Yesterday we started praying for Ethiopia, and will continue through Sunday. Land of 85 million people with strong Christian heritage it also has problems along tribal lines. Sharply fragmented and in constant conflict with Somalia and Eritrea, costing lives and funds, there is fear that major ethnic groups – Amhara, Tigrinya, Oromo, Somali and Afar would seek greater autonomy and separation. Pray for church leadership in such a divisive environment, pray for cease of military fighting and peace at its borders. Pray for relief of hunger and blessings were famine had ravished in the past. Also pray for animistic remote tribes that still do not know Christ.
Monday we lift in prayer Falkland islands, 740 in total with only 2 constantly inhabited. With no Adventist presence, these two islands do not have numerous population and only three churches are present - Anglican, Roman Catholic and Tabernacle United Free Church. Most of the population are very nominal in what faith they may have. Pray for revival and search for truth. And also pray for political stability as dispute continues between Argentina and U.K.
Tuesday we lift in prayer 600 islands of federated Micronesia, mostly evangelical it has a small but visible presence of Adventist believers about 1%. Three challenges exist today: traditional cultural elements such as the use of magic and of sakau, the herbal drink as a communal narcotic; Western consumerism encouraged by USA; highly active Mormon missionaries confusing people with their ideas. Pray for revival, wisdom and faith for churches there.
Wednesday we pray for Fiji, 112 islands. A tension exists between native Fijians and Indian settlers. True Christian witness is needed to reach out to Hindus and Muslim Urdu groups. In former times British and Fijians discredited Gospel to the migrant workers. A renewed servant leadership and witness of love is needed.
Thursday we pray for Finland. Lutheran church is the State church, but only 3% attend regularly. Total “churched” population is less than 8%. Humanism, secularism and materialism are the strongholds on this nation. With a recent influx of refugees from Muslim countries Christian witness is challenged. Pray for revival.
Friday we will begin a 3 days prayer for France with over 60 million population and large presence of Muslim and Buddhist migrants. Recent politics of cultural diversity segregated communities into exclusive groupings with little integration, making it difficult to communicate cross-culturally. Pray for new opportunities for Christian witness.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!
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