Since yesterday we are praying for France with over 60 million population and large presence of Muslim and Buddhist migrants. We had watched fires burning in the street riots in recent years as politics of cultural diversity gone amiss, segregating communities into exclusive groupings with little integration, making it difficult to communicate cross-culturally. In this environment we ought to pray for renewed opportunities for Christian witness. Today and tomorrow we will continue praying for the Adventist church in this region. With population twice that of Canada, our church has about 12 thousand of believers. Adventist university in Collonges is providing the frontline witness. Pray for faculty and students.
French Guyana has one of the largest percentage of youth population due to high birthrates and immigration. Youth are bombarded with secular materialism and desire to have things with little recourse to acquire riches, creating pressure for crime. Pray for Christian witness on university campuses, and moral transformation. Located in South America, this country is home to animist tribes Wayana, Wayampi and Emerillon, which are not yet reached with the gospel. Pray for Amerindian population there. 1% of population are Adventists.
French Polynesia with its 118 islands needs revival and return to the first love, as it was evangelized by missionaries, but is growing more secular.
Wednesday we lift in prayers Gabon, mostly urban West African republic, with 86% people living in cities, removed from the land, and impoverished. Majority tribe Fang are mostly Christians, but local traditions are strong and nominal Christians and Muslim both practice Bwiti syncretism. Pray for growing in Christ and deliverance from spiritism, where rituals are used to discriminate from social service and public life.
Gambia is another small West African country. It is a narrow, 400-km-long riverine enclave that virtually divides Senegal. One of the poorest and most densely populated African countries, it has most amicable and friendly Muslim-Christian relations. Pray for the work of Christian churches there.
Friday we will pray for Georgia, a republic in Caucasus mountainous region. Recently in political spotlight for its 5 days war with Russia in August of 2008, it still suffers unrest with two regions seeking autonomy – Ossetia & Abkhazia. Orthodox Christianity has been in Georgia since earliest Christian centuries, yet it also became a barrier for Evangelical churches to witness, since it is equated with nationalistic allegiance. Adventist presence is very small – only 400 people among 4 millions. The birthplace of Stalin, it is a land of strong traditions, hard attitudes, and integration of Christian witness is threatened also by ongoing military conflict. Pray for protection of faith workers.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
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