This week we continue and complete our two week long prayer for India. And today we lift in prayer Himachal Pradesh, a “snow” state, where many prestigious boardin schools are located. This week elder Anniehs sent a link of a talk by Bunker Roy on Barefoot College. Take your time and watch it!
A Hindu person who attended elite school in the region and dedicated life to helping villagers! Even though we pray for people in India to come to know Christ, this is our Father’s world! Even people who do not confess Christianity do hear from God of the Universe. God does not wait to do good for people only by Christians. Pray that people of this region would continue using their knowledge and skills for betterment of humanity. We also pray for Uttarakhand, known as the “land of gods” for its many places of worship. It borders Tibet and attracts many Hindu & Buddhist worshippers. Pray for light of the true knowledge of God to shine there.
Sunday we will pray for Bihar, a state that has the largest proportion of youth. 58% are under 25. This is the place where Buddha attained Enlightenment and where Mahavira who started Jainism, was born. Formerly center of power, today this territory feel abandoned and ignored. Pray for empowerment of people in this region. Jharkhand state has 4% Christian presence, but along with Islam & Hinduism it also has a high an militant presence of Sarna animism – 13% embrace this way of life. Pray for Christian missionaries in this state.
Monday we pray for West Bengal, with its main city Calcutta, where Mother Teresa served, and from where Indian Communists ruled for three decades. Today it is most known for its Bollywood movie industry (equivalent of North American Hollywood) with all its decadence. Adventism has old roots and number of schools in the region. Pray for Christian witness not to be compromised, and for opportunities to use advancements in media for communicating the Gospel.
Sikkim is a state with Nepalese majority, bordering Bhutan. Together with Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur - states we will pray for on Tuesday – these territories are separated from the rest of India by Bengal and are more connected to Burma by culture and Buddhist religion. Even historically these kingdoms merged with India after 1949 and retain their unique culture and way of life. Pray for Christian missionaries to move their “frontiers” into these territories for witness.
The last day of February, Wednesday we will conclude praying for India with focus on large cities of India. 45 cities have population over a million. Top ten are Mumbai (12.5 million), Delhi (11), Bangalore (8.5), Hyderabad (7), Ahmedabad (5.5), Chennai (5), Kolkata (4.5) Surat (4.5), Pune (3), Jaipur (3). However, these numbers do not include the growing urban slums, where only Mumbai and Kolkata are publicized to contain around 75 million people of underprivileged servant caste. In the cities the gap between wealth and poverty is extremely exaggerated and visible. Pray for social justice amidst the caste systems, to stop violence against Dalit communities (untouchables). 80% of Christians in India are Dalit, as they have nothing to lose and are more open to accept the Gospel.
On Thursday we pray for the Vatican City State (known as the Holy See). I spoke with pastor Rudy during the week and a thought he shared made me think – what if the Three Angels Message would penetrate into Vatican, what if people from Pope’s office would rediscover the Truths of revelation we hold dear? Among 800 residents there are 20 evangelical believers who are not Catholic! Pray for people working in that system.
Friday we will pray for Iceland. An island country north of Europe with about 300 thousand people has 6 churches with about 550 Adventists (that’s better saturation than in our city of London, Ontario!) predominantly Lutheran the people need revival as churches are aging and youth is not connected with the Biblical faith. Revival is much needed.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
praying for India
This post is contributed to by Kay Gaikwad.
We continue praying for India from February 16 until 29.
Today we lift in prayer Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, and two bordering states to Pakistan on India’s west side. Punjab is India’s single largest wheat provider, the most fertile region on earth Jammu and Kashmir is also the only Indian state that has its own flag and constitution, and Indians from other states cannot purchase land or property in the state. There is constant political unrest between these states and Pakistan due the influx of terrorists from across the border resulting in extreme poverty among the poor. Christianity is less than 2 % of the population in Punjab (Sikhs) and J &K (Muslims), of which Seventh-Day Adventists are only a fraction of the 2%. The constant struggle at the borderlines constantly separates Hindu’s and Muslims resulting in recurring riots, political unrest and fear in the hearts of Indians.
Sunday we will pray for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, two neighbouring states to the East coast of India. In Andhra Pradesh especially in districts of the Godavari, we are sitting on a time-bomb of Hindu-Christian strife. Hindi nationals continue to express concern on the spread of Christianity, a growing concern for a pre-dominantly Hindu nation. Go to YouTube and key in “Hindu attacks on Christians in India. These two states have the highest level of Christian persecution and murders by Hindu radicals. A region where intolerance for Christians is sharply on the rise, churches and schools have been burned down, pastors and church members are beaten up and there is no mercy for even women and children. Two hundred were meticulously targeted across the state by Hindu radicals. All the churches were burned down and demolished. Many Christian pastors were told to re-convert back to Hinduism to be saved. Praise God no one has been reported to be “reconverted to Hinduism”.
On Monday we pray for Assam, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh. The extreme north-east states of India. The land of tea plantations. Earliest mention of this region was by the Chinese explorer, Chang Kien, in 100 B.C. Again this region is predominantly Hindu and Muslim. With is neighbouring country China, Tibet and Bangladesh, the presence of Buddhism is also present and Christianity being the very least. Pray for a greater Adventist presence in this region. Where travelling can be treacherous and thrilling (to hikers) commercial transportation cannot be depended upon.
On Tuesday we pray for Rajasthan, the largest state of India. This state has the world’s oldest and first civilizations and mountain ranges. Rajasthan is now the preferred destination for IT companies. Hindu’s make up 90% of population followed by Islam, and other religions. Christianity is nowhere close. Despite this statistic, there have been at least 142 religiously-motivated attacks on Christian in the year 2007. Many state level governments have passed an “anti-conversion” bill in India finalizing the “caste” you’re born into is your life-long religion. Many Hindu’s are of the belief that Christianity is an “unclean and foreign religion. Pray for the change of hearts of the governments. Pray for individuals to look beyond their caste.
Gujarat, the state of the famous Mahatma Gandhi, who in his own words said, ““I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Was a man of non-violence who led India to freedom from the British Rule. Yet in 1997 in Gujarat, 22 churches were burnt or destroyed, and another 16 damaged.[2] Recently, there has been a sharp increase in violent attacks on Christians. A Hindu group claims to have converted 2,000 tribal Christians to Hinduism. The attackers had vandalized places of worship and thus caused strike terror among the tribal’s. Pray for their eyes to be opened so they may turn from their violent ways and love one another.
On Wednesday we pray for Maharashtra & Goa. Again Christians are a minority with Adventists being only a fraction. A mostly peaceful state with its focus on education and fast progressing information technology. Pray for the young adult generation to open their hearts Jesus.
On Thursday we pray for Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, another two states consisting of a fraction of Adventist population. Christian re-conversion back to Hinduism is very prominent. Christians, their families and Churches are regularly harassed by Hindu radicals. Most confrontations are violent in nature leaving no space for negotiations or talks.
On Friday we pray for Haryana, Christianity being lowest percentages. Even with the very few that are there, Christian pastors and Churches are regularly visited by Hindu radicals demanding reconversion back to Hinduism. The most common allegation on Indian pastors in “forced conversions of Hindus to Christianity”. Based on this many pastors have been imprisoned and beaten up. We also pray for the Capital Delhi. One of a few cities that is tolerant of Christianity. Pray for political peace, tolerance and awareness of the government to Christians.
We continue praying for India from February 16 until 29.
Today we lift in prayer Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, and two bordering states to Pakistan on India’s west side. Punjab is India’s single largest wheat provider, the most fertile region on earth Jammu and Kashmir is also the only Indian state that has its own flag and constitution, and Indians from other states cannot purchase land or property in the state. There is constant political unrest between these states and Pakistan due the influx of terrorists from across the border resulting in extreme poverty among the poor. Christianity is less than 2 % of the population in Punjab (Sikhs) and J &K (Muslims), of which Seventh-Day Adventists are only a fraction of the 2%. The constant struggle at the borderlines constantly separates Hindu’s and Muslims resulting in recurring riots, political unrest and fear in the hearts of Indians.
Sunday we will pray for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, two neighbouring states to the East coast of India. In Andhra Pradesh especially in districts of the Godavari, we are sitting on a time-bomb of Hindu-Christian strife. Hindi nationals continue to express concern on the spread of Christianity, a growing concern for a pre-dominantly Hindu nation. Go to YouTube and key in “Hindu attacks on Christians in India. These two states have the highest level of Christian persecution and murders by Hindu radicals. A region where intolerance for Christians is sharply on the rise, churches and schools have been burned down, pastors and church members are beaten up and there is no mercy for even women and children. Two hundred were meticulously targeted across the state by Hindu radicals. All the churches were burned down and demolished. Many Christian pastors were told to re-convert back to Hinduism to be saved. Praise God no one has been reported to be “reconverted to Hinduism”.
On Monday we pray for Assam, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh. The extreme north-east states of India. The land of tea plantations. Earliest mention of this region was by the Chinese explorer, Chang Kien, in 100 B.C. Again this region is predominantly Hindu and Muslim. With is neighbouring country China, Tibet and Bangladesh, the presence of Buddhism is also present and Christianity being the very least. Pray for a greater Adventist presence in this region. Where travelling can be treacherous and thrilling (to hikers) commercial transportation cannot be depended upon.
On Tuesday we pray for Rajasthan, the largest state of India. This state has the world’s oldest and first civilizations and mountain ranges. Rajasthan is now the preferred destination for IT companies. Hindu’s make up 90% of population followed by Islam, and other religions. Christianity is nowhere close. Despite this statistic, there have been at least 142 religiously-motivated attacks on Christian in the year 2007. Many state level governments have passed an “anti-conversion” bill in India finalizing the “caste” you’re born into is your life-long religion. Many Hindu’s are of the belief that Christianity is an “unclean and foreign religion. Pray for the change of hearts of the governments. Pray for individuals to look beyond their caste.
Gujarat, the state of the famous Mahatma Gandhi, who in his own words said, ““I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Was a man of non-violence who led India to freedom from the British Rule. Yet in 1997 in Gujarat, 22 churches were burnt or destroyed, and another 16 damaged.[2] Recently, there has been a sharp increase in violent attacks on Christians. A Hindu group claims to have converted 2,000 tribal Christians to Hinduism. The attackers had vandalized places of worship and thus caused strike terror among the tribal’s. Pray for their eyes to be opened so they may turn from their violent ways and love one another.
On Wednesday we pray for Maharashtra & Goa. Again Christians are a minority with Adventists being only a fraction. A mostly peaceful state with its focus on education and fast progressing information technology. Pray for the young adult generation to open their hearts Jesus.
On Thursday we pray for Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, another two states consisting of a fraction of Adventist population. Christian re-conversion back to Hinduism is very prominent. Christians, their families and Churches are regularly harassed by Hindu radicals. Most confrontations are violent in nature leaving no space for negotiations or talks.
On Friday we pray for Haryana, Christianity being lowest percentages. Even with the very few that are there, Christian pastors and Churches are regularly visited by Hindu radicals demanding reconversion back to Hinduism. The most common allegation on Indian pastors in “forced conversions of Hindus to Christianity”. Based on this many pastors have been imprisoned and beaten up. We also pray for the Capital Delhi. One of a few cities that is tolerant of Christianity. Pray for political peace, tolerance and awareness of the government to Christians.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Praying for Guatemala, Hawaii, Honduras, Hungary, Haiti, India
Today we pray for Guatemala, a country in Central America where violence is a plague. The last few decades of unrest, with civil war ending in 1996, the memories of government sponsored genocide against indigenous Maya, destroying over a 200,000 and displaycing a million of refugees, created instability. Murder is common, life is cheap. The highest murder rate in all Latin America is caused by maras (youth gangs), drug traffickers, organized crime and “social cleansing” death squads. Private armed guards outnumber police two to one. Pray for peace of Christ to prevail.
Sunday we invite you to pray for Hawaii, the newest USA state (since 1959) has a unique culture, deeply rooted in the closeness of the family unit. The Church there is also big on small groups and community building. Adventists in Hawaii have the largest percentage presence in the North American context. Close ethnic connection with Japan, Philippines, and Polynesia creates unique opportunity for mission and witness. Pray for the church there not to fall into compromise of materialism but endure in commitment and spirituality.
Monday we lift in prayer Honduras, another Central American country with history of war. More than 50% of population are under 18, and children are most at risk. Thousands of children attempt to cross to the USA to find family members working there, and they end up jailed in Guatemala or Mexico in terrible conditions, or killed. Many childrenlive on garbage dumps, locals have even a name for them “pepenadores.” Street children, numbering in the thousands, are often exterminated as a nuisance by ruthless groups in the name of social cleansing. In such environment the organized crime groups exploit children for gang activities and as sex workers.
Tuesday we pray for Hungary, a country in Central Europe with a unique cultural heritage. Their ancestors Huns, migrated from China in the 3rd century and established an empire under Attila, contributing to demise of Roman empire in the 5th century. After the Reformation era this country became refuge for antitrinitarian sects. Today after decades of communist regime the nation remains secular, yet bent on restoring national heritage, thus banning other religious groups that were not in existence in the history past. The infringement of religious liberty is one of the major concerns. Pray for continuous liberty for faith in Hungary.
Wednesday we pray for Haiti, ravaged by earthquake in January 2010. First free black nation in, it gained independence in 1804. Yet, its development had been continually sabotaged. Presently the desperate state pushes people into tyranny of superstitious beliefs, voodoo, and other cultic animistic false beliefs. Pray for the increase in Christian presence and for unity of Christian mission workers, restoring the economy, education and society.
On Thursday we begin two week long prayer session for India, starting with states Tamil Nadu and Kerala. These southern states have a strong Christian presence, and the longest history of Christianity. The government is supportive of Christian churches, and the Adventist church headquarters in India is located in this region, in the city of Hosur.
On Friday we shift attention to Orissa and Chattisgarth states, where persecution of Christians is reported to be the most violent. In 2008 thousands of Christian homes were destroyed, including over 800 of Adventist families. Tens of thousands of people fled the region. Relations between Hindus and Christians remain tense still. Pray for peaceful resolution and opportunities to serve and witness.
Sunday we invite you to pray for Hawaii, the newest USA state (since 1959) has a unique culture, deeply rooted in the closeness of the family unit. The Church there is also big on small groups and community building. Adventists in Hawaii have the largest percentage presence in the North American context. Close ethnic connection with Japan, Philippines, and Polynesia creates unique opportunity for mission and witness. Pray for the church there not to fall into compromise of materialism but endure in commitment and spirituality.
Monday we lift in prayer Honduras, another Central American country with history of war. More than 50% of population are under 18, and children are most at risk. Thousands of children attempt to cross to the USA to find family members working there, and they end up jailed in Guatemala or Mexico in terrible conditions, or killed. Many childrenlive on garbage dumps, locals have even a name for them “pepenadores.” Street children, numbering in the thousands, are often exterminated as a nuisance by ruthless groups in the name of social cleansing. In such environment the organized crime groups exploit children for gang activities and as sex workers.
Tuesday we pray for Hungary, a country in Central Europe with a unique cultural heritage. Their ancestors Huns, migrated from China in the 3rd century and established an empire under Attila, contributing to demise of Roman empire in the 5th century. After the Reformation era this country became refuge for antitrinitarian sects. Today after decades of communist regime the nation remains secular, yet bent on restoring national heritage, thus banning other religious groups that were not in existence in the history past. The infringement of religious liberty is one of the major concerns. Pray for continuous liberty for faith in Hungary.
Wednesday we pray for Haiti, ravaged by earthquake in January 2010. First free black nation in, it gained independence in 1804. Yet, its development had been continually sabotaged. Presently the desperate state pushes people into tyranny of superstitious beliefs, voodoo, and other cultic animistic false beliefs. Pray for the increase in Christian presence and for unity of Christian mission workers, restoring the economy, education and society.
On Thursday we begin two week long prayer session for India, starting with states Tamil Nadu and Kerala. These southern states have a strong Christian presence, and the longest history of Christianity. The government is supportive of Christian churches, and the Adventist church headquarters in India is located in this region, in the city of Hosur.
On Friday we shift attention to Orissa and Chattisgarth states, where persecution of Christians is reported to be the most violent. In 2008 thousands of Christian homes were destroyed, including over 800 of Adventist families. Tens of thousands of people fled the region. Relations between Hindus and Christians remain tense still. Pray for peaceful resolution and opportunities to serve and witness.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Praying for Ghana, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guyana, Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau
This week we will pray for a different country each day, starting with Ghana. The people of Ghana kept Sabbath as the day of worship throughout their history. When white missionaries came and introduced Sunday it was called “white man’s Sabbath.” This “Sabbath connection” contributed to the rapid growth of the Adventist Church. Almost 400 thousand Adventists in a country of 24 million people. However, the dual spirituality and animism are still strong and people need to grow in Christ! Fast growth in African Independent churches also contributes to the spirit of separation. Pray for unity of Adventist Mission in our institutions there.
Sunday we will pray for Guadeloupe and three other small French speaking islands in Caribbean, located between Montserrat and Dominica. French influence clings to Catholicism while the spiritual emptiness creates vacuum for rapid growth of sects. Occultism and magic are widespread. Pray for people to be open for the Truth of the Bible.
Monday we lift in prayer Guam. A most southerly and largest island of the Marianas Archipelago, located 6,000 km west of Hawaii, the island belongs to USA, and houses the largest Adventist Radio station broadcasting to Asia. The indigenous Chamorro people have a long history of oppression and, more recently, disorientation with the influx of US culture. Pray for true Christian witness to the people there.
Tuesday we will pray for Guyana, with 8% Adventist population, yet struggling with deep seated issues of racial division, challenges with reaching the indigenous people. Since 1976 Adventist Schools are outlawed. Adventist hospital in Georgetown remains as public witness.
Wednesday we lift in prayers Greece. The “birthplace” of Christianity, the language of the New Testament – has only few Adventists. The lowest presence among European countries. Orthodox church sees all other Christian denominations as a threat. About 500 Adventists are present among 11 million people. Pray for openness for spiritual growth.
Thursday we lift in prayer Guinea, where Adventist church is growing, yet still remains a small presence. Membership tripled in the last 10 years, from 450 to 1400. Majority of people are Muslim. The Adventist outreach came through Liberian refugees fleeing the war. Pray for revival of mission in the poorest region of West Africa.
Friday our prayers are for Guinea-Bissau, formerly Portuguese colony, Adventist presence increased 8 times during the last decade. Pray for continuous religious freedom for Christians in this Muslim country. Pray for rural areas to be given necessary attention in development.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
Sunday we will pray for Guadeloupe and three other small French speaking islands in Caribbean, located between Montserrat and Dominica. French influence clings to Catholicism while the spiritual emptiness creates vacuum for rapid growth of sects. Occultism and magic are widespread. Pray for people to be open for the Truth of the Bible.
Monday we lift in prayer Guam. A most southerly and largest island of the Marianas Archipelago, located 6,000 km west of Hawaii, the island belongs to USA, and houses the largest Adventist Radio station broadcasting to Asia. The indigenous Chamorro people have a long history of oppression and, more recently, disorientation with the influx of US culture. Pray for true Christian witness to the people there.
Tuesday we will pray for Guyana, with 8% Adventist population, yet struggling with deep seated issues of racial division, challenges with reaching the indigenous people. Since 1976 Adventist Schools are outlawed. Adventist hospital in Georgetown remains as public witness.
Wednesday we lift in prayers Greece. The “birthplace” of Christianity, the language of the New Testament – has only few Adventists. The lowest presence among European countries. Orthodox church sees all other Christian denominations as a threat. About 500 Adventists are present among 11 million people. Pray for openness for spiritual growth.
Thursday we lift in prayer Guinea, where Adventist church is growing, yet still remains a small presence. Membership tripled in the last 10 years, from 450 to 1400. Majority of people are Muslim. The Adventist outreach came through Liberian refugees fleeing the war. Pray for revival of mission in the poorest region of West Africa.
Friday our prayers are for Guinea-Bissau, formerly Portuguese colony, Adventist presence increased 8 times during the last decade. Pray for continuous religious freedom for Christians in this Muslim country. Pray for rural areas to be given necessary attention in development.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
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