The countdown is 4 weeks to our opening of the Evangelistic outreach in the city. As all preparations are put in place I worry, as a leader responsible for the outcome. How many people would come? How many would respond and consecrate their lives to follow Jesus? What would it mean to our churches in London? Will we start 3rd congregation in the city? After all, investing some $12,000 into this program has to be justified by results.
As I was listening the Spirit of Prophecy narrated as I travelled this week a few statements caught my attention, penned by Ellen G. White. “When your mind is brought into conformity to the will of God, to obey His commandments, think you that the Lord will not have a care for you and your temporal interests? ….God's claims are to be your first consideration. Obedience to God is your first duty. You are to leave all the consequences in His hands.” (Evangelism 243)
I got home that evening, and start reading more. She writes in the great Controversy, p.460: “We should choose the right because it is right, and leave consequences with God. To men of principle, faith, and daring, the world is indebted for its great reforms. By such men the work of reform for this time must be carried forward.”
I am inviting you to go forward by faith, that God has people ready for His Harvest, ripe spiritually to advance to a higher level of knowing Him. Will we go forward and trust God to take care of results?
Even as we move forward to the event already unusual things are happening. Wednesday I got a phone-call from George Perez who is facilitating printing postcards and advertisement: “printers caught a mistake in spelling!” Whoa! What’s the chance that printers would care to proof-read after jpeg image has been submitted? Yet, total stranger already had been moved by God to assist toward better consequences.
Currently there is indication that some 80+ people will attended by being personally invited by our church members. Over the next two weeks 10,000 homes will receive invitational postcards by mail. Two newspapers will carry our advertisement, as well as the GraceFM radio.
As Todor began meetings this weekend in St.Thomas, pray for people attending there, and for him as a speaker. I will take a week off to prepare my script and programming. Pray for extra unction of the Spirit, and safety as I will travel to Mt.Aetna retreat in Hagerstown, Maryland. Pray for singers who are preparing to participate.
April 4th – two weeks to the opening weekend I expect to see all who will volunteer and help out with the program come for the day of fasting at the south Church, as we will also offer training.
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