past week the Annual Council of the General Conference had met and discussed
many urgent matters. One addenda item
was a revision of the statements of beliefs, the 28 fundamentals received aslight “makeover” in wording (more details will be in the November monthly
newsletter). The transparency and
openness of or church enable everyone to read via internet the updates, to see
the documents as they were amended. Some
were concerned about changes made. All
are welcome to consider the recommendation which will be brought to the General
Conference in session at San Antonio in July 2015. Until then these changes are up for
reminded me of a story from 1888. By the
late 1870s and 1880s Ellen White had become convinced that the low spiritual
condition of her contemporary Adventists was a result of the failure of their
theology! She was concerned that
inadequate understanding of God and His will was resulting in people’s wrong
lifestyle of legalism. The legalistic
heritage of the Christian Connexion, from which her husband James came out into
Adventism, which suggested that the right to the tree of life is earned by
keeping the commandments, had to be corrected.
When Adventist ministers of the day were approached with the message
that it is through the righteousness of Christ that we are saved by Grace
alone, most objected. The two young
Biblical scholars Jones & Waggoner were teaching justification by faith,
but older generation of leaders and pastors were not hearing it.
White announced that her intention of taking the new message to the grassroots,
to the laity “if the ministers will not receive the light, I want to give the
people a chance” (letter to Willie White, September 12, 1881). Her concern was that those who had bound
themselves to their “legal religion” would “see the better things proided for
them – Christ and His Righteousness.” (Review & Herald, 1889,
66:465-66). She wrote that people,
masses, would read and see the light of truth for themselves, often by-passing
the “chain of command” and not communicating first to pastors, and then to
people. I am encouraged to know that our
pioneers took seriously words of Apostle John that all have the same
anointing from Christ, and there is no need to depend on others for
understanding (1st John 2:27).
invite you to study the changes proposed to the 28 fundamentals to learn how
definitions of our faith have improved in language to communicate clearer
Biblical Message to the world.
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