“The Church that does not seek the lost is ‘lost” itself.” I am not even asking “True” or “False” on this statement. I am using it as an axiom, a truism, a maxim defining the purpose of a church.
For three years (almost) I’ve learned all the excuse of “what” and “what not” in this city of London, Ontario. Talk about revival has been occurring so often. Yet, there had never been revival without aggressive evangelism. Which comes first? Revival or Evangelism? It is true that cool and casual pseudo-Christianity will do nothing. An unpreached gospel is useless.
As I read Gospels I see that believers “went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them”. That’s how Mark ends his gospel. The Lord worked with them because this going out was what he rejoiced about while still on earth. Luke records an instance when Jesus rejoiced! Luke 10:21 tells that Jesus was extremely glad. Why? Because the seventy came back with reports of the ministry. Celebrating personal ministry in the church is the greatest feat and achievement of the year. For it brings fullness of joy to Jesus, Father and the Holy Spirit. So, how passionate are you for ministry?
Revival comes from God when we repent of our plain disobedience and return to the basic task – Evangelism. Every single church activity should relate to turning the world to God. “Rescue the perishing,” – we sing. Do we? ‘Cause we may need rescuing ourselves…
This month’s Newsletter edition contains the description of our church world-wide initiative to provide every person on earth with the chance to know Jesus Christ by 2010. This is more than a program. “Tell the World” is more than a slogan. It is our acceptance of Christ’s commission to take the gospel to every corner of the world, to each living person.
The seven key components are outlined in this process. And all of them are applicable right here in our city of London.
1. Spiritual Growth. Internal development of our church members. Today less than 50%t of Adventists spend time in daily prayer and Bible study. Quality, uninterrupted time with God is the foundation of all outreach.
2. Community involvement. Actively seeking and welcoming non-Adventists into our churches by demonstrating genuine concern for those around us. Fewer than 1/3 of church members share Jesus with others. This Wednesday as I invited pastor of different Evangelical churches to the “Connections” one commented “I hope you’re not going to try to convert us to your church” to which I replied “I’ve been building the foundations for it for 3 years.” Laughter aside – are you intentional about befriending people to invite them?
3. Personal witness. Simply – let one win one every year.
4. City outreach. ½ of world’s population lives in cities. We are in on of the 10 largest cities in Canada (the 10th) – work is right here!
5. Church planting. New churches are full of spiritual life and vigor. We need new Adventist Churches right here in London. Do you really think that the two existing churches can minister to 500,000 people?
6. Evangelism. Every church to do at least one public proclamation effort per year.
7. Media Ministry. The Internet today communicates with more people than all other media means and networks. Developing constant 24x7 outreach ministry to people in their private home setting through the web.
Tell the World is not just something for pastors and church leaders. All members are called to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. Your help is needed and greatly desired. This challenge can be met. Together, let’s Tell London first that Jesus is Coming Soon!
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