Sometimes an event may not appear as a historic milepost until we look back and in a retrospect see the impact it made, and changes that it caused. Almost a year ago elders of both churches met discussing the strategy for the Adventism in London. A general outline was given in succinct words: Believe – Live – Attract – Convert – Multiply – Grow.
Pretty simple and straight forward strategy to achieve the Great Commission that Christ has given to the Church, to all Christian churches, to all believers: carry on and continue making disciples of all groups of people, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything commanded to you. (Matthew 28:19-20) This is what the church is for! It is on this condition that the promise of being with us until the end is given.
If a church member feels, or thinks, that going is not compulsory, and having established a place to belong the purpose of church is achieved, (and I’ve heard some, loud and clear, saying: “we like where we are, we’ve got our circle of friends and we don’t need anything more”), then let me caution you: “If you used to walk, but then stopped, and now are sitting – you may be in the company of the wicked, cynical mockers!” (Psalm 1:1) For the gospel is to GO into all the world, to every corner in this city, to every group of people.
Since that meeting last December the Church Board has changed how we do business. Evangelism is first on the agenda. Way before we listen to the treasurer’s report, way before we review the correspondence, even before we review the accomplishments of the past month, and discuss all the pending business, before everything we talk Evangelism. The motto is “What is my department doing to Tell London that Jesus is coming soon?”
Note! It is not “what is my department doing,” because the choir may be singing, community services maybe giving stuff to the people in need, pathfinders are marching, children are doing crafts, and health ministry is influencing people to eat better, - but the question is “are we telling our city, our community, our neighbours by what we do that Jesus is coming soon?” We had placed Evangelism where it belongs: the top priority – the reason for being. It takes time for people to change their lives, and to place this “building the Kingdom of God” on the top of their personal agenda. Yet, it is a simple expectation that those who take responsibility in our church have passion for Evangelism. The Nominating Committee has been put on hold during this week of prayer. We do not want to rush with our appointments, but pray that God will order our steps and build our leadership team.
Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send the workers (Luke 10:2). Some are wondering if we should give more effort for children and youth ministry. Show the next generation what the church is all about and they would never leave God’s Kingdom. But if our hope in Christ is only for this life, the we are the most miserable and pitiful people in the world. (1st Corinthians 15:19)
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