Saturday, November 24, 2007

Too Busy for Evangelism ?!

Winter is here. Harvest is over. We’ve finished our official evangelistic outreach. The last series “What’s the Connection?” drew 38 visitors from the community. People need the good news about life everlasting and relationships with God. Do we care enough to get out of the worldly rat-race of busyness and seek the Kingdom of God for ourselves and others?

This week’s issue of Adventist Review carries an interesting article “Escape the Bondage of Busyness” where author compares our life with the undercurrent which moves us with each way down the stream. Do you find yourself “surrounded by all sorts of wonderful possessions, but ensnared in a work-and-spend cycle that is destroying their quality of life. To afford a nice home in the suburbs … both work full-time jobs, dropping the kids at school in the morning and picking them up from day care around dinnertime. Eating out a lot because no one wanted to cook. Purchasing the latest gadgets and technology, but often not having the time to figure out most of the functions. Getting a dog, and having to pay someone to watch the dog during the day.” And on and on it went. Do you find yourself in a similar situation? After all you look around and you see everybody doing the same and you think your life is pretty normal…

Have you looked to the “shore” lately? Have you lifted the eyes to consider the “shore” of God’s Kingdom to measure up the distance you’ve drifted? Where are your kids? Are they plugged in into video games? Or are they being busied by hockey, dancing, singing, football and other activities? Where are they in relationships with God?

The church Board needs to submit the budget and plans for Evangelism in 2008 by the end of this month. It’s getting difficult to plan, wondering how much more busy people’s lives would become, and would they have time set aside for the special task of reaching out to people who need to know about God?

As a pastor I am God’s servant first and then a servant of people. Seeing the drift I am more persuaded that radical changes are needed to bring the church on board and do the mission of the Kingdom – Evangelism. See, what is not possible with men is possible with God (Luke 18:27).

At the recent meeting of North American church leaders an initiative was taken to commit the year 2009 as a Year of Pastoral Evangelism. Before Proclamation comes Preparation, and after comes Preservation.

For us 2006 was year of Affirming what we Believe.

2007 – considering how we must Live.

2008 – will be the year of Attracting people in Preparation for Proclamation.

2009 – the Year of Proclamation under a simple motto “Convert!”

2010 – the Year of continuing momentum of Growth, by preserving the new.

How busy are you to join the Church in fulfilling our mission?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Evangelism – Building the Kingdom of God is our Top Priority

Sometimes an event may not appear as a historic milepost until we look back and in a retrospect see the impact it made, and changes that it caused. Almost a year ago elders of both churches met discussing the strategy for the Adventism in London. A general outline was given in succinct words: Believe – Live – Attract – Convert – Multiply – Grow.

Pretty simple and straight forward strategy to achieve the Great Commission that Christ has given to the Church, to all Christian churches, to all believers: carry on and continue making disciples of all groups of people, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything commanded to you. (Matthew 28:19-20) This is what the church is for! It is on this condition that the promise of being with us until the end is given.

If a church member feels, or thinks, that going is not compulsory, and having established a place to belong the purpose of church is achieved, (and I’ve heard some, loud and clear, saying: “we like where we are, we’ve got our circle of friends and we don’t need anything more”), then let me caution you: “If you used to walk, but then stopped, and now are sitting – you may be in the company of the wicked, cynical mockers!” (Psalm 1:1) For the gospel is to GO into all the world, to every corner in this city, to every group of people.

Since that meeting last December the Church Board has changed how we do business. Evangelism is first on the agenda. Way before we listen to the treasurer’s report, way before we review the correspondence, even before we review the accomplishments of the past month, and discuss all the pending business, before everything we talk Evangelism. The motto is “What is my department doing to Tell London that Jesus is coming soon?”

Note! It is not “what is my department doing,” because the choir may be singing, community services maybe giving stuff to the people in need, pathfinders are marching, children are doing crafts, and health ministry is influencing people to eat better, - but the question is “are we telling our city, our community, our neighbours by what we do that Jesus is coming soon? We had placed Evangelism where it belongs: the top priority – the reason for being. It takes time for people to change their lives, and to place this “building the Kingdom of God” on the top of their personal agenda. Yet, it is a simple expectation that those who take responsibility in our church have passion for Evangelism. The Nominating Committee has been put on hold during this week of prayer. We do not want to rush with our appointments, but pray that God will order our steps and build our leadership team.

Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send the workers (Luke 10:2). Some are wondering if we should give more effort for children and youth ministry. Show the next generation what the church is all about and they would never leave God’s Kingdom. But if our hope in Christ is only for this life, the we are the most miserable and pitiful people in the world. (1st Corinthians 15:19)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Immortal work for mortals

Last week I was interested to hear responses to the pastor’s corner. After all a comment like “the Church that does not seek the lost is ‘lost” itself,” would not go unnoticed. A few people spoke to me asking “what can I do to help with witnessing?” Some people took another look at the Seven Components of Our church mission – “Tell the World” published in the Newsletter and even pointed out an editing error: the Spiritual Growth was lost in text, was not highlighted!

We’ve appreciated last week 20 people who volunteer their time to lead various aspects of church ministry. Leaders will also thank those that worked with them. Yet the question remains: are we really witnessing? Each ministry, even if its purpose is to minister within – to the church members – we must it consider as witnessing, for those who may visit. Everything we do is witnessing.

Wednesday night I attended a book release/signing event hosted by Dianne Haskett, former mayor of London, currently a publisher/owner of Believe Books ( Two London brothers, Harvey & Howard Katz released their books on personal witnessing and Spiritual life development.

I’ve seen Harvey’s book “Becoming a God’s magnet” already at one of our church family homes. It is an excellent teaching guide for personal Witnessing. Harvey shares his life story of coming to Jesus from an Orthodox Jewish background, and living a life of active witnessing in every social, business and individual interaction. I strongly recommend you to invest in getting this book as an object lesson of how one can witness in our secular environment, right here in our own London.

His brother Howard, the founding pastor of Open Door Christian Fellowship on Quebec & Dundas, has shared his life story illustrating the seven Biblical steps in developing Relationships with God. He is structuring this on the sevens steps of a process by which ancient potters fashioned vessels.

These two brothers are Jewish Christians with heart for witnessing. As I sat and listened to their testimonies and then chatted with them after I thought of a comment made by E.E.Cleveland when our church first got concerned about wavering attitude of laity for evangelism. He introduced MISSION-72 with these words: “when sacred flame sweeps the congregation, we will be less conscious of many things that rendered us so coldly formal, and our fear of being mistaken for pentecostals will be matched by our aversion to formalism.” For 35 years our chief denominational priority is involving every member in witnessing, especially the youth. We cannot go with business as usual. The world cries out for demonstration of our Christian concern.

I hear concerns expressed about our youth – something must be done. Ask yourself: have we shown to our youth what the church is all about? Have our youth seen from elders and “seasoned” members what the purpose of our existence is? Remember, that the Witnessing, the Personal Testimony is the Second Ingredient of Overcoming, invoked by the Saving Blood of the Lamb. (Revelation 12:11)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

How is your passion for the Lost?

“The Church that does not seek the lost is ‘lost” itself.” I am not even asking “True” or “False” on this statement. I am using it as an axiom, a truism, a maxim defining the purpose of a church.

For three years (almost) I’ve learned all the excuse of “what” and “what not” in this city of London, Ontario. Talk about revival has been occurring so often. Yet, there had never been revival without aggressive evangelism. Which comes first? Revival or Evangelism? It is true that cool and casual pseudo-Christianity will do nothing. An unpreached gospel is useless.

As I read Gospels I see that believers “went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them”. That’s how Mark ends his gospel. The Lord worked with them because this going out was what he rejoiced about while still on earth. Luke records an instance when Jesus rejoiced! Luke 10:21 tells that Jesus was extremely glad. Why? Because the seventy came back with reports of the ministry. Celebrating personal ministry in the church is the greatest feat and achievement of the year. For it brings fullness of joy to Jesus, Father and the Holy Spirit. So, how passionate are you for ministry?

Revival comes from God when we repent of our plain disobedience and return to the basic task – Evangelism. Every single church activity should relate to turning the world to God. “Rescue the perishing,” – we sing. Do we? ‘Cause we may need rescuing ourselves…

This month’s Newsletter edition contains the description of our church world-wide initiative to provide every person on earth with the chance to know Jesus Christ by 2010. This is more than a program. “Tell the World” is more than a slogan. It is our acceptance of Christ’s commission to take the gospel to every corner of the world, to each living person.

The seven key components are outlined in this process. And all of them are applicable right here in our city of London.

1. Spiritual Growth. Internal development of our church members. Today less than 50%t of Adventists spend time in daily prayer and Bible study. Quality, uninterrupted time with God is the foundation of all outreach.

2. Community involvement. Actively seeking and welcoming non-Adventists into our churches by demonstrating genuine concern for those around us. Fewer than 1/3 of church members share Jesus with others. This Wednesday as I invited pastor of different Evangelical churches to the “Connections” one commented “I hope you’re not going to try to convert us to your church” to which I replied “I’ve been building the foundations for it for 3 years.” Laughter aside – are you intentional about befriending people to invite them?

3. Personal witness. Simply – let one win one every year.

4. City outreach. ½ of world’s population lives in cities. We are in on of the 10 largest cities in Canada (the 10th) – work is right here!

5. Church planting. New churches are full of spiritual life and vigor. We need new Adventist Churches right here in London. Do you really think that the two existing churches can minister to 500,000 people?

6. Evangelism. Every church to do at least one public proclamation effort per year.

7. Media Ministry. The Internet today communicates with more people than all other media means and networks. Developing constant 24x7 outreach ministry to people in their private home setting through the web.

Tell the World is not just something for pastors and church leaders. All members are called to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. Your help is needed and greatly desired. This challenge can be met. Together, let’s Tell London first that Jesus is Coming Soon!