This week we will pray for a different country each day, starting with Ghana. The people of Ghana kept Sabbath as the day of worship throughout their history. When white missionaries came and introduced Sunday it was called “white man’s Sabbath.” This “Sabbath connection” contributed to the rapid growth of the Adventist Church. Almost 400 thousand Adventists in a country of 24 million people. However, the dual spirituality and animism are still strong and people need to grow in Christ! Fast growth in African Independent churches also contributes to the spirit of separation. Pray for unity of Adventist Mission in our institutions there.
Sunday we will pray for Guadeloupe and three other small French speaking islands in Caribbean, located between Montserrat and Dominica. French influence clings to Catholicism while the spiritual emptiness creates vacuum for rapid growth of sects. Occultism and magic are widespread. Pray for people to be open for the Truth of the Bible.
Monday we lift in prayer Guam. A most southerly and largest island of the Marianas Archipelago, located 6,000 km west of Hawaii, the island belongs to USA, and houses the largest Adventist Radio station broadcasting to Asia. The indigenous Chamorro people have a long history of oppression and, more recently, disorientation with the influx of US culture. Pray for true Christian witness to the people there.
Tuesday we will pray for Guyana, with 8% Adventist population, yet struggling with deep seated issues of racial division, challenges with reaching the indigenous people. Since 1976 Adventist Schools are outlawed. Adventist hospital in Georgetown remains as public witness.
Wednesday we lift in prayers Greece. The “birthplace” of Christianity, the language of the New Testament – has only few Adventists. The lowest presence among European countries. Orthodox church sees all other Christian denominations as a threat. About 500 Adventists are present among 11 million people. Pray for openness for spiritual growth.
Thursday we lift in prayer Guinea, where Adventist church is growing, yet still remains a small presence. Membership tripled in the last 10 years, from 450 to 1400. Majority of people are Muslim. The Adventist outreach came through Liberian refugees fleeing the war. Pray for revival of mission in the poorest region of West Africa.
Friday our prayers are for Guinea-Bissau, formerly Portuguese colony, Adventist presence increased 8 times during the last decade. Pray for continuous religious freedom for Christians in this Muslim country. Pray for rural areas to be given necessary attention in development.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
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