Today we pray for the State of Israel. Controversial as its status may be since its independence in 1948, the Bible tells us to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Less than 40% of Jews live in Israel. Most are living all over the world. Many immigrated from former Soviet Union bringing their secularism to the “holy land,” and today it is a very secular country. Constant tension and conflict with Palestinian population, and survival state of constant emergency makes Gospel mission very difficult. Pray for acceptance by Israelis of Jesus as Messiah.
On Sunday we will begin another marathon of prayer – praying for Indonesia for 10 days. The largest Muslim country in the world, where 80% of its 240 millions worship in mosques, has a strong and growing Protestant Christianity, and well developed Adventist church with over 210 thousand members. The Mantiri and the Pandaleke families contributed to this blog on the status of Adventist church. Churches are present in every capital city of each of its 33 provinces. The Small Groups are very strong and each member belongs to a small group. Wednesday prayer meetings are conducted like Sabbath services, and almost every member attends these prayer Meetings, because those attending understand the meaning of being disciples of Jesus, equipped by the Power of Holy Spirit, to be leaders and multipliers of disciples and churches. Please pray for the integration and understanding for all religion in the country. There are still some extremists trying to separate the country by provocation in religion differences between Muslims and Christians.
Adventist Church has two Unions there. One in Jakarta, Jawa, the central island which is home for 60% of country’s population. In the past some of the churches had been damaged because the community don't like them. Some congregation have finished building a church, and got a permit from the government to start their service, but the local community prevents any services in the building, leaving it empty and useless. Some are really want to find a place to expand their church, but if the local community find that the purpose is for worship, they won't allow it. The church operates 2 Adventist Universities and 3 hospitals in this jurisdiction, which also serves Sumatra island, which was hit with tsunami in 2004. The people at the northern part, Banda Aceh, are still recovering.
On Wednesday we will pray for Sulawesi island, where Muslim-Christian conflict had escalated to violence in recent decades. The Mantiri and the Pandaleke families are from Manado City, the capital of North Sulawesi, with population of about 500,000. There are 90 churches in this city alone. 8 big churches with 200-400 members and 82 small churches ranging from 50 to 150 members. A hospital, 2 high schools, 8 elementary schools, holding 600-700 students each in one city! Pray for safety and growing Christian witness of our church there.
On Thursday we invite you to pray for the southern part of Borneo island, where Adventist and Christian presence in general is yet to make an impact. Indonesian Kalimantan, is one of the largest Rain Forests in the world, pray for people to be more responsible in using the natural resources, especially lumber. Because it’s so big, some people are taking it for granted, there are so many illegal logging. Please pray for the authorities to help guard this island, because it’s really important for the whole Earth climate change.
Friday we will pray for Maluku Islands where situation is very similar to that of Sulawesi and safety is needed for Christians suffering persecution from muslim gangs and radical jihadists. Pray also for peace between different ethnic groups,
Next quarter the Sabbath School offering will be collected for Indonesian hospitals as a part of Southern-Asia Pacific division.
Pray for the world, so the Gospel Work will go forward!
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