The countdown is 3 weeks to our opening of the Evangelistic outreach in the city. You have the postcards to invite people you know. Remember the personal invitation, you bringing a friend, and praying for speaker and other people involved that they would be used by God, for the sake of your friend – is the first ingredient of success.
Remember that we must leave the consequences up to God. it is his work. I am reflecting again on words penned by Ellen G. White. “When your mind is brought into conformity to the will of God, to obey His commandments, think you that the Lord will not have a care for you and your temporal interests? ….God's claims are to be your first consideration. Obedience to God is your first duty. You are to leave all the consequences in His hands.” (Evangelism 243)
A church member sent me an email with a link to an article in USAtoday stating that the Southern Baptist Convention is launching a new national campaign to bring unbelievers to Jesus, and they see their major obstacle in motivating its own members to evangelize. They recognize that the only effective way to reach people is by personal witnessing. The survey was conducted and found only two ways most people said they were somewhat or very willing to "receive information" about Jesus: 63% would hear it in a "personal conversation with a family member," or with a friend or neighbor from the church (56%). Compare this with our own survey, showing that 70% of people in church today not because of what pastor did, or because of a TV effort, but because a friend or a relative invited them in. As a communicator I do my part to bring conviction, but it is part of every believer to invite their friends.
“Priesthood of all believers” is about Evangelism by all believers!”
April 4th – two weeks to the opening weekend I expect to see all who will volunteer and help out with the program to come for the day of fasting at the south Church, as we will also offer training.
Remember, this is just a beginning of our church turning around and getting into evangeliving, into lifestyle of Evangelism. We are here with a single responsibility – to lead others to discover Jesus, the only truth, the Way, and the Life.
Come to Jesus and live. Lead others to Jesus, and let them live!
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