Winter is here. Harvest is over. We’ve finished our official evangelistic outreach. The last series “What’s the Connection?” drew 38 visitors from the community. People need the good news about life everlasting and relationships with God. Do we care enough to get out of the worldly rat-race of busyness and seek the Kingdom of God for ourselves and others?
This week’s issue of Adventist Review carries an interesting article “Escape the Bondage of Busyness” where author compares our life with the undercurrent which moves us with each way down the stream. Do you find yourself “surrounded by all sorts of wonderful possessions, but ensnared in a work-and-spend cycle that is destroying their quality of life. To afford a nice home in the suburbs … both work full-time jobs, dropping the kids at school in the morning and picking them up from day care around dinnertime. Eating out a lot because no one wanted to cook. Purchasing the latest gadgets and technology, but often not having the time to figure out most of the functions. Getting a dog, and having to pay someone to watch the dog during the day.” And on and on it went. Do you find yourself in a similar situation? After all you look around and you see everybody doing the same and you think your life is pretty normal…
Have you looked to the “shore” lately? Have you lifted the eyes to consider the “shore” of God’s Kingdom to measure up the distance you’ve drifted? Where are your kids? Are they plugged in into video games? Or are they being busied by hockey, dancing, singing, football and other activities? Where are they in relationships with God?
The church Board needs to submit the budget and plans for Evangelism in 2008 by the end of this month. It’s getting difficult to plan, wondering how much more busy people’s lives would become, and would they have time set aside for the special task of reaching out to people who need to know about God?
As a pastor I am God’s servant first and then a servant of people. Seeing the drift I am more persuaded that radical changes are needed to bring the church on board and do the mission of the Kingdom – Evangelism. See, what is not possible with men is possible with God (Luke 18:27).
At the recent meeting of North American church leaders an initiative was taken to commit the year 2009 as a Year of Pastoral Evangelism. Before Proclamation comes Preparation, and after comes Preservation.
For us 2006 was year of Affirming what we Believe.
2007 – considering how we must Live.
2008 – will be the year of Attracting people in Preparation for Proclamation.
2009 – the Year of Proclamation under a simple motto “Convert!”
2010 – the Year of continuing momentum of Growth, by preserving the new.
How busy are you to join the Church in fulfilling our mission?