Today we pray for Guatemala, a country in Central America where violence is a plague. The last few decades of unrest, with civil war ending in 1996, the memories of government sponsored genocide against indigenous Maya, destroying over a 200,000 and displaycing a million of refugees, created instability. Murder is common, life is cheap. The highest murder rate in all Latin America is caused by maras (youth gangs), drug traffickers, organized crime and “social cleansing” death squads. Private armed guards outnumber police two to one. Pray for peace of Christ to prevail.
Sunday we invite you to pray for Hawaii, the newest USA state (since 1959) has a unique culture, deeply rooted in the closeness of the family unit. The Church there is also big on small groups and community building. Adventists in Hawaii have the largest percentage presence in the North American context. Close ethnic connection with Japan, Philippines, and Polynesia creates unique opportunity for mission and witness. Pray for the church there not to fall into compromise of materialism but endure in commitment and spirituality.
Monday we lift in prayer Honduras, another Central American country with history of war. More than 50% of population are under 18, and children are most at risk. Thousands of children attempt to cross to the USA to find family members working there, and they end up jailed in Guatemala or Mexico in terrible conditions, or killed. Many childrenlive on garbage dumps, locals have even a name for them “pepenadores.” Street children, numbering in the thousands, are often exterminated as a nuisance by ruthless groups in the name of social cleansing. In such environment the organized crime groups exploit children for gang activities and as sex workers.
Tuesday we pray for Hungary, a country in Central Europe with a unique cultural heritage. Their ancestors Huns, migrated from China in the 3rd century and established an empire under Attila, contributing to demise of Roman empire in the 5th century. After the Reformation era this country became refuge for antitrinitarian sects. Today after decades of communist regime the nation remains secular, yet bent on restoring national heritage, thus banning other religious groups that were not in existence in the history past. The infringement of religious liberty is one of the major concerns. Pray for continuous liberty for faith in Hungary.
Wednesday we pray for Haiti, ravaged by earthquake in January 2010. First free black nation in, it gained independence in 1804. Yet, its development had been continually sabotaged. Presently the desperate state pushes people into tyranny of superstitious beliefs, voodoo, and other cultic animistic false beliefs. Pray for the increase in Christian presence and for unity of Christian mission workers, restoring the economy, education and society.
On Thursday we begin two week long prayer session for India, starting with states Tamil Nadu and Kerala. These southern states have a strong Christian presence, and the longest history of Christianity. The government is supportive of Christian churches, and the Adventist church headquarters in India is located in this region, in the city of Hosur.
On Friday we shift attention to Orissa and Chattisgarth states, where persecution of Christians is reported to be the most violent. In 2008 thousands of Christian homes were destroyed, including over 800 of Adventist families. Tens of thousands of people fled the region. Relations between Hindus and Christians remain tense still. Pray for peaceful resolution and opportunities to serve and witness.
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