the 2010 cup. See, significant events that take place every 4 years, like Word Cups, Continental Cups, Olympic Games, are preceded by a long process of preparation, called “qualifying.” Any significant event is just a apex of a long process. So is successful evangelism.
I heard your dreams of seeing a large evangelistic reaping event that would bring some one like Shawn Boonstra, or Doug Bachelor to our London grounds. A year ago I talked with It Is Written leaders and London was tentatively placed on the schedule for 2010. Yet, for us to get there a long process of becoming an Evangelistic Church must commence. Praying is our primary weapon in the spiritual warfare. Prayer is where Evangelism begins. Someone commented that “in the days of Apostles they prayed 10 days, preached 10 minutes and baptized 3000, now days we pray 10 minutes, preach 10 days and baptize 3.” If we to ever succeed in Evangelism we must begin with prayer.
The church that prays can and will begin to care. Various ministries must be developed where through caring for the needs of community we would gain people’s confidence. Through mingling with people, desiring their good, serving their needs, solving their problems we would gain their trust. Only then our sharing of the Gospel would fall on prepared ground. Only then sharing becomes efficient and effective.
Research shows that Evangelism (SHARE!) works in churches that rank high in Passionate Spirituality (PRAY!) and Loving Relationships (CARE). So, may our light so shine before all people, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

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