I collect
meaningful devotionals through the years.
One particular devotional book I re-read so often, the 2009 daily
devotional “Lest we forget” by George Knight, telling stories from Adventist
Heritage. From December 22 through 29 he
lists reasons why small fraction of the MIllerite Advent movement succeeded and
became the Seventh-day Adventist church, while other major fractions either
disappeared or declined.
As we move
forward into 2015 and beyond I ask you to consider these:
1) amidst natural, economic,
political, health, social and other disasters they offered hope, a
pre-Millennial Advent (Return) of Christ, telling people that it will not be
human genius that will fix this world, but Christ’s Coming. Even today there is still confusion about
secret rapture and other man-made theories of how it will all be in the end, we
continue preaching the hope that Jesus is coming soon, and He is in charge of
2) Their teaching was
rational, it “made sense,” it was not built on emotionalism, or irrational
fanatical extremism. Early believers
searched and studied the Bible for the truth, and presented doctrines that
answered relevant questions. Faith is
connected to understanding.
3) As kite flies against the
wind, so there is dynamic in religious movements going against the flow. Different doctrines gave the group sense of
vitality, identity and meaning. The
truth they discovered in the Bible empowered them to go against conventional
beliefs. We should not downplay our
differences, but gain strength from our uniqueness!
4) The got organized! Historians who analyze demise of other
Adventist movements point out to a single major difference – other movements
refused to organize, they remained congregational without ecclesiastical
authority above the local church, and had no unity for mission, whereas our
pioneers sought organizational unity to consolidate resources for mission.
5) Their understanding of
prophecies gave them urgency for mission.
In view of impending world’s crisis to come, they accepted
responsibility for preparing people to meet it.
Our pioneers saw themselves as Watchmen on the walls of the moral world,
calling to repentance.
6) We started to be not just
another denomination by a movement of prophecy, a movement of destiny, a movement
called out in history by God’s providence to fulfill the Prophecy - the
Three-Angels Message movement!
7) The prophetic understanding
of Revelation 10 moved our pioneers into mission to All the world. We do not see ourselves as a homegrown and
backyard homogeneous group, but a
world-wide church with responsibility to all nations, peoples, tribes,
languages! Mission first!
8) Our pioneers were willing
to sacrifice everything for mission.
They had received the Holy Spirit power to be witnesses, even at the
cost of martyrdom, for God’s Kingdom sake.
As I reflect
on these points - our identity markers – my wish is for our church to continue
in the spirit of our pioneers, in the Holy Spirit, not for our success sake,
but to continue being the Kingdom Building movement.
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