Today we are praying for a country which has a lot of Biblical history – ancient Edom, a Hashemite kingdom east of the river Jordan, called by the same name. Less than 3% are Christian, yet there is relative freedom to Christians. Adventist archaeologists enjoy friendly relationships with royal family. However, the Adventist membership remains small – mainly foreigners and temporary workers. Pray for indigenous Arab leaders being sent into mission.
Sunday we lift in prayer Kazakhstan – a transcontinental country part Europe & part Asia. It is the 9th largest country in the world by land size. Former Soviet republic it was last to go, last to become independent. During the Soviet era this country hosted largest space launching dromes, and largest nuclear test sites (just imagine the pollution and radiation levels!) About 60% of people are unreached by the Gospel. Governments directive toward revival of national identity brought back Kazakh people from diaspora, but caused tension and exit of European settlers, causing significant decline in Christian churches, especially for Adventists, where German & Ukrainian settlers established the church.
Monday & Tuesday we lift in prayer Kenya. After recent unrest and referendum the country is divided into 47 counties with semi-autonomous governance. By august the new election is expected to set these administrative units firmly. Pray for peaceful outcomes. Kenyans are predominantly Christian. 80% of capital Nairobi claim Christianity, but church attendance is about 12%. Pray for revival and commitment. Muslim Arabic tribes are growing and increasing its claim to power. Evangelization is needed among semi-nomadic tribes where less than 3% know about Jesus and majority practice tribal animism. About 20% Massai had been reached with the Gospel. Adventist church is strong and growing. Major need is church buildings for new congregations.
Wednesday we pray for Kiribati - three archipelagos with 33 coral atolls of which 23 are inhabited, scattered across 2,000,000 sq km of the Pacific Ocean. Overpopulation on islands and unemployment combined with increasing alcohol abuse create a difficult environment for young people to grow up. Pray for a revival among young people. With rising sea levels all these islands may disappear and the nation would go extinct.
Thursday we pray for North Korea, where dictatorial communist regime oppresses Christian faith, people are starving, and are kept in isolation. Korean peninsula was divided, like Germany in 1945, into Soviet & USA occupied zones, which led to armed conflict and stand off until now. After fall of USSR North Korea continued atheistic militant attitude and thousands of Christians are interned in forced labor camps. Pray for freedom to people in that nation.
Friday & next Saturday pray for the South Korea. Smaller in size but double population to its north neighbour, this country has seen the greatest growth and revival of Christianity in Asia. With early morning and evening prayer meetings every day and all night, prayer concerts on weekends and prayer mountains (retreat centres), the commitment of Korean Christians to prayer is remarkable. One third of people are Christian. Another third are irreligious, and one third is Buddhist or Confucian. Pray for compassion in this nation as they serve Northern refugees and prepare to assist in humanitarian crisis from the North.
Pray for the world, so the Gospel Work will go forward!
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