Saturday, February 25, 2012

Praying for India....and moving on to Iceland & Vatican this week....

This week we continue and complete our two week long prayer for India. And today we lift in prayer Himachal Pradesh, a “snow” state, where many prestigious boardin schools are located. This week elder Anniehs sent a link of a talk by Bunker Roy on Barefoot College. Take your time and watch it!
A Hindu person who attended elite school in the region and dedicated life to helping villagers! Even though we pray for people in India to come to know Christ, this is our Father’s world! Even people who do not confess Christianity do hear from God of the Universe. God does not wait to do good for people only by Christians. Pray that people of this region would continue using their knowledge and skills for betterment of humanity. We also pray for Uttarakhand, known as the “land of gods” for its many places of worship. It borders Tibet and attracts many Hindu & Buddhist worshippers. Pray for light of the true knowledge of God to shine there.
Sunday we will pray for Bihar, a state that has the largest proportion of youth. 58% are under 25. This is the place where Buddha attained Enlightenment and where Mahavira who started Jainism, was born. Formerly center of power, today this territory feel abandoned and ignored. Pray for empowerment of people in this region. Jharkhand state has 4% Christian presence, but along with Islam & Hinduism it also has a high an militant presence of Sarna animism – 13% embrace this way of life. Pray for Christian missionaries in this state.
Monday we pray for West Bengal, with its main city Calcutta, where Mother Teresa served, and from where Indian Communists ruled for three decades. Today it is most known for its Bollywood movie industry (equivalent of North American Hollywood) with all its decadence. Adventism has old roots and number of schools in the region. Pray for Christian witness not to be compromised, and for opportunities to use advancements in media for communicating the Gospel.
Sikkim is a state with Nepalese majority, bordering Bhutan. Together with Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur - states we will pray for on Tuesday – these territories are separated from the rest of India by Bengal and are more connected to Burma by culture and Buddhist religion. Even historically these kingdoms merged with India after 1949 and retain their unique culture and way of life. Pray for Christian missionaries to move their “frontiers” into these territories for witness.
The last day of February, Wednesday we will conclude praying for India with focus on large cities of India. 45 cities have population over a million. Top ten are Mumbai (12.5 million), Delhi (11), Bangalore (8.5), Hyderabad (7), Ahmedabad (5.5), Chennai (5), Kolkata (4.5) Surat (4.5), Pune (3), Jaipur (3). However, these numbers do not include the growing urban slums, where only Mumbai and Kolkata are publicized to contain around 75 million people of underprivileged servant caste. In the cities the gap between wealth and poverty is extremely exaggerated and visible. Pray for social justice amidst the caste systems, to stop violence against Dalit communities (untouchables). 80% of Christians in India are Dalit, as they have nothing to lose and are more open to accept the Gospel.
On Thursday we pray for the Vatican City State (known as the Holy See). I spoke with pastor Rudy during the week and a thought he shared made me think – what if the Three Angels Message would penetrate into Vatican, what if people from Pope’s office would rediscover the Truths of revelation we hold dear? Among 800 residents there are 20 evangelical believers who are not Catholic! Pray for people working in that system.
Friday we will pray for Iceland. An island country north of Europe with about 300 thousand people has 6 churches with about 550 Adventists (that’s better saturation than in our city of London, Ontario!) predominantly Lutheran the people need revival as churches are aging and youth is not connected with the Biblical faith. Revival is much needed.

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