Saturday, January 28, 2012

Praying for Germany, Grenada, Gibraltar & Greenland

Today we are starting 4 days prayer for Germany, the most densely populated European country, with the highest population in Europe – 83 million people. The home of Protestant Lutheran Reformation today the country struggles to preserve its Christian heritage with influx of Muslim and Buddhist immigrants. Its recent history of secular humanism, nazi tyranny, socialism & communism, military conflicts had caused mass exodus from organized Christianity, especially after World War II, since 1945, and alienation of people. Country is experiencing extreme individualism and lack of connectivity among generations. The new immigrants do not integrate well and are kept in segregated groups making it more difficult for Christian witness and evangelism. Special need is the evangelisation of East Germany which endured four decades of Communism and atheism. Currently Germany is the leading economic power in European Union. Pray that nations wealth would be a tool for Christian advance and would benefit people in need of social justice.
A special emphasis of prayer is requested for the Ashkenazi Jews. The memory of holocaust cannot be erased. Their
On Wednesday we will pray for Grenada, an island country where 10% of population are Seventh-day Adventists. With a population of 110 thousand there are 46 Adventist churches present. Earlier French legacy still has the Catholic church as a dominant but nominal influence. The survey of Christian churches reveals the most urgent need for prayer is to reverse moral and family decline as sexual promiscuity and teen pregnancies are widespread; around 45% of households are led by women, with men absent.
Thursday we lift in prayer Gibraltar, a small strategically placed rocky peninsula on the south coast of Spain of 6 square kilometres only with 30 thousand population and small groups of 7 Adventists. Th main prayer request is for Muslims working in or visiting Gibraltar who are very open to receive Christian material and to hear about Jesus. Pray that this opportunity might be utilized sensitively but decisively.
On Friday we pray for Greenland, the world’s largest island and with the lowest population density of any country, as 85% is covered by ice cap. Formerly Catholic the population is under influence of Danish Lutheran Church, and evangelical influence is very recent. There is no Adventist presence there at all, and no mission yet.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

praying for France, French Guyana, Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia

Since yesterday we are praying for France with over 60 million population and large presence of Muslim and Buddhist migrants. We had watched fires burning in the street riots in recent years as politics of cultural diversity gone amiss, segregating communities into exclusive groupings with little integration, making it difficult to communicate cross-culturally. In this environment we ought to pray for renewed opportunities for Christian witness. Today and tomorrow we will continue praying for the Adventist church in this region. With population twice that of Canada, our church has about 12 thousand of believers. Adventist university in Collonges is providing the frontline witness. Pray for faculty and students.
French Guyana has one of the largest percentage of youth population due to high birthrates and immigration. Youth are bombarded with secular materialism and desire to have things with little recourse to acquire riches, creating pressure for crime. Pray for Christian witness on university campuses, and moral transformation. Located in South America, this country is home to animist tribes Wayana, Wayampi and Emerillon, which are not yet reached with the gospel. Pray for Amerindian population there. 1% of population are Adventists.
French Polynesia with its 118 islands needs revival and return to the first love, as it was evangelized by missionaries, but is growing more secular.
Wednesday we lift in prayers Gabon, mostly urban West African republic, with 86% people living in cities, removed from the land, and impoverished. Majority tribe Fang are mostly Christians, but local traditions are strong and nominal Christians and Muslim both practice Bwiti syncretism. Pray for growing in Christ and deliverance from spiritism, where rituals are used to discriminate from social service and public life.
Gambia is another small West African country. It is a narrow, 400-km-long riverine enclave that virtually divides Senegal. One of the poorest and most densely populated African countries, it has most amicable and friendly Muslim-Christian relations. Pray for the work of Christian churches there.
Friday we will pray for Georgia, a republic in Caucasus mountainous region. Recently in political spotlight for its 5 days war with Russia in August of 2008, it still suffers unrest with two regions seeking autonomy – Ossetia & Abkhazia. Orthodox Christianity has been in Georgia since earliest Christian centuries, yet it also became a barrier for Evangelical churches to witness, since it is equated with nationalistic allegiance. Adventist presence is very small – only 400 people among 4 millions. The birthplace of Stalin, it is a land of strong traditions, hard attitudes, and integration of Christian witness is threatened also by ongoing military conflict. Pray for protection of faith workers.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Here we are, dreaming about being a Great Church, where Great Leaders are together with Great People are fulfilling the Great Vision.  Some may even smirk “Yeah! Good luck!”
But we need more than “good” luck, a Great Motivation, if we are to build the momentum for God’s inspired Greatness.  As I open the “Steps to Christ,” a classic on spiritual motivation, I read in the second chapter a reminder that we are not great, the originally endowed noble powers and well-balanced mind were perverted through disobedience long ago, and in our strength we will never amount to Greatness.  But I also am reminded of God’s interest to make us great.  People who do not get to heaven are “shut out by their own unfitness for its companionship,” basically, because they did not want it. 
And at the end of the chapter the author describes the Great Motivation “Motives stronger and agencies more powerful could never be brought into operation...when we contemplate the amazing sacrifice that has been made for us...when we try to appreciate the labor and energy that Heaven is expanding to reclaim the lost, and bring them back to the Father’s house....Enjoyment of heaven society of angels, communion and love of God and His Son, the elevation and extension of all our powers through eternal ages – what could be more mighty encouragement to urge us to give the heart’s loving service to our Creator and Redeemer?
What really got me was the last paragraph. Considering the “Jacob’s ladder” experience (Genesis 28:12) the angels ascending and descending were there not “for decoration” only.  The ladder itself was a mystic metaphor for Christ, and the angels were seen to communicate their fellowship in our lives.  She concludes “Let us place ourselves in right relation to Him who has loved us with amazing love.  Let us avail ourselves of the means provided for us that we may be transformed into His likeness, and be restored to fellowship with the ministering angels.”  WOW!  Did you get that?  How’s your fellowship with your ministering angel?  When were you last aware of your ministering angel, beside you?  Are you ministering together with angels for the sake of people around you?
I believe we can become the Great church, the Great people of Great God, the Great leaders, accomplishing the Great Vision, because we also have Great Angels ministering on our side.  I pray for our fellowship to be restored that we would experience God’s presence in all its fullness as we worship, work, and witness from day to day.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

praying for Ethiopia, Falkland, Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, France

Yesterday we started praying for Ethiopia, and will continue through Sunday. Land of 85 million people with strong Christian heritage it also has problems along tribal lines. Sharply fragmented and in constant conflict with Somalia and Eritrea, costing lives and funds, there is fear that major ethnic groups – Amhara, Tigrinya, Oromo, Somali and Afar would seek greater autonomy and separation. Pray for church leadership in such a divisive environment, pray for cease of military fighting and peace at its borders. Pray for relief of hunger and blessings were famine had ravished in the past. Also pray for animistic remote tribes that still do not know Christ.
Monday we lift in prayer Falkland islands, 740 in total with only 2 constantly inhabited. With no Adventist presence, these two islands do not have numerous population and only three churches are present - Anglican, Roman Catholic and Tabernacle United Free Church. Most of the population are very nominal in what faith they may have. Pray for revival and search for truth. And also pray for political stability as dispute continues between Argentina and U.K.
Tuesday we lift in prayer 600 islands of federated Micronesia, mostly evangelical it has a small but visible presence of Adventist believers about 1%. Three challenges exist today: traditional cultural elements such as the use of magic and of sakau, the herbal drink as a communal narcotic; Western consumerism encouraged by USA; highly active Mormon missionaries confusing people with their ideas. Pray for revival, wisdom and faith for churches there.
Wednesday we pray for Fiji, 112 islands. A tension exists between native Fijians and Indian settlers. True Christian witness is needed to reach out to Hindus and Muslim Urdu groups. In former times British and Fijians discredited Gospel to the migrant workers. A renewed servant leadership and witness of love is needed.
Thursday we pray for Finland. Lutheran church is the State church, but only 3% attend regularly. Total “churched” population is less than 8%. Humanism, secularism and materialism are the strongholds on this nation. With a recent influx of refugees from Muslim countries Christian witness is challenged. Pray for revival.
Friday we will begin a 3 days prayer for France with over 60 million population and large presence of Muslim and Buddhist migrants. Recent politics of cultural diversity segregated communities into exclusive groupings with little integration, making it difficult to communicate cross-culturally. Pray for new opportunities for Christian witness.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

praying for Egypt, Eritrea, Estonia, Faeroe Islands

We continue praying for all the nations of the world. This coming week we turn to one of the largest populations in Africa – Egypt. Today, Sunday & Monday we will pray for 85 million people living in that land of the Bible stories. Adventists had been working in Egypt for decades with a little impact. Only 750 believers are present in the whole country, many are foreign missionaries. Since 1954 our church operates Nile Union Academy, boarding school trains 135 students from Egypt and Sudan.
Christianity had been present in Egypt from the earliest witness of apostles. The strongest Christian presence has been maintained by the Coptic Orthodox church. However their attitude toward evangelical developments is not the most accepting. Pray for revival and reformation of true Christianity there. Majority of population are Muslims, and in view of recent political developments much prayer is needed that Islam will not take over militantly, but freedom for Christian witness would remain. Egypt is a multicultural country and has the largest in the world presence of Gypsies. Pray for openness to the Gospel among these nomadic people. Special prayer is needed for the upper Egypt Nubian region, Christian until 17th century, when it was forcefully islamisized, the people need to rediscover their Christian roots.
Tuesday we will pray for Eritrea, independent from Ethiopia for 20 years, the wound of civil war are fresh. Coptic Christianity is very defensive of both, Islam and Evangelical churches. Among 5 million there are about 500 Adventists only, whereas in Ethiopia Adventist church counts nearly 200,000. The ethnic allegiance make conversion difficult.
On Friday we will begin three days of Prayer for 85 million of people in Ethiopia, the land that claims strong Christian heritage and even Sabbath-keeping roots, but in need of revival and spiritual reawakening.
Wednesday we will lift in prayer Estonia. A former Soviet republic that gained independence 20 years ago and is focused on rediscovering national identity, disconnection from anything Russian. Adventist church with its Russian roots there is also under challenges, even as other evangelical churches are growing. Pray for wisdom for church leaders to navigate in the pluralistic materialistic postmodern environment.
Faroe Islands are autonomous self-governing territory north of Denmark, striving for more independence. Adventist presence is relatively similar to the rest of continental Europe 1:1000. Pray for the revival among nominal Christians. And pray for the single church of 60 believers in Torshavn.
As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!